Building a Social Following

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The more followers you have on social media, the more people know who you are. In this day and age having a strong social following can get you far in life. Marketing agencies found in Utah have known this for years, that’s why this great state is on its way to becoming the Silicon Slopes. How do you turn your channels into something hotter than a fidget spinner?


Networking online can bring many wonderful opportunities. You are able to connect with anyone and everyone with just a few clicks. The more people that follow you, the more connections you are making. By influencing those who value your brand, you can share the ideas with their followers.

Start online conversations with those who have a high influence on their followers, such as the head of an advertising agency. They can mention you during your conversation, which leads to their followers seeing your profile. Following industry professionals and participating in their conversations will increase your number of profile clicks and followers.


When deciding on a theme you want to be original. Your theme should show the online world who you are. The theme of your social media profiles include content you post, filters you use and overall the look of your profile. You can reach out to an advertising agency to help you or create your own theme.

Your social media platforms should have a similar theme. Choosing different themes for each platform can confuse your followers. The first step in having a successful theme is choosing a personalized username that people can remember. From there decide what type of content you want to post.


Content is everything. The main reason your followers follow you is because of what you post. Your content should be original and fit in one of the following categories useful information, entertainment, inspiring or exclusive. Sharing useful information will increase your credibility and increase the number of shares. Entertaining posts get people’s attention. Followers will be more likely to share a funny post compared to a serious one.

Inspirational content gives your brand a more personable feel, which will result in more shares. Everyone enjoys exclusive content.

If you find building a social following is hard reach out to an advertising agency for a few tips.



What Is It Like to Intern at Fusion 360?

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Imagine peacefully working on school work in a hipster coffee shop and all of a sudden a nerf dart gets shot directly at your head. Well, that happens on a daily basis here at Fusion 360. This makes senses being as there is a sign in the office that reads dissidents, meaning a person who opposes official policy. It’s no wonder life is so exciting around here.

What We Do

Fusion 360 is the number one digital advertising agency in Utah. You will have a wide variety of clients to create content for. There are five main departments which include: SEO, social media, video, design and content writers. If you decide to intern at Fusion 360 you can pick which department you are most interested in. How cool is it that you practically pick your position?

Set Your Own Schedule

This depends highly on whether you are doing it for school credit or just for your stipend. Depending on your hour requirement for school you can usually come and go as you please within the normal office hours. To receive your stipend you must work 20 hours a week.

Why Is It Fun?

Do you remember that time you had a pudding party? You probably don’t because you’ve never had one, but we do here. Also, there is a casual ping pong table chilling in the office so you can get your creative juices flowing if you’re having a writer’s block. Working with an elite group of website design nerds is a blast, especially when you cream them in ping pong.

Everyone is extremely social. If you need a place to eat or hike, they will steer you in the right direction. The work environment is so friendly that sometimes you have to have typing races just to get your work done instead of chatting.

Working at one of Utah’s elite marketing firms will stand out on your resume. Why not gain a step away from your peers?

Don’t Get Left Behind, Make the Switch to Digital

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In a time where Twitter wars are an actual thing, it’s no wonder why traditional marketing is a dying breed. Marketing agencies are making the switch, but some, like Fusion 360, have been digital from day one.

The advantages of going digital are simple. At Fusion, we let you have a voice. As opposed to traditional marketing, digital allows the client to choose how they wish to interact. It has been proven that some people are visual learners while others need the hands-on experience. The same can be said for digital marketing. For some, a web blog will do the trick but others may enjoy a quick video. Here at Fusion 360, we let you decide.

Besides letting you pick between mediums, marketing agencies — like us — get your message out faster. We could put your message out in a newspaper and hope that the paper boy delivers your mail, or you can go digital — going digital means shares, retweeting and more.

By letting us get your message out electronically, you will able to reach a bigger audience. Targeting one audience is child’s play. With digital, you can target those in even the most remote corners of the world (as long as they have access to Wi-Fi.)

We know that life happens in real time, so why should you have to wait for your data? If you work for a company that thrives off real time results, digital marketing can help with that, too.

Digital marketing companies can also help you save a buck or two. Going paperless means spending less money. The money that you would be spending by printing flyers can finally go towards something more important, like getting that office pet.

