Drones are brilliant tools that filmmakers can use, and the technological research and advancements tied with these innovative machines have only helped video production companies elevate their content. Whether you’re filming a documentary, news story or a vlog, it’s important to know just how a drone can help you achieve video production greatness and when you should be utilizing its capabilities.
Drones should never just be thrown into the mix of a video, they serve specific purposes. We here at Fusion 360 Studios have compiled a guide for you to follow when it comes to drone usage — here’s what we recommend.
When You Need an Establishing Shot
The most successful video production companies use drones when they want to film an establishing shot. These shots help set up a specific scene or showcase a specific location, and a drone is going to help you get a more dynamic view of said location. You’ll most likely see drones in use during the introduction or transition parts of a video or movie.
When You Want to Provide the Audience with a “Break”
Touching more on transitions, drone footage can also be used to give the audience a break after an intense scene. For example, say you’re watching an action movie, if the content has been super dramatic and up close, a drone shot can be used to give the audience a break from the up-close intensity. Video production companies know that it’s important to retain an audience’s attention, but they also don’t want to make a production too overwhelming, and that’s where drone footage comes in handy.
When You Need “Smooth Motion”
When you’re shooting that showcase high-speed chases or movements, a drone helps ensure that the scene flows naturally and the footage comes out smooth. A chase car is used in higher-budget productions, but if you’re looking to simplify the process, a drone is going to do just fine. You don’t have to have a major motion picture to take advantage of a smooth sweeping shot, they can be used in brand films when you want to set up a location or sense of motion.
For Size Comparison
If you’re trying to capture the magnificent size of a specific location compared to, let’s say, an actor, then drones are going to be the best way to achieve this. For example, video production companies will shoot a close up shot of a subject in a specific location, then they will fly the drone up and away from the actor to show the incredible size of the location or the insignificance of the subject by showing how little they are.
There are various ways to use a drone, but it’s important that you don’t overdo it. If you’re looking to create some stunning visual content with the help of a professional video production company, give us a call here at Fusion 360 Studios. When it comes to video production companies, we’re a force to be reckoned with.