How Fusion 360 Is Like Eleven on Stranger Things

By October 19, 2016content marketing

We all fell in love with the buzzed hair, pink dress wearing, Eggo waffle eating little girl that is our sweet Jane Ives, a.k.a. Eleven in “Stranger Things.” In a parallel universe we like to believe that we’d be the Eleven. Most of us can’t claim that we were born to a mother and tested for incredible psychic abilities. However, we are one of the few content marketing companies that can connect with El on a deeper level.

We’ve Got Great Taste in Music

As we flashed back in “Stranger Things” time to the spunky sounds of the 80s tickled our eardrums. We felt a deep connection with the vibes that little El was putting out. “Should I Stay or Should I Go?” more like the soundtrack to our SEO.

Sensory Deprivation? We Have the Next Best Thing

Eleven skillfully uses a sensory deprivation tank to observe people in other locations. While we praise the creativity behind turning a pool into a tank, as many content marketing companies claim, we have the skills to reach people far from us. Through our skilled analytic technology, we know the words to use and the websites that need help — blacked out goggles not necessary.

Like Eleven, We Love Eggos

What are content marketing companies without the kitchenette full of snacks? El took on grocery store employees to get her hands on a few boxes of frozen waffles. Just the other day we took on an entire Costco to fill our kitchen with brain food to feed our creative team.

We Take Down Monsters, Too

El took down the metaphorical monster that was Mike’s bully Troy. Following that action she took down the monster from the upside down with nothing more than her telekinesis. We are proud to say we can take down the metaphorical monster that is the workload we’re faced with each week.

As for our telekinetic superpowers, some things are better left off the internet.