5 Tips When Casting Talent

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Casting talent for your project is one of the most important steps in the video production process.  An actor’s performance can make or break a film. When you’re put to the task of casting talent for a video production, there are many things you should take into consideration.  We’ve gathered a list of the five most important details you should know next time you cast talent for a video.

  1. First and most importantly, it is essential that you reserve a private room for auditions.  You want the actors to feel comfortable and secure so that they will give their best performance. Additionally, you’ll want to have a waiting area prepared for actors as they arrive.  Organizing the flow of the audition before the actors arrive will save you a lot of stress in the long run. 
  1. Be sure to advertise your auditions and provide solid information.  Send out the information about the audition any way you feel works best for your project. Probably the most professional and reliable ways to find the best talent is by contacting talent agencies and have them inform some of their clients.  Stay organized by arranging a meeting time with the actors before the audition.  Be sure to inform the actors of what they’ll need to bring or wear to the audition.  Inform actors if they will need to perform a monologue or if a script will be given to them. If applicable, provide short character bios so that the actor better knows what you are looking for in the audition.
  1. It may be useful to have an assistant with you to film the auditions.  As you begin to make your final decisions, you’ll want to look back and review the auditions! Be sure that the actors state their name and agency on tape before the audition begins. 
  1. Don’t be afraid to direct the actor during their audition.  Let them do multiple takes, and ask them to perform the scene in a variety of ways.  This will give you a better idea of how it is to work with that actor and it will provide you with a variety of character interpretations.  If a scene requires two characters, consider pairing actors together.  This allows you to see the chemistry between the actors.  Consider how the actor performs on their own and how they perform with others.
  1. Finally, remember that callbacks are key. Callbacks give you a second chance to get to know the actor.  You can try putting them in different scenes with different actors to see how they perform and get along.  Callbacks will help ensure that you make the right decision.  They will give you the confidence you need to proceed forward with your video production.

Casting talent is no easy task but as previously stated, it is one of the most important steps in video production.  If you can afford to do so, you may want to consider hiring a casting director to do the work for you.  It can ease your stress and save you a lot of time and energy.  If you decide to continue forward and cast your video production yourself, be sure to keep these steps in mind.

While the task may be daunting, following these key steps will make the process significantly easier.  For help casting talent or creating a video, be sure to contact the video experts at Fusion 360 Studios.

Inside an Ad Agency: Time and Project Management

By | advertising, content marketing, digital marketing, marketing agencies, public relations | No Comments

You’ve often heard the phrase “time is money,” and that pretty much sums up what it’s like for advertising agencies. Time is something that you can’t get back and something that should be valued maybe than money, but what happens when you find that your time isn’t being spent as wisely as it could be?

Time management goes hand in hand with project management, and at advertising agencies, there is usually an efficient project management strategy in place. When companies hand their work over to the hands of a competent ad agency, they will find that they have more time to complete other important tasks and stay caught up with their workload, but that is all thanks to a system they have set in place.

Here’s how companies can mimic advertising agencies and set up effective time and project management strategies to help their productivity.

Track Your Time

It’s important to know how long a project takes. Knowing how long a project takes will helps you measure how many tasks, you’ll be able to get to in a day. Time tracking apps and widgets are essential in successful advertising agencies because they help both the employees and employers gauge how much an individual can take on daily. This also helps divide the workload between their employees and ensure that each employee is taking on what they can handle.

Determine What your Most Important Tasks Are

You should always focus on priority tasks. If you see that something is overdue or is going to be asked for soon, you should definitely make that your priority. Go through your task list and see what you can put off for later and replace those tasks with things that are needed ASAP. Advertising agencies who fail to organize their workload find themselves in deep trouble when their clients are asking why a specific project hasn’t been completed.

