Questions to Ask When Selecting a Marketing Agency

By | content marketing, SEO, Social Media | No Comments

Working with any other company can be a little scary, however, going through a few simple questions can give you loads of relief. In this case, we assume that you are looking to work with a marketing company, but where do you start?

Below is a short list of questions that you need to ask yourself as you go about trying to find the right company for you.

QUESTION #1 — What Needs Do You Have?

If you are looking to hiring a marketing company to help bring more attention to your company or product, you probably have a variety of needs, but what are they? Are you looking to promote a specific product or service? Are you trying to establish your brand among potential clients/customers? Are you wanting to gain an online advantage over competitors? Or are you in need of professional help with video producing and social media? Marketing companies usually have a particular niche with something like video production, digital content, social media or product expertise. Whatever your needs are, you want to match that need with a fitting agency. Educate yourself on what capabilities these agencies have and how they might be a benefit to you.

QUESTION #2 — Who will Manage Your Account?

When you start allowing others to take on a role of representing your company name and product, it can take a minute to feel comfortable with it, after all, your product is your baby in a way. You wouldn’t let just anyone babysit your child — you need to find individuals that you trust. Whether it’s a babysitter or a marketing company, you will have a lot more confidence leaving your prized-possession in the hands of someone experienced and responsible. Try to find reviews or any other indicator that measures the quality of work of the agencies you are looking at.

QUESTION #3— Do They Communicate and Deliver on Their Services?

When you choose to outsource your marketing, the price you pay better be worth it. What services do they offer and are they able to back it up? A good indicator of this is how well they communicate with you. If they are responsive and punctual in initial meetings and communications, then they will likely stick to that consistency. If there are any foreboding signs, you may be wise to follow them.

QUESTION #4 — What will the Contract Consist Of?

Going right along with being confident in their services, be sure that the contract gives you everything you want. This includes things such as performance indicators, no hidden fees, and secret cancellation processes. You will be bound by a contract and, to avoid any future disaster, give yourself the surety that you are not getting involved in anything you don’t want to be.

Like we said before, hiring a marketing company can be a little daunting at first, but asking yourself a few of these questions will go a long way. When you are able to answer these questions with confidence, you won’t have any trouble. If you are looking for the right marketing company for you, contact us, Fusion 360.

Utilizing Memes to Increase Engagement

By | content marketing, digital marketing, SEO | No Comments

The new word, “Meme,” is one that you’re going to hear more and more in this day and age, and whether you know about them or not, they engage their viewers. Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are littered with memes; you probably scroll past hundreds of them every day. While they might just seem like silly pictures with clever captions, did you know that marketing companies use them to create a better connection between their clients and consumers?

Since memes are so popular today, marketing companies have figured out that they can utilize them to their advantage. If people are going out of their way to look at memes, and if they’re so prominent on social media platforms, why not take those memes and fit them to your brand? Here are some ways you can utilize memes to increase your engagement.

They Act as a Mild Form of Advertising

Advertising isn’t always received in a positive manner, and this generation is finding new ways to block and ignore online ads. However, memes are tailor-made for social media content. This makes your post — or “ad” — feel genuine and therefore easier to engage with, share, and attract more attention with very little effort. This is where companies can capitalize on creativity, or else, they can find themselves suffering in terms of engagement. Marketing companies, for example, take advantage of their appeal — humor and entertainment — and use it as a method of grabbing and retaining the consumers’ attention.

Memes Can Make “Boring” Subjects Entertaining

If you’re looking to connect with a younger audience, memes are going to be your best friend. However, there is one thing that you need to remember before you start creating memes — they HAVE TO be funny. Memes rely heavily on humor, and if you don’t have that in the mix, you’re going to see very little engagement; always aim for the quick laugh.

Something to Look Out For

When you create a meme in the hopes of producing a reaction, they need to be current/relevant to what’s trending, sharable, easy to digest, simple to read, and straight to the point. We can’t emphasize enough that memes have a very short lifespan. They usually come in waves, and you cannot show up late to the party.

Memes are great because they provide a comical value to your brand, which appeals to a large audience. If you’re wanting to add that extra oomph to your social media game, make sure to check out some memes that you could potentially use — just make sure you’re keeping up with what’s in and what’s not.

What Frame Rate Should You Film In?

