Four Secrets to Online Success

By | digital marketing, SEO, Utah, video production | No Comments

When you post any sort of content on the internet, it can go one of two ways: you can reach a good number of people and see a significant amount of interaction, or you can witness your post disappearing into the merciless void that is the internet. What it all comes down to is how much time you take to prepare your content; online success doesn’t come easy, and social media marketing companies know that it takes a lot of work to see good results.

It’s important for brands to prepare and optimize their content wisely if they hope to claim any online success, but we realize that there are some companies out there that may require the assistance of professional social media marketing companies. Here are four secrets to online success that will help your brand blossom and give you the results that you’re looking for.

Understand Your Own Vision

The first secret to online success is taking the time to understand your own vision. In order to achieve great online success, both the brand and the social media marketing company need to know what their goals are and how to accomplish them.

Know Where Your Customers Are

Online success also comes down to pinpointing where your customers are spending their time online. Of course, this depends on your services and or products. If your brand sells sporting goods and supplements, you’ll want to target other pages and users in the sports industry. Once you start to pick up steam, you can begin recruiting affiliates within that community to help advertise your brand; online success is all about branching out.

Come Up with an Endpoint

Aside from just understanding your vision and ensuring that your short-term goals are met, successful companies also need to have an end goal in mind. Without a specific long-term goal in mind, you’re going to find it harder to motivate your brand and create quality and optimized content. Long-term goals serve as guidelines for everything that is produced within your company.

Go All in with Your Time

Lastly, you can’t achieve online success without going all in with your efforts. One of the biggest mistakes that companies make is treating their online efforts as a part-time job. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and your online presence won’t be either. The best way to achieve online success is to treat your social media like a full-time job ⎯ if you can do that, you should have no problem seeing positive results.

If you’re looking to achieve online success but don’t know where to start with these secrets, contact our talented social media marketing team at Fusion 360 Studios. We can help grow your brand to its full potential.

How Movies from Before 1970 are now in HD

By | digital marketing, marketing, SEO, video production | No Comments

You may have noticed that some of your favorite old movies are available to watch in high definition or HD formats. With HD media players like Blu Ray players and streaming boxes, more and more old movies have been available to watch in HD. Many people have wondered how this is possible since HD cameras have only been around for about 20 years. Well, converting these old movies to HD is not as complex of a process as you might think. Video production companies have done some research on this process as they have transitioned from using film to HD digital cameras to produce their own video content. Here is how the process of converting films into HD is done.

In the 20th century, most movies were shot on 35mm film; bigger budget films were shot on 65-70 mm film. What people don’t realize about film is that it actually has a very high “resolution.” Film doesn’t contain pixels, it contains grains. So it can be difficult to compare analog film to a number of pixels because there are no pixels. If you had to compare them, a 35mm film translates to about 16-20 megapixels but it depends on the quality of the film. Let’s say a film translates to about 16 megapixels. 16 megapixels equals 4920 x 3264. That means old 35 mm quality film can translate to a 5k resolution in digital video. Now that’s impressive!

It’s important to remember that film and digital video aren’t really equal mediums but can be compared to serve as a frame of reference. Most old movies aren’t even scaled up as big as 5k because they don’t need to be, but it’s worth noting that they probably wouldn’t look as good as a digital camera that has native 5k resolution.

So now that we understand how high the quality of old films actually are, it’s easy to see how video production companies can go back and re-master these films in HD. As long as the original negatives have been preserved properly, it is fairly simple to re-master these films to watch them on HD media players or streaming devices. Video production companies like Sony will use restoration specialists to make sure old films are restored as best as possible and to protect the original film negatives.

When scanning film, it takes about 2 days to scan a 90-minute movie shot on 35mm film in 2k. If you are wanting to scan it in 4k it can take almost four times as long. That would mean it would take about a week to scan a 90-minute film in 4k if the negatives are in good condition.

Thanks to video production companies and restoration specialists, these old movies can continue to be cherished for generations and can be just as beautiful as if you were watching the scene being shot live. The next time you watch an old film such as Gone With the Wind on your Blu Ray player, keep in mind the process that made it possible for you to watch the classic film right in such high definition.

Five Simple SEO Tips

By | digital marketing, SEO | No Comments

SEO is one of the fundamental aspects of a successful business. Today, more people are using the internet to search for everything, from services to establishments, company’s need to have a strong online presence if they want to stay relevant. So, how do small businesses even begin to pave their path if they don’t have any SEO experience? Luckily for aspiring businesses, SEO companies are available to help with any SEO needs — that is, if they’re able to fit it into their budget.