Remember That You Don’t Get Paid for Checking Emails

Emails are an important form of communication, but they are not priority tasks. While emailing is used to talk about a task with clients and coworkers, you have to make sure not to get distracted by menial tasks when you check your emails. The best thing to do to save time and increase production is to check, respond and organize your emails first thing in the morning and then focus on important tasks for the rest of the day.

With the time you’ll gain by following these guidelines, you can get ahead of your work, breathe easy and even bring on new clients and increase that revenue stream. By solidifying your project management strategy and properly managing your time, your agency is sure to flourish in this competitive industry.

The Pioneering of VSO

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Voice search optimization is at the forefront of modern technology and will soon be the go-to for businesses, homes, and services. Voice search optimization companies are now harnessing the potential of Fusion 360, implementing our services into their marketing strategies, business planning, and other essential functions that no online business can afford to miss out on.

What is VSO?

Voice search optimization is a cool technology that allows you to access all of your internet search results using nothing more than a smart device and your own voice! Studies have shown that people using VSO are constantly making purchases, and cover various demographics. So the time for voice search optimization companies to harness the potential is now greater than ever.

Moving with the tides isn’t about doing what you want but about doing what is best for your business. If these two things don’t correlate with you, then you may find yourself being left behind in the online business world.

All go with voice search SEO

Voice Search optimization companies began making waves just a couple of years ago when Google acknowledged it as a pioneer in the ways in which technology was moving. Content is always key to online success, so optimizing voice searches needs to reflect this.

When people are conversing, they don’t condense information as much and it comes out in a less serious format than when somebody is typing to search. This is where long chain, tailored keywords come into the playing field.

Thanks to RankBrain, Google is becoming more accurate at understanding us and delivering results based on our queries, Siri was first released in 2011 and it has come on a long way since then.

RankBrain is designed to deliver results based on the end user making the search and so will try and create customer profiles and match search results to their specific wants and needs.

The Pioneering of SEO means voice search optimization companies such as Fusion 360 Agency are doing everything to deliver the best possible services. It’s time to roll with the tides and become part of the 21st century!

Common Misconceptions With VSO

By | Mobile marketing, SEO, Utah SEO | No Comments

Voice search is a new and innovative way of finding information on the internet. Whether it’s Alexa or Google Assistant, many of us have used voice search at one point in our lives, or even on a daily basis. There are voice search optimization agencies (VSO agencies) that are available to other companies that need assistance with utilizing the voice search industry. This new technology is a great one for businesses of all industries to embrace, as it’s gaining popularity with great momentum, and VSO agencies are there to help companies get started.

VSO provides us with digital assistants that have a wide range of information at their fingertips. You can ask your WiFi-connected voice search device where the nearest car wash is or to wake you up at 5 a.m. and you’ll receive a human-like response almost immediately.

Since voice search is a relatively new technology, there are still some common misconceptions that many companies have about voice search. What is written below will clear up some of these misconceptions.

Voice Search is Similar to Text Search

In a search engine, one may look for ‘tourist destinations in Utah.’ In a voice search, the query will be more conversational, such as ‘What are the best tourist destinations in Utah?’ As such, VSO agencies normally advise companies to create content which is natural and conversational in a manner to answer users’ questions.

Voice Search is Focused on Keywords

Voice search is less keyword-focused than traditional search engines. Voice search is semantic and content created by companies should be in a manner that answers the users’ query. Websites should be responsive, as voice search is often done on mobile phones. VSO agencies typically advise their clients to first ensure they’ve got a mobile-friendly website before integrating voice search.

Voice search is definitely here to stay. Including structured data markup in the backend of your company website is the best way to ensure you’re not left behind. Voice assistants have changed the way we use and interact with the internet and is continuing to evolve and improve. If you haven’t already, now’s the best time to jump on the bandwagon and enlist a VSO agency.

The Role of Foley Sound Effects

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Film production requires continued innovation and advancement to meet the daily expectations of the audience. It needs artists and filmmakers to tap into their imaginative minds and produce content that the audience appreciates. Foley sound effects are one of these creations that named after Jack Foley, the artist who first started the practice of recording certain sounds that appear in a video or film away from the actual set.