By | content marketing, digital marketing, video production | No Comments

It’s become standard for video production companies to shoot their videos at 24 frames per second, but are there other frame rates that you can utilize to make sure that you create the best quality video possible? It’s been known in the video production world that this number is used because it’s the best way to give your video a more cinematic look.

Surprisingly, shooting in this frame rate is actually an old cinema method that’s been used for decades. So, that answers the question, why? There’s no reason that video production companies should even bother shooting in other frame rates, right? While this frame rate might work for a majority of video productions, there are a few occasions where recording a video in other frame rates is a more viable option. Here are some situations where you’ll want to shoot using a frame rate other than 24 frames per second.

Shooting Animations

Classic animators had to draw all their animations by hand, which is why they opted to shoot their animations at 12 frames per second. If you’re wanting to shoot classic style animations, you’re going to want to shoot at said 12 frames per second.

Sitcom and Commercial Style

Thirty frames per second is going to be your best friend if you’re wanting to shoot something that mimics a home movie or sitcom. While video productions shot at 60 frames per second, the previous standard shot at 30 fps. Many video production companies would agree that shooting at 30 or 60 fps allows the shot to feel a little more smooth and capture personal interaction better. For that reason, some commercials are also shot at 60 fps to capture the emotion.

Live Action and Sports

Sports and other live action broadcasts require slow-motion, which needs to be shot at a much higher fps. To see the sideline catch of a football game or if a players toe was on the 3-point line at a basketball game, cameras will need to be able to shoot up to at least 120 or 240 frames per second. More recently, these sporting events are shooting at an astounding 300 frames per second to capture super slow-motion shots.

Video production companies use different frame rates for different video productions, and it’s important for you to know which frame rate will work best for you. If this guide hasn’t answered all your questions, or if you’re just looking for a reliable video production company to help you with your next project, give us a call.


Choosing Proper FPS for Shooting on Different Occasions

Learn how to choose the best frame rate for your videos in just 10 minutes


Cameras Used for Video Productions

By | content marketing, SEO, video production | No Comments

With visual images at an all-time high, cameras are used now more than ever before. News broadcasts, live sporting events, YouTube videos and brand films all call for different types of cameras, and the thing is, if you are not apart of a video production company, you may have no idea what kind of cameras are used for the variety of productions you watch. Here is a short list of all the different types of cameras that are used in video productions.

**Disclaimer — we are specifically talking about cameras that video production companies use to shoot brand videos, interviews and commercials, not news broadcasts, live sporting events or movies**


The most common camera that video production companies use is a DSLR, or a Digital Single-Lens Reflex. Anyone that is starting to create their own videos will want to use a DSLR. There are different types of DSLR cameras but they ultimately have the same function: the ability to grab the subject of a shot with a sharp focus. Usually, DSLRs focus on the forefront of a shot because they do not have a great depth field but can capture high-quality images on the area they are focused on. In order to record the shot they need, video production companies will apply different lenses that give them the depth they need.

Hybrid DSLR

The hybrid version of DSLR cameras differs in quite a few ways. Rather than having to constantly adjust the focus on a regular DSLR, hybrids have a greater depth of field and can keep focus on different subjects within a shot. With a larger depth of field, hybrids are also able to zoom in on subjects a lot better than regular DSLRs. Further, hybrids have more storage on their device; DSLRs have around 15 minutes of total recording life. While the hybrid seems a little more user-friendly with its greater depth and longer recording life, it does not perform as well. Don’t take this wrong, hybrids can still capture amazing images, but they have a smaller sensor than a DSLR and therefore do not do as good in lower light.

Live Sensor

These cameras are like DSLRs but perform more like video cameras. They give you more functions, like extended recordings that go beyond 30 minutes and the use of a microphone.


To continue to show that there are different types of cameras based on the video’s purposes, we will briefly discuss drones as well. Video production companies use drones for great sweeping shots that give you an aerial viewpoint. Drones give your video a setting or place of reference, as well as more motion. Just like the DSLR cameras, there are a wide array of drones that you can use.


These four cameras are just several different types that are utilized when making promotional videos for other businesses, but there are even more cameras out there that are used for movies and live events. If you are looking for a video production company to help you produce a video, contact us at Fusion 360. We have the expertise and experience you need when using cameras like these.