When you start implementing SEO content to increase your online presence, there are a several ways to optimize your SEO work. Five of our tips are listed below.

Look into SEO Copywriting

Copywriting is all about creating content that helps promote your brand through keywords and hyperlinking. The one mistake that small businesses make is not taking an initiative to market themselves to potential consumer bases through online marketing. One of the simplest ways to do this is by creating a blog and writing pieces that are based off keywords you’re looking to rank in, as well as keywords that are being searched frequently when it comes to your industry. You should also link back to your website in each blog, that will help potential clients find their way to your site.

Strong written content needs to contain well-researched, relevant keywords in order to rank online. The best way to determine what these keywords will be is by brainstorming potential keywords and using a keywords research tool such as AdWords.

Urge Current Customers to Leave Reviews

Reviews rank well on search engines because they provide unique content which they can crawl. The more reviews that your company has, the more unique content you have to help your ranking. One simple SEO tactic is to have your customers leave a review about your brand, product or service to help you achieve a higher ranking through unique content.

Track Your Analytics

Programs such as Google analytics help track where your users come from as well as how they are being directed to your site, and this information in vital in crafting your first SEO strategy. It’s important for new businesses to take advantage of Google analytics to measure real-time results and help decide where investments will be best utilized. SEO companies use this software when it comes to monitoring data for their clients, so your company should too.

Up-to-Date Online Content

Marketing companies are experts when it comes to this, and it’s important for small businesses to take the same approach. Strong SEO comes from more than just blogs, a good website with relevant backlinks and keywords is also an effective way to rank your brand online. Your website should be strong on all platforms — including mobile — so you should consider looking into web services provided by most SEO companies. Aside from your website, you should also buff your social media accounts and any business listings.

Lastly, Be Patient

This is the simplest yet most frustrating SEO tip: be patient. Nothing happens overnight, especially not SEO rankings, but the trick is to be persistent with your methods and you’ll see improvement overtime. Marketing companies know that SEO is the most important aspect of being successful and every company has to start somewhere. If you’re looking to hire a marketing company to take care of your SEO needs, look no further than Fusion 360. We’re ready to help take your brand to new heights.




5 Social Media Algorithms Tips You Need to Know

By | digital marketing, SEO | No Comments

Building a decent sized following on social media is a lot easier said than done. Whether you’re looking to grow your following base or simply hit a certain amount of likes and shares on each of your posts, you’re going to have to put in some serious work to get the results that you’re looking for. What makes getting the attention of potential followers so hard you may ask? Social media platforms are always changing or “evolving” their algorithms, and this can make organic growth near impossible if you aren’t constantly adapting to these changes.So, do you give up or keep trying to catch up to these evolving algorithms?

If you’re feeling hopeless, you could always turn to social media marketing companies, such as us, to help grow your account. However, if you’re wanting to build your following yourself to gain some experience and a sense of accomplishment, here are tips that many social media marketing companies use to stay up-to-date with social media algorithms.

Relatable, Relevant and Retweetable (Shareable)

This may sound like an obvious tip, but so many brands forget about it; social media marketing companies make sure to always bring up aiming to creating content that is shareable when speaking to potential clients. Most social media platforms promote content that is relevant. If the content happens to be relatable to a large group of people, it becomes worthwhile to share via Twitter, IG or Facebook.

The algorithm favors content that can produce numbers and get more people involved in the platform, so make sure that your content follows these three r’s.

Memes are highly successful when it comes to all of these characteristics, especially if you hop on a trending meme.

Urge Current and Potential Followers to Enable Push Notifications

This tip is a sure way to beat the tough algorithms if anything. Think of the algorithm as a middleman; you post your content, and then the algorithm decides whether it is popular enough to include on home pages and trending pages, and also decides if it should be placed at the top of a feed. If you don’t already have an established presence, this tip is going to help your posts get as much attention as possible.

Social media marketing companies urge their clients to establish themselves with their existing following base, and there’s no better way than by having them see your every update.

Promote Your Posts

As we’ve mentioned previously, establishing yourself is going to be a tough task during the beginning of your hunt for social media glory. One way to beat the algorithm or at least catch up to it is by paying to promote specific tweets or posts that you feel are going to do well. Social media marketing companies use this strategy when building up their newer client’s social media accounts, however you should also be wary of overspending on promoted posts.

Facebook, Twitter and Instagram all offer companies the opportunity to promote their posts and it is definitely something that should be taken advantage of.