Foley artists generate a lot of the sound you hear daily in movies, TV shows, and commercials. What is interesting about the sound that these artists create is that they are produced from a combination of objects you would not expect. What they do is play a specific clip on a projected monitor and reproduce unique sounds any way possible. Now, film production companies may not have Foley artists on hand but they do understand the significance of their contributions.

A film that lacks quality sound really makes the entire viewing experience entirely different; the proper sound is needed, especially in bigger film productions. Compared to prerecorded sound effects on a computer, Foley sound effects create more authenticity, variety and enhance the overall production. Enhancing the sounds in a movie improves the realism of the movie, which in turn draws the audience in.

Some commonly used Foley effects that you might hear in any given film production include wood cracking in a fire, the wind blowing through sails, body hits (breaking bones, etc.), and horses trotting. These effects are achieved using creative prop ideas like plungers, wallets, duct tape, bags of baking soda, sand, springs, and much, much more.

When these sounds are used in the background of a scene, they simulate real noise in such a way that viewers can connect on an emotional level. Compared to current films, old historical movies appear and feel lifeless because they were screened without sound or poor sound quality. In today’s world, the work of Foley artists is critical as they are used in just about any scene; whether it be dramatic, comedic or action-packed, sound effects created by Foley artists are used in just about any video scenario.

Sound effects are essential for production companies because they empower artists to record unique and realistic sounds for films. Although the typical viewer may not understand the significance of a Foley artist’s role, they notice and appreciate the indefinable realism and professionalism in the film which sets it apart from others.

Whether you want a professional Foley artist or not, our production company can create just about any video you need for your business. If you have any inquiries, feel free to contact us.

Optimizing for Mobile Markets

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We all know that the mobile market is growing more quickly with each day. In fact, 95% of Americans own a cell phone of some sort. With such a huge margin of our society owning mobile devices, it seems like everyone is in a rush to optimize for mobile markets. The only question is how exactly is that done?

In 2015 Google put out an update that made their search engine more mobile friendly. This allowed the top search results to be websites that are properly formatted for smartphones. With this being said, one of the easiest ways to optimize your company is to make sure your website has mobile-friendly formatting.

You need to make sure your photos and videos are available for online services. Sometimes you’ll need to adjust certain things to make sure your videos can be played on smartphones and your pictures can show up clearly. Hiring a digital marketing agency for this kind of thing can take a lot of unnecessary stress off of you.

You will also want to make sure your website is compatible with mobile devices. For example, on a desktop website, you can get away with using small buttons because the cursor is small and specific. However, on a mobile device, your finger is your cursor. In this case, small buttons may not work as well when larger fingers are trying to click them. Keeping things like this in mind can be kind of tricky, and any digital marketing agency will be willing to help you out.

Formatting is a huge thing when switching from desktop to mobile markets. You need to make sure your text is still visible for people to read on mobile devices just as much as it for them to read on desktops.

Another thing to keep in mind when trying to optimize for the mobile market is that larger purchases are usually made on desktops. For example, computers or plane tickets. However, on mobile devices, people typically search for small purchases or cheaper services. With the help of a digital marketing agency, you can optimize both your desktop and mobile websites to promote what is being searched for the most. Ultimately this will optimize your company as a whole.

Overall, optimizing for the mobile market can be kind of tricky. There is a lot to think about, and these tips are just a few of many. If you are ready to work on optimizing your company or website on the mobile market, consider contacting a digital marketing agency today as they are experts in this field.

Marketing Campaigns 101

By | content marketing, digital marketing, marketing, marketing agencies, Mobile marketing | No Comments

Marketing campaigns aim at promoting products through various platforms. Advertising companies use online platforms and print ads in addition to radio and television spots as their primary tools for product promotion. Consistent advertising is a good way for you to reach your customers and to create a lasting impression in their minds.