A Guide to Visual Content Marketing

By | content marketing, SEO, Utah | No Comments

A study by Social Media Chimps has shown that 83 percent of learning occurs visually, thus visual content is arguably the most important form of content out there ⎯ it’s more digestible and more memorable. That’s why the most efficient way to get people’s attention today is by creating the best visual content possible. Marketing companies across the nation know this and utilize visual content in order to thrive in our digital world.

With that being said, marketing companies have to ensure that they’re not just creating content blindly but following a strategy or guideline that will ensure their content’s success. If brands really want to connect with their audience and draw in new consumers, they have to be efficient with their content creation. Here is a quick guide to visual content marketing and how you can achieve marketing success through powerful, engaging visuals.

Some Quick Facts

In 2018, 500 online marketers participated in a survey about how visual content influences their marketing strategies, and below are the following results:

  • 45% of the surveyed marketers said 91-100% of their content contained visuals
  • 56% said that they used visuals in their content 100% of the time
  • 88% said that they used visuals in more than half of the articles that they published.

The visual content that these marketers said they use are as follows:

  • Stock photography — 40% of content
  • Original graphics — 37% of content
  • Charts and data visuals — 12% of content
  • Videos and presentations — 7% of content
  • Gifs and memes- 4% of content

How Do You Create Efficient Visual Content

Not far behind stock photography, original infographics are a huge chunk of what makes up a brand’s visual content. But, how do you make sure that your content is unique and effective? Well, here are some characteristics of great visual content:

Appeal: Visual content needs to be attractive and presentable; it needs to be stimulating for the consumer, otherwise, they’ll be put off and take their attention elsewhere.

Comprehension: Our mind is designed to interpret visual information with minimal effort and almost instantaneously, so if your audience is having a hard time understanding your content, you may be doing something wrong. An MIT study conducted in 2014 found that the brain can process an image in as little as 13 milliseconds — crazy fast!

Retention: Memorable content is good content, and if you can get the content to stick in your consumer’s mind, you’re on your way to visual excellence.

Your visual content should meet these basic quotas if you’re going to want to be a leader in your industry, and marketing companies are always ready to help you make that happen. If you’re looking for one of the best marketing companies, give us a call here at Fusion 360.

The Importance of an SSL

By | content marketing, digital marketing, Utah | No Comments

Unless you’re a web developer, you might not know what an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is or why it’s so important for a website. Marketing companies and their web devs know that SSL’s are a standard but crucial security technology that helps brands establish an encrypted link between a web server and a browser. This link makes sure that all of the data that is passed between the server and the browser stays private.

An SSL not only benefits marketing companies and their clients, but it helps your visitor’s data remain safe and secure. If your website doesn’t have a trusted SSL running on your servers, you’re putting your consumers at risk. Now that you know the basics of what an SSL is and why it’s important, here are some more in-depth reasons as to how your website will benefit from an SSL.

Website Authentication

When visitors visit your site and see that you have a valid SSL certificate, it proves to them that their connection with your website is secured, which will make them feel safe. There’s nothing sketchier than visiting a website that doesn’t have a secure connection; it makes you feel as if your data is at risk of a breach, oftentimes turning off potential consumers from your site.

Website Integrity

An SSL also ensures that none of the transmitted data is being altered. The SSL on a website uses algorithms that allow parties to verify that any and all information received by the site is complete and intact. From websites to emails, they help protect your personal data online and make browsing the web that much safer.


Some people might be paranoid about visiting new websites because of the possibilities of a security breach. Most people have everything on their computers, from important documents to their financial information, so they’re right to want to avoid taking any risks, especially if a potential consumer sees that a website connection is not secure.

An SSL will ensure that not a single byte of data that is exchanged between you and the server can be intercepted. This is all thanks to the strong algorithms used for encryption. Strong algorithms that marketing companies can help set up when working on your website.

SSL is essential for websites today, and it is widely used throughout the internet. If you’re still a bit confused about anything that has to do with an SSL, give us a call at Fusion 360. Our talented web development team is ready to help secure your website and ensure your customers’ online security, and when it comes to trustworthy marketing companies, we’re one of the best.