Digital is better for obvious reasons. When you decide to switch over (if you haven’t already), find the company that will lead you through the digital revolution.

Where are our Eyeballs Heading?

By | digital marketing, marketing, SEO, web development | No Comments

Written by Ascari Pena


The dictionary defines attention as “notice taken of someone or something”. Today, our attention has been divided into multiple ‘somethings’. With the evolution of technology, consumers have an enormous number of places that their eyeballs can focus. In 2016, media consumption in the United States amounts to over 12 hours of our day. Digital media, television and radio still dominate our time, with digital platforms leading the way at nearly six hours of our day. Marketing firms debate every single day as to where they should be spending their advertising dollars and efforts to speak to their targeted demographics. As attention is becoming extremely segmented, where is the advertising dollar best spent?


Last year, Nicola Mendelsohn, the Vice President for Facebook in Europe stated that Facebook would be “all video” by 2021. Living in a world where everything is needed to be “Twitter length” or less (140 characters), consumers are demanding more video content to catch their attention. Consumers have become video centric and have found difficulty is consuming text content that is longer than a few sentences.

Non-traditional Television and Cutting the Cord

As cable peaked in the early 2000’s with over 68.5 million subscriptions, cord cutting has become an unavoidable trend for marketers to notice. While having 5,000 channels used to be the cool thing to have, now having access to commercial free and stream lined services such as Netflix and Hulu is the way to go. reports that 25% of TV homes do not pay for traditional television. Millennials do not see the value in these services and simply cannot afford it with the rising costs of living and student debt being a large cost burden. Large advertisers, marketing agencies and digital marketing companies are taking full notice of this millennial spear-headed consumption trend and reprioritizing where they place their spending.


To add to the cord cutting, an estimated four in 10 Americans now get their news online. Whether it be through mobile or accessing a preferred news source website, Americans are ditching the traditional ways of sitting down for the evening news. As nearly 80% of Americans have a smartphone, phones have become the new television screen in 2017. Digital consumption trends show that these technologies are aging up into those that are in their 50s, 60s and 70s, driving forward the need for web development, video production and SEO perfection.



How Does Social Media Help in Times of Crisis?

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Most people in the world today own at least one social media account — Facebook being the most universal. Social media platforms are used for a variety of different reasons, several of which include staying in touch with friends and family, sharing important and meaningful life events, or documenting what they ate for dinner.

With the increase of smartphone usage over the last 10 years, social media has now quickly become one of the largest players in digital advertising. Most Americans spend on average 10 hours a day in front of a screen, so it’s no surprise that marketing agencies have latched onto this current trend and geared their advertising toward mobile-friendly approaches.

As an advertising agency, it is vital to recognize and utilize social media as an integral part of the agencies presence and success.

It’s Not All Just Fun and Games

Though the original objectives of social media have stayed relatively the same, there has been an added objective that has had an astounding impact on society today. Social media now acts as a way to relay current events and offer support during difficult times, specifically in world crises.

Being able to use social media as an outlet for offering assistance, consolation and love allows for communities, as well as the world, to come together in unity and show strength.

Ariana Grande Concert Catastrophe

Tragedy occurred last night at Ariana Grande’s concert in Manchester, England when an explosion occurred, killing 22 people and injuring many more. Social media platforms acted as a way for people to express their feelings and concerns about the events that occurred that evening.

Celebrities and fans offered their condolences and support via Twitter and many Manchester natives started using the hashtag #RoomForManchester in tweets to offer spare beds and rooms in their homes for people who were stranded after the attack. Hotels and transportation companies also turned to Twitter to offer places to stay and free rides from the arena where the attack occurred.

The Importance of Knowledge

It is beneficial to not only use social media as a means of showing solace during times of tragedy, but also as a way to inform and educate its users of current events. Digital marketing companies and other marketing agencies all over the world use social media because of its ability to reach vast amounts of people.

Using social media to spread awareness, information and understanding about events going on around the world is going to give a massive amount of people the correct knowledge and power to take action.