A coordinated approach for marketing companies has several advantages.

Meetings with customers and prospects

After beginning your campaign, you gain the opportunity for a meeting with customers and clients. Customers can see what you’re offering by examining the features and qualities of your products. Then, they develop an interest in your products from an informed viewpoint and are more likely to make an appointment to discuss how your company can help theirs.

Brand development

With multiple promotional ads, you stand to gain a customer’s attention more than if you used a single form of advertising. This lets you stand out from the crowd of your competitors. Displaying your brand across the various media platforms results in its promotion and development.

Customer follow-up

Whether you’re dealing with established customers or searching for new ones, a solid, diverse marketing plan helps you to follow up with them. Once you have gained their attention, you’ll have the opportunity to explain your products or services in greater detail. Marketing campaigns reinforce your brand, communicate your message and create a knowledge base for new or established customers.

Increased sales

Marketing campaigns remind your previous customers that your products and services are still on the market. They also catch the attention of curious customers. This results in new and repeat sales and increases your clients’ brand loyalty.

New business opportunities

These widespread campaigns can create new business opportunities for marketing companies. They increase exposure within the industry and attract new partners, which leads to expansion of your business by creating new opportunities.

Marketing campaigns drive your business forward. Through proper alignment of your marketing campaign goals, you stand a better chance of achieving success in your business.

Selecting a Soundtrack for Your Film

By | Movies, Video, video production | No Comments

Phenomenal action scenes, remarkable cinematography, and precise dialogue deserve a spectacular soundtrack. However, it can be quite challenging for a film production team to find the perfect soundtrack for their work of art. Regardless of whether it is a personal project or a client’s project, choosing a great audio track can cause numerous sleepless nights.

Film production companies are well aware of the implications of a sensational soundtrack; it’s what transforms your numerous scenes into a wonderful and relatable story. Music has a lot of emotions and soul woven through their waves and that is exactly what the film industry relays on to execute a perfect scene. If you can remember your favorite movie or commercial, it’s likely that you will remember the background music and if not, you might go back and find a song that carries emotion of your favorite moment.

So how do film and video production companies find the right track for their projects?

Choose the Soundtrack that Communicates the Message

The use of a music track in your film or video helps communicate the message to the mind and heart of the viewer. Whether you want to educate or entertain your audience, the type of background music you use will help convey the message to your audience. For example, for an educational video, it is advisable to use a calm and quiet song which will not divert the attention of your audience.

Set the Mood and Emotions

By choosing the right music track for your film, you set the mood for your film. As mentioned before, music brings in a lot of emotions no matter how big or small the project is. The most qualified and experienced film production companies always concentrate on how they want to make the audience feel; focus on the feelings you want to evoke and then choose the music track that best conveys those emotions.

Comply with Copyright Laws

You will have to either choose free music or purchase music that fits to your video, however, you must be sure that you legally acquire and use the music. There are numerous copyright laws that all film production companies must observe when it comes to using someone else’s music; every video or film you see on TV or in the theaters have went through the right venues in order for them to be played, and if they hadn’t then they would be in a heap of trouble.

Whether it is instrumentals or vocals, be certain that the audio track you use sets the tone you want in your video project. If you are unsure, it helps if you listen to a few songs and create a playlist where you can overlay the options before picking the right one. A quality soundtrack that is properly and carefully selected will always make your film more attractive and entertaining.

Choosing an experienced and qualified film production company will give you an edge when you are creating a video project. Film production companies like Big Door will assist you with anything from selecting the best location to finding the right song.

The Importance of Consistent Branding

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Branding is one of the most important things you can do for your company. Marketing companies spend a lot of time working with their clients to come up with the best branding ideas they can. Have you ever wondered why these marketing companies spend so much time brainstorming and improving other company’s brands? Or how about why exactly consistent branding, in general, is so important? Here are our three top reasons why creating a consistent brand is so important.