Interact with Your Audience

As a brand, you shouldn’t be afraid to reply to your audience through posts. In fact, doing so may help your content rank better, especially if you have a good chunk of people commenting and replying to your posts. Not only this but interacting with your audience will also help establish a relationship and keep them coming back to engage with future posts. The more engagement you can produce through interaction, the better the algorithm is going to treat you.

Don’t Forget the Tags

Lastly, use tags in your captions and posts; tags allow your post to pop up on different threads and discussions depending on who you tag, and this can easily boost your engagement rates as well as your following. Social media marketing companies, of course, are careful not to overdo it, and only tag people who are relevant to the post and who they know can bring some potential followers their way.

Tagging doesn’t have to be limited to individuals; you can tag other companies and brands that may be relevant to your post.

Algorithms shouldn’t be something to be intimidated by, as they can actually help your brand if you know how to keep up with their many changes. If you’re in the market for a social media marketing company to help grow your brand, contact us here at Fusion 360 Digital Marketing Agency! Our talented, award winning staff is ready to help take your brand to the next level.

Inside an Ad Agency: Time and Project Management

By | advertising, content marketing, digital marketing, marketing agencies, public relations | No Comments

You’ve often heard the phrase “time is money,” and that pretty much sums up what it’s like for advertising agencies. Time is something that you can’t get back and something that should be valued maybe than money, but what happens when you find that your time isn’t being spent as wisely as it could be?

Time management goes hand in hand with project management, and at advertising agencies, there is usually an efficient project management strategy in place. When companies hand their work over to the hands of a competent ad agency, they will find that they have more time to complete other important tasks and stay caught up with their workload, but that is all thanks to a system they have set in place.

Here’s how companies can mimic advertising agencies and set up effective time and project management strategies to help their productivity.

Track Your Time

It’s important to know how long a project takes. Knowing how long a project takes will helps you measure how many tasks, you’ll be able to get to in a day. Time tracking apps and widgets are essential in successful advertising agencies because they help both the employees and employers gauge how much an individual can take on daily. This also helps divide the workload between their employees and ensure that each employee is taking on what they can handle.

Determine What your Most Important Tasks Are

You should always focus on priority tasks. If you see that something is overdue or is going to be asked for soon, you should definitely make that your priority. Go through your task list and see what you can put off for later and replace those tasks with things that are needed ASAP. Advertising agencies who fail to organize their workload find themselves in deep trouble when their clients are asking why a specific project hasn’t been completed.

Remember That You Don’t Get Paid for Checking Emails

Emails are an important form of communication, but they are not priority tasks. While emailing is used to talk about a task with clients and coworkers, you have to make sure not to get distracted by menial tasks when you check your emails. The best thing to do to save time and increase production is to check, respond and organize your emails first thing in the morning and then focus on important tasks for the rest of the day.

With the time you’ll gain by following these guidelines, you can get ahead of your work, breathe easy and even bring on new clients and increase that revenue stream. By solidifying your project management strategy and properly managing your time, your agency is sure to flourish in this competitive industry.

Marketing Campaigns 101

By | content marketing, digital marketing, marketing, marketing agencies, Mobile marketing | No Comments

Marketing campaigns aim at promoting products through various platforms. Advertising companies use online platforms and print ads in addition to radio and television spots as their primary tools for product promotion. Consistent advertising is a good way for you to reach your customers and to create a lasting impression in their minds.

A coordinated approach for marketing companies has several advantages.

Meetings with customers and prospects

After beginning your campaign, you gain the opportunity for a meeting with customers and clients. Customers can see what you’re offering by examining the features and qualities of your products. Then, they develop an interest in your products from an informed viewpoint and are more likely to make an appointment to discuss how your company can help theirs.

Brand development

With multiple promotional ads, you stand to gain a customer’s attention more than if you used a single form of advertising. This lets you stand out from the crowd of your competitors. Displaying your brand across the various media platforms results in its promotion and development.

Customer follow-up

Whether you’re dealing with established customers or searching for new ones, a solid, diverse marketing plan helps you to follow up with them. Once you have gained their attention, you’ll have the opportunity to explain your products or services in greater detail. Marketing campaigns reinforce your brand, communicate your message and create a knowledge base for new or established customers.

Increased sales

Marketing campaigns remind your previous customers that your products and services are still on the market. They also catch the attention of curious customers. This results in new and repeat sales and increases your clients’ brand loyalty.