How to Make Your Video Ads More Successful

By | advertising, content marketing, digital marketing, SEO, Utah, web development | No Comments


If research and statistics are right, then you’re probably not going to read this entire article.

If people are looking for in-depth insight on any given subject, people now more than ever will turn to videos to get information. Marketing agencies that are worth their salt know that people turn more to videos for content than anywhere else. But how do you make your online video ads stand out in a crowded field of cat videos, how do you make your multimedia presence stand out?

Here are some of our personal tips:

Tip #1 Produce “How to” Videos

In 2015, “how to” video searches grew by 30 percent, which means that people are in a hurry to figure out stuff, and they need someone to walk them through how to do something step by step. “How to” videos are only increasing in popularity, and the more unique your “how to” topic is, the more views you’re likely to get.

So, for example, “How to change a flat tire” won’t get that many hits, being as there are literally thousands of those videos already. But a “how to fix a foosball table” video will get much more of an audience for you, even if that audience is smaller than the “fix a tire” group.

Tip #2 Make Testimonial Videos

In the age of Yelp and Rotten Tomatoes, people are more likely to look at reviews for your brand well before they even come close to buying your product. Marketing agencies have figured this out, so for their clients who sell products or services, they’ll make testimonial videos that prove to consumers that what they’re product or service is better than everyone else’s.

Tip #3 Find the “Sweet Spot” for Video Length

Marketing agencies that produce videos for their clients know that the best video ad length (according to Google) is no longer than three minutes. Within 45 seconds, people will know if they’re interested in the video they’re watching. There are some videos that can be longer than 3 minutes on Youtube that still deliver incredible results, but those exceptions are rare, and your video has to be incredibly engaging to pull something like that off.

SEO Horror Stories: What We Can Learn From Them

By | SEO, Uncategorized, Utah | No Comments


SEO, as with anything else business related, can go bad quickly. When it does, the results can lead to a maelstrom of havoc the business then has to clean up. From Utah to the Big Apple, any business can learn from SEO horror stories.

Night of the Living Blog

Search engine optimization is still a new enough concept that not everybody who works in business understands how it works. Because of this, a well-meaning public relations person sent out a press release that was meant to be a one-time blog. The press release was reprinted on a massive amount of traffic driving spam blogs and websites, causing mass confusion to customers and management alike, as they tried to clean up the mess.

The lesson here is that if you are partnering with another part of the company to work on SEO strategy, make sure they understand everything you’re doing before they release something meant to be helpful as a plague to all mankind or your little Utah business will be just another victim of the internet.

So, I Married an SEO Manager

Back in the early days of Google, and thus the early days of Search engine optimization, the penalties were harsh for anybody who broke one of Google’s strict rules. Before you could access the world from anywhere, fixing the problem usually meant being present in the office, even if you’re on your honeymoon.

One manager found this out right after getting married, when he realized while relaxing with his new wife that he made a mistake on a website. By the time he got back the company had been heavily penalized and traffic was at a trickle. It took him weeks to work out the problems. Moral of the story: Always have a team with you, so if someone needs to escape Utah for a romantic weekend with the missus, you’ll be covered.

Gender and Color

By | advertising, digital marketing, SEO, Utah | No Comments

Selecting the color of your logo, advertisements or even social media posts can be a big deal. The colors your advertising agency uses often determines part of the audience’s reaction and reception. Knowing which colors to use in order to get the desired result will take your advertising agency to the next level.

From Utah to the Southeast, colors hold different meanings for different groups of people, different locations in the world and different genders. Knowing what colors mean to your target audience, be they male or female, local or national, could be the difference between a wildly successful advertisement and a total flop.

What Social Media Site Is Best for Your Business?

By | advertising, digital marketing, SEO, Social Media, Utah | No Comments

The most successful digital marketing agencies in the country know that no two clients are the same.

 That’s true when it comes to branding, voice, marketing, advertising and also choosing the appropriate social media channels for your client. Channels like Facebook and Twitter are pretty universal to have for all clients, but some companies might thrive greatly by posting videos on their YouTube account or by having boards on a company Pinterest.

 How you find out what social media site is best for you is pretty simple: Find out what your voice and demographic is, and see what site best facilitates your mission.