Within marketing companies, there are several teams that must work together effectively in order for your entire company to be successful. We often focus on how to make a team successful, but how often do we talk about how to improve company-wide team coordination? Although working as a team is very important, recognizing the whole company as a team is also important. Teams often rely upon each other for steps in projects, so it’s important that they know how to work together effectively.
Know the End Game
Marketing companies often work together regardless of teams to produce results for our clients, and that often proves true for every kind of company. The biggest thing that allows marketing companies to accomplish this is the fact that they are all working toward the same goal. Your entire team needs to understand your client’s vision for the project from the beginning. This allows each team to take responsibility for their portion while also recognizing the work the other teams will be accomplishing. Consider holding group planning meetings to discuss upcoming projects and allow the teams to work together.
Utilize Individual Skills
Each member of your company often has skills outside the scope of their job requirement; marketing companies are missing the mark if they fail to recognize and utilize these skills. Holding brainstorming meetings where you work through project ideas is a great place to see your employees’ skills and ideas. Take ideas from everyone and let them share their knowledge openly, even if it doesn’t fit within their job description.
Clear Communication
Set a precedent of clear and thorough communication in your marketing company. Whatever that means for your individual company, do it! Use scheduling software to make sure everyone is on the same page with everything that is happening within your company. This helps people see the tasks they need to prioritize, and also helps teams see who is relying on them to get their projects done on time. You will also need to allow your employees to interact and get to know each other outside of their individual teams so that they feel comfortable communicating with each other.
Plan Efficiently
Software programs are really great for helping you to plan ahead and help the whole company be on the same page no matter the project or department. Effective planning also allows your teams to have time to communicate with each other to bridge gaps in planning and creation.
No matter the project, a marketing company runs off its teams coordinating with each other to get jobs done effectively. With so many clients and projects taking place at the same time, you will need to work together to get everything done in an orderly manner. It’s time to move past team building to inter-team building to survive in today’s fast-paced world of marketing and advertising.