5 Ways Brands Can Get More Personal with Their Customers

By | content marketing, digital marketing, Utah | No Comments

The success of modern marketing today relies heavily on how a brand interacts with its customers. If a brand doesn’t take the time to get personal with their current consumer base, they’ll fail to see any growth as a business and might even lose some loyal customers to competitors — these days, it’s all about how you can make your customers feel important. Marketing companies exist to help brands achieve this personal attachment with their customers, and they know what it takes to help these brands successfully engage with their audience.

Here are five of the most effective ways to get more personal with your customers, and how improving your customer satisfaction will help you achieve significant growth as a business.

Offer Your Customers Real Value

Marketing companies know that if you want to genuinely engage with your customers, you have to lead with content, not products. If you want to get personal with your customers, you have to gain their trust first, and that starts by providing them with something of value.

Be Responsive

Another way to gain your customers’ trust and get more personal with them is by engaging in constant dialogue with them when it comes to any issues they may encounter while using your product or service. You should also make sure to keep the conversation going from the initial interaction, because these are the interactions that are going to grow your audience.

Respect Consumers’ Privacy

Consumers will most likely be freaked out and even put off from your brand if they see that you’ve obtained any outside information without consent. The best way marketing companies can get more personal with customers is by being completely transparent and up-front about data privacy and personalization practices.

Showcase your Strengths

Customers will want to get more personal with a brand that can show them what sets them apart from the competition. What is it that makes your brand so valuable? Why should the customer choose you over the competitor? Being able to answer these questions and leveraging your talent will bring in new consumers, as well as solidify the loyalty of your current customers. Marketing companies like Fusion 360 are ready to help show your customers, as well as your competitors, why you’re the leader in your industry.

Practice Great Storytelling

It’s going to take more than irrelevant pop-ups and interruptive ads to build a personal connection with your customers. Top brands like Apple and Microsoft use compelling storytelling and engaging presentations to build that trust with their customers, and your brand should do the same. Your business should be honest about the value that they can offer a consumer as well as what your company stands for. Even if it means not pleasing everybody, your brand should focus on attracting the right customers.

Getting personal with your customers and building strong relationships with them is the best way to ensure your brand’s success, and marketing companies are the best way to achieve that. If you’re looking for help with your customer engagement, don’t hesitate to contact us at Fusion 360. We’re ready to elevate your digital marketing game.

Agency vs. In-House Advertising: Which One is Best for You

By | advertising, content marketing, marketing | No Comments

One of the biggest question that brand ask themselves is, “should we hire an agency or just build an in-house advertising team?” This may be one of the most important decisions that your company can make. Each option comes with their advantages but ultimately, this decision comes down to your budget and your workload.

So, if you’re trying to decide whether or not advertising or even marketing companies are a good investment, take a look at some of the comparisons we’ve put together in this blog to help you make a decision.

Building an In-House Team

First, we’ll start with the benefits of building your own in-house team. One of the major benefits of hiring an in-house marketing team over marketing companies is that they are a great way to maximize marketing output toward company targets. In-house teams are more capable of focusing on your consumer base 100 percent, since the team works exclusively for your brand, while marketing companies tend to focus on various different clients at any given time.

In-house teams are often described as “efficient revenue machines”, as they minimize the number of communication steps between all aspects of the campaign, which leads to faster completion times and more effective communication, which can greatly improve the quality of your brand’s work.

While building your own in-house team might seem like the way to go, you have to remember that you’re going to have to pay salaries, might have to do some training and you’ll have to invest in the resources that your team will need.

Hiring an Advertising Agency

If you’re on a tight budget, hiring marketing companies might be in your best interest; hiring an agency is the best way to get trained industry experts working on your advertising. Your brand relies on the employee’s expertise, and if you hire an advertising agency, they’re bound to put in a mass amount of time and effort into your marketing¾ time and effort that your team will now have to focus on other tasks.

As mentioned prior, marketing companies work with several different clients, and while that might mean that they can’t focus on your business 100 percent of the time, you can be confident in the fact that this alone gives them knowledge in what the best practices across the industry are, which will benefit you in the sense that they’ll. Create amazing work for your brand.

Agencies are also a great financial decision as they will cost you a fixed cost, as opposed to the salaries you’d have to pay if you built an in-home team.

If you’re looking to save money and work with experienced marketing teams that will help your vision come to life, you’re better of hiring marketing companies like Fusion 360 to help you with your advertising needs. Give us a call today to see how we can benefit your brand.







