How to Connect with Consumers

By March 14, 2018digital marketing

It was true 50 years ago and it’s still true today; if you want to truly connect with your consumers, you have to put yourself out there and consistently engage them. Every single day, digital marketing companies and content marketing companies work to help brands engage their consumers. Whether it’s through print ads, billboards, social media or blogs, advertising agencies work to engage consumers and connect them with brands.

Engaging with your consumers is easy and there are tons of different ways to engage with consumers. Here are just a few of the ways that advertising agencies effectively engage consumers and connect them with brands—whether they’re an advertising agency in Utah or New York.

What Makes You Different?

What does your brand stand for? What makes it stand out? In today’s world, you have to offer something new and original. With so much competition, the fact is that if you don’t stand out, you won’t get very far.

Look at what your brand stands for and really dig deep. Think about why you got into the business and what differentiates your brand from others. How does your brand improve the lives of consumers? What do your consumers want? What do they need?

Listen, Linda, Listen.

Referring to the Vine that went viral after a three-year-old explained to his mom why he needs cupcakes as he kept telling her, “Listen, Linda, listen,” introduces our point. You have to listen to what consumers want if you’re going to continue to do well—or if you need business to pick up. You can do this by responding to emails, joining consumers’ conversations or sending out surveys.

Consider surveying your consumers to see how they feel about your brand or to find out what you need to improve on. Surveys allow businesses to identify the needs of consumers directly, while bringing in prospective consumers who are unsure about your brand. Prospective consumers can tell you what they want or need from your brand.

Show Your Softer Side

Did you know that more than nine out of 10 consumers would switch brands to those they knew supported good causes? Consumers love it when brands show that they care about the communities that surround them and the environment. Connect with consumers by spreading awareness about various programs and causes that align with your brands’ values.

Be Active

If you want to connect with consumers, you have to be active on social media. Make sure that you post often enough that you grab consumers’ attention, but not so much that you become a nuisance. Aside from social media—if you don’t already have one—create a blog and make sure to post consistently. Once you’ve created a blog, or if you already have one but only post every few weeks, amp up your consumer engagement by posting at least two times a week.

There are multiple things that you can do as a brand to engage consumers and connect with them. If you haven’t already, start implementing these techniques today to help your brand grow.