New business opportunities

These widespread campaigns can create new business opportunities for marketing companies. They increase exposure within the industry and attract new partners, which leads to expansion of your business by creating new opportunities.

Marketing campaigns drive your business forward. Through proper alignment of your marketing campaign goals, you stand a better chance of achieving success in your business.

The Dangers of Black-Hat Strategies

By | digital marketing, SEO, Utah SEO | No Comments

The most important thing for digital marketing companies to remember is that they should be coming up with effective strategies to help improve their SEO game. SEO is what makes your content usable, what generates results and ultimately what the main purpose of digital marketing companies is. However, coming up with a solid strategy isn’t always a walk in the park, and some digital marketing companies, therefore, end up relying on black-hat strategies.

If you don’t know what black-hat strategies are, they’re essentially SEO practices that increase a site ranking on search engines through methods that violate the search engines’ terms of service. The problem with this is that if search engines happen to pick up on digital marketing companies using these black-hat methods, they can blacklist the company, which can quickly lead to your agency’s demise.

Here are some of the most common black-hat strategies that digital marketing companies should aim to avoid.

Keyword Stuffing

This is one of the oldest black-hat SEO strategies to date, going back to the 90’s. SEO focused pieces should include keywords and phrases that draw traffic to a specific business. For example, if one of your clients is a law firm who uses the keyword “auto accident” in their pieces, you’re going to want to make sure that you limit the number of times you use it.

The magic number is anything under two percent; if you use the keyword any more than that, your company could be penalized by Google’s algorithms. Keyword stuffing is dangerous and unnecessary, so always make sure that you’re gaging your keyword usage.

Content Spamming

Backlinking is crucial in SEO. The more backlinks your site earns, the more your website ranks when it comes to search engines. But ultimately, more links does not equal more engagement. In fact, if you use too many links, Google will mark your agency as spam, which will cause your SEO value to plummet.

Recycling Content

This one may seem obvious, but digital marketing companies should avoid recycling their old content, even if you’re using different terminology and synonyms. If digital marketing companies fail to create new content and instead lean toward reusing their old blog posts or videos, they can find themselves being blacklisted on the main search engines.

You’re going to want to make sure that your agency is following a professional, efficient and ethical SEO strategy if you want your company to succeed. Always avoid black-hat SEO strategies, or else you can find yourself struggling to stay afloat in the world of digital advertising.


23 Harmful Black Hat SEO Techniques You Should Avoid

How to Hire a Marketing Agency

By | content marketing, digital marketing, marketing, marketing agencies, Mobile marketing | No Comments

Before even talking about the steps included in hiring a marketing agency, you should understand why you should hire a marketing agency. Marketing agencies are experts and dedicated to advertising for your company. They come up with campaigns, know the best places to spend your money, and know how to get the most traffic to your business. They are the best way to get the word of your business or company out there, and they also take away all the stress of trying to figure it out on your own.

Again, they are experts at what they do. They know how to do it, and they know how to do it well. Marketing agencies can help companies of any size grow and expand. Once you have decided that hiring a marketing agency is a good idea, you’ll want to follow a few steps. Following these steps will help you to get the best marketing company for you and your company.

Do Your Research

Researching marketing and advertising agencies is the first thing you should do after deciding to hire one. There is so much you can learn about a company just from some simple online research. One of the best ways to do research is to ask around. Ask companies you respect which marketing agencies they use or ask what advertising agencies companies that are thriving use.

Successful research will help you so you end up hiring a marketing agency that you are going to want to work with. This research will save you from getting tied down on contracts you weren’t aware of and will help steer you away from companies that don’t live up to their promises. Careful research is the very best way to make sure you get what you want.

Case Studies

Marketing agencies can make all the promises in the world, but you can’t really believe them until you see the proof. As humans, we are all creatures of habit. You can assume that if a marketing agency doesn’t have great reviews, they aren’t likely to change just for you. Looking at their past work in case studies is a great way to compare their claims to their actual work. You can also check and see if the work they are doing and have completed in the past is what you are wanting.

You want to hire a marketing agency that does exactly what they claim they will. After sorting through all of your options, you should be able to shrink down your options to just a few. Make sure they not only measure up to what they say they will, but also that they measure up to your personal expectations.

Know What Services They Offer

Different marketing agencies offer a variety of different services, so you need to be sure the agency you decide to hire actually offers the specific service you want. Some services different marketing agencies offer include things like brand development, SEO, measurements and analytics, and some companies include things like website development and video production services. The more services the company offers the more they will be able to market your company over multiple platforms. Make sure though that you aren’t paying for services that you don’t actually want.