One of the biggest things consistent branding does for your company is it makes it more dependable. If you are constantly changing the way you brand or present your company, people are going to have a hard time trusting you in general. If you can’t stay consistent with something like your branding, how are people going to trust that you will be constant with the work or services you are going to be providing to them? Sticking with your brand is crucial, and if you really feel like you need to re-brand, hiring marketing companies are the best way to ensure you don’t lose too many people’s trust.


Having a consistent brand will help make your company or product more marketable. When your brand is consistent and trustworthy, people are going to automatically associate your name with good things. If your brand is changing constantly, customers won’t even have the chance to make these mental associations simply because they don’t recognize or remember who you are. Overall, having a consistent brand with help with your marketing and make it a lot easier on you.


The last reasons consistent branding is so important is because it builds so much trust between customers and your company. People are naturally going to trust companies and stores they know of. If you see a Target and another store that sells the exact same things as Target but is called something else, which one are you going to choose? Most people would choose Target simply because they have heard of it and know it. The same can be said of your company. Recognition builds trust and trust leads to business.

Having a consistent brand is so important in today’s market because it’s one of the only ways to help make your company or business memorable. Consistent brands help with dependability, marketing, and overall trust. Marketing companies are created specifically to help out in these situations. They know how to help brand your company to help make it consistent. Contact us today here at Fusion 360 if you have any questions about marketing companies or branding.

Summary of Google Algorithm Updates

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Google changes their algorithm pretty often, so it can be kind of hard to stay on top of all the updates. Especially if you are trying to create content that you want to optimize. Digital marketing companies have no choice but to stay on top of all of these updates. There are eight main algorithm updates Google has gone through, and to make it even easier, they are all pretty simple names- Panda, Penguin, Hummingbird, Pigeon, Mobile, RankBrain, Possum, and Fred.


Panda was first released in early 2011. The basic idea of Panda was to assign certain scores to different web pages. These scores would then determine where each web page would rank on the search engine. Panda was more of a filter than anything at the beginning, but it is now totally integrated into the algorithm Google uses.


Penguin is kind of similar to Panda in it’s ranking. However, Penguin down-ranks websites that use links or keywords that seem manipulative or spamming. Its main goal is to catch people trying to cheat the system when it comes to algorithm ranking. Digital marketing companies are responsible for coming up with ranking techniques that help companies but don’t cheat the system- a tricky job!


The next big update was Hummingbird which launched in the summer of 2013. Hummingbird wasn’t as minor as Panda and Penguin, in fact, it changed the way search engines work to this day. Hummingbird made it so you could search questions and websites with answers would pop up, even if the title of the webpage didn’t have the same words as the questions. This update was a huge game changer for Google.


Pigeon was released in late 2014. This update worked to include a location in the search results. This helped to increase the rankings of local listings. This update also affected the search results in Google Maps.


The mobile updated was released in 2015 and was designed to help make top ranking results be mobile-friendly. This made it so people on smartphones could also use Google to find answers.


RankBrain is pretty similar to Hummingbird as it is actually a part of that update. RankBrain helps to understand the meaning of questions typed into Google rather than the physical words written. It helps to get the most accurate results possible.


The Possum update was just an addition to Pigeon. It helped to make search results closer to your physical location. For example, when you search “Doctor’s Offices Near Me” instead of just showing results in your city, it shows doctor’s offices within a few miles of your current location.


Fred is the last Google algorithm update. This update helps filter out the websites that violate Google’s rules and guidelines. This update mostly affected blogs that generated really low-quality content to get ad revenue and that don’t have digital marketing companies to help them.

A huge responsibility of digital marketing companies is to understand and work with the Google algorithms updates. To learn more about SEO and specifically Google Analytics, click here. If you are interested in hiring digital marketing companies for help, contact us here at Fusion 360 Agency.