Why You Should be Utilizing Influencers

By | advertising, content marketing, digital marketing, Social Media | No Comments

If you log into any social media platform right now, you’ll probably see your fair share of posts by famous YouTubers, Instagrammers and Tik Tokkers. These social media superstars have managed to make a living on these social media platforms, and all by creating content that mass audiences can relate to. If you’re looking to boost your social media engagement, these influencers don’t seem like a bad option as far as marketing goes. However, many of the traditional marketing companies are yet to turn to these influencers as an advertising option.

The best thing about social media influencers is that you don’t have to get someone like Kanye West to represent your brand. Everyday people have risen up to superstar status and now amass millions of viewers, followers and subscribers. You can find these personalities everywhere. So, with that being said, your chances of landing one of these stars are pretty good if you try hard enough. Here are a few reasons you should be utilizing influencers.

You’ll Receive Better Quality Content

When you pay an influencer, you’ll also be paying for quality content, depending on the talent. For example, if you’re wanting to create an ad that is driven by humor, you should look through comedian profiles on platforms such as Instagram and Tik Tok, as they will help transform your content into comedic masterpieces. Of course, you’ll want to narrow down what your budget is going to be, as influencers range in price depending on their online presence.

If high-quality video content is what you’re after, you’re not going to regret investing in influencer something that only the best marketing companies know all too well.

Influencers Have Authority Over Audiences

These bigger influencers have a mass following for a reason — they are connecting with their audiences and building relationships with them to keep them coming back and consuming the content that they put out. When you team up with an influencer, you’re bound to reach a consumer base you would have never thought imaginable; in just one project, your business might reach as much as thousands, if not millions of potential consumers.

A survey conducted by a company called Linqia asked retailers, companies and agencies who had invested in these social media influencers if they thought it helped their business. A resounding 94 percent of them answered that they believed their sales benefitted from influencer collaborations.

Marketing companies can boost their client’s engagement by investing in these social media influencers, and it’s a marketing strategy that more brands should look into, especially with the growing influence on these social media platforms. If you’re looking to hire an industry giant to help you get in touch with some social media influencers, give us a call here at Fusion 360 so we can get started on crafting the perfect strategy to get your name out there.

Exploring Non-Traditional Social Media Platforms

By | advertising, content marketing, digital marketing, SEO | No Comments

Marketing companies are constantly trying to figure out new methods of utilizing popular social media platforms to boost clients’ numbers. Whether that be in sales or engagement, these marketing companies know what works and what doesn’t when it comes to platforms like Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, but there are still some platforms out there that aren’t being given the attention that they deserve.

When the popular social media platforms aren’t doing enough for your brand or you feel that the market on them is oversaturated, your company should turn to some non-traditional sites and apps that could help boost your online presence. Here are just a few different platforms you can explore.


Quora is one of the most popular Q&A services around and while it may not seem like something that marketing companies should be using to market themselves, there are a few ways you can utilize the site to amass a larger online presence.

Brands can use Quora to create content ideas, interact with audiences on questions that are specific to the brand’s industry, and most importantly to establish authority.

Monthly, 775,000 people use Quora to ask questions about things that are important to them. If your company has the answers to these questions, you can answer them and gain the trust of potential consumers.


This platform is regarded as the front page of the internet, and for good reason. With thousands of subreddits, you can find everything on this site. It’s also worth noting that the platform attracts 164 million unique visitors every month.

Using Reddit is simple, all you have to do is create a genuine profile and follow and interact with subreddits that are within your brand’s industry. For example, if you’re a car detailing company, you might want to subscribe to various auto threads.


Google+ has grown dramatically and now boasts an impressive 250 million users. Though many see this platform as a direct competitor to Facebook, it’s so much more than that. Marketing companies can use Google+ to upload photos, vote on content they like, watch videos, share blogs and links and even watch full-length films.


Formerly known as StumbleUpon, Mix is a social media bookmarking platform that allows users to “like” websites and add them to their individual profiles. Marketing companies can benefit from this platform in the sense that their client’s websites, as well as their own, can gain a good amount of attention if others add the sites to their profiles. There are over 30 million users on Mix, and like other social media platforms, it continues to grow.

These are good examples of non-traditional social media platforms that can benefit your company if your business gives them a chance. If you’re looking to explore new options when it comes to marketing your brand, contact us at Fusion 360.