Like the Marketing Team

An important aspect of getting a successful marketing team is to make sure you get along with the marketers. If you and the marketing agency are disagreeing on everything, or simply just don’t get along you aren’t going to get much work done. Even if you do get work done, you aren’t going to get the quality of work that you want. It’ll also be a waste of money using your time to fight or not get along rather than coming up with good ideas. Making sure you get along with any marketing agency is crucial before signing any kind of contract, which leads us to the next step.

Read Before Signing

Marketing agencies are going to need you to sing some sort of agreement or contract, for a lot of reasons. They need to make sure you are willing to work with them for a set amount of time, they need permission to use your companies name and trademarks and a lot of other little things that they need legal permission for. These contracts shouldn’t scare you though, it is just simply a part of hiring a marketing agency. You should, however, be extra careful about reading all the terms and conditions of the contract to make sure you know what you are signing.

Reach Out

The final step when hiring a marketing agency is to reach out to them. Once you have narrowed the race down and found an advertising company you are interested in you can contact them. Shoot them an email and express your interest in their services. You can and should also include in this email any worries you have about working with them. This way you and the marketing agency can work out some problems you think you will face before you even start working with them. You can also discuss which types of marketing tactics will be the best for your specific content.

Overall, advertising agencies are here to help you and help promote your company. They want to work and get along with you. They want you and your company to be successful. Looking for these companies doesn’t need to be stressful or hard. Making sure you are doing your research, reading case studies, know what services are offered, get along with the marketing team, read before signing, and reach out you are going to find a marketing agency you can be successful with. Contact Fusion 360 Agency marketers today with any questions you have about marketing agencies!

Marketing to Each Generation

By | content marketing, digital marketing, marketing, Millenials, Mobile marketing | No Comments

It’s no secret that there’s not one way to market to every generation. There are many reasons behind this fact, but the biggest is that different generations grew up in different technological ages. Each generation has grown accustomed to the ways they buy products and receive information. Some members of older generations have adapted to the modern age of technology, but it’s good to know how to generally market to the individual generations so that you can cover your bases as a digital marketing agency.

Every generation has different things that influence them in making a purchase, whether it’s the marketing channel or the message. As a digital marketing agency, you have the responsibility to know how to market to each generation, especially if you have a specific target audience. Here are some fun facts about the different generations and their marketing styles:

Centennials (under the age of 21)
This generation is very media minded. Studies have shown that 80 percent of Centennials consider social media a strong influencer when making purchasing decisions. Centennials are focused on the quality and authenticity of your product, rather than pricing. Email advertising is less effective on this generation than others.

Millennials (ages 22 to 37)
Millennials are considered brand loyalists. They tend to find a brand they like, follow it on several media outlets, then they will remain loyal to this brand. Email advertising is important to this generation. They like personalized content and product recommendations over multiple channels. The most influential social media outlet for Millennials is Facebook.

Generation X (ages 38 to 52)
This generation is commonly known as the bargain hunting generation. They care less about brand names and are more frequently influenced by good prices or special deals. Like Millennials, Generation X is most heavily influenced by email advertisements. Social media also influences some purchases made by this generation, however, the convenience of shopping through online networks greatly influences whether or not these people make purchases on the internet.

Baby Boomers (ages 53 to 71)
This generation is much like Generation X, in that they also like to look for good deals and prices. However, they like to see good prices, but also a wide range of products. They like to be able to get their products from a few locations as possible. The Baby Boomers are rarely influenced by social media outlets, but Facebook and emails are the most influential if you still want to use digital media advertising. As far as digital marketing goes with this generation, it can be less effective than traditional marketing methods.

Now that we know that all the generations are extremely different when it comes to digital marketing, let’s talk about some ways you can capture all audiences. First, you should look at who your target audience is. If you are primarily trying to market to Millennials, you will want to put a large focus on creating brand loyalty and using their preferred channels. A good rule for any digital marketing agency is to make sure to change up what you’re doing regularly. Run deals and promotions to target generations of people where price is important, then advertise why your product is high quality to market to other generations.

Whatever you do, it’s always wise to be constantly trying new marketing methods to see what works best; but don’t forget about other methods that also work well. As a digital marketing agency, we cater to several different brands, so it’s important for us to get to know the brand, the target audience, and the product appeal in order to correctly market to the different generation.

Click here to learn more about our digital marketing agency to see what we can do for you!
