How to Create the (Almost) Perfect Social Media Post

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Is there such a thing as a “perfect” social media post? Probably not. No single post can do everything you might want it to, or reach everyone you hope to connect with. Social media is just too fluid and subjective. Effective digital marketing companies know how important it is to ride the wave of trends, likes and favorites to success.

There are, however, time-tested tricks of the trade that can maximize your posts’ success. No two social media platforms are alike, and no two digital strategies should be identical. Each platform has its own eccentricities and knowing what works for each is crucial to increasing your brand’s digital footprint.

Fusion 360 - How to Create the (Almost) Perfect Social Media Post (Fusion 360 Agency)

Instant Classics: Advertisements With Staying Power

By | advertising | No Comments

When most people think of American pop culture, they think of the Kardashians, reality TV, hip-hop and Miley Cyrus. There is, however, a slice of pop culture that is routinely overlooked: advertising.

The creative juices of marketing agencies have helped shape American pop culture for decades. Jingles, logos and brands are as influential as Kanye tells everyone he is. From the Oscar Mayer wiener to Kit Kat’s “Give Me a Break” to the Nike swoosh, advertisements have etched a place into our hearts and minds.

Fusion 360 - Instant Classics - Advertisements With Staying Power (Fusion 360 Agency)

8 PR Tips for Pitching a Journalist

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In the world of PR, sometimes it feels like you’re pitching into a big empty space and the only person responding is your own echo. Digital marketing firms who understand the importance of getting a story out there know this process can be rough. From ignored phone calls to blocked emails, everyone has taken his turn at rejection.

If you’re having a particularly difficult time getting journalists to notice your pitches, it might be time to take a step back and take closer look at your strategy. Based off of common journalist pet peeves and expert advice, here are a few things to keep in mind before you send that next email.

Fusion 360 - 8 Tips for Pitching a Journalist (Fusion 360 Agency)

For Digital Advertising Companies, Surviving Life After Ad-Block

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For digital marketing companies, Apple’s recent support of ad blocking in iOS 9 for mobile and Safari for OS X had many running for the hills. The move came as a culmination of years of growth in the online ad-blocking industry, with the ever-increasing popularity of ad blocking browser modules.

While some big name companies can pay the price for whitelisting—here’s looking at you, Amazon—most smaller businesses are left to flounder in Adblock’s wake. Has the arrival of Adblock to mobile heralded the end of digital advertising as we know it? Probably not. But online marketers will have to seriously up their game if they want to stay competitive in an increasingly bare digital landscape.

Fusion 360 - Surviving Life After Ad Block (Fusion 360 Agency)

8 Writing Hacks to Be a Better Content Marketer

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If you’ve spent any time at all in the world of content marketing, you’ve probably learned that writing is one of the most essential skills needed to become a successful content marketer.

Advertising professionals from Utah to the East Coast are well aware that quality writing can make or break a successful SEO campaign—as well as your career. No matter how creative and witty you may think you are, if you can’t write, you should probably find a different career path. With that in mind, here are a few important tips to make sure your writing is up to snuff.

Fusion 360 - 8 writing Hacks to Be a Better Content Marketer (Fusion 360 Content Marketing)

2 Keys to Determining the Value of Your Content Marketing

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In the ever-changing world of content marketing, it can sometimes be difficult to see how your non-traditional advertising efforts are providing value to your company’s overall goals. After all, it’s easy to say that a piece of content marketing is well-written or beautifully designed, but if it doesn’t contribute to your company’s growth, is it really worth the effort?

Thankfully, there are a few key measurements that can be used to determine if your efforts are delivering the value that they should. And while other factors can influence these results, the following measurements should always play a considerable role in considering the success of your content marketing campaign.

Website Traffic

The first step for measuring success in any digital campaign is whether or not new traffic is being driven to your website. While some types of content are more likely to generate Web traffic than others, it is important that all such efforts be consistently measured and analyzed to determine whether or not they are having the desired effect.

Web analytics tools can provide business owners with a wide variety of useful statistics, such as the number of site visitors, the average number of pages viewed per site visit and the average amount of time spent on the site. While such statistics may not be considered to be as important as sales, Dummies makes it clear that the higher the numbers are, the more likely it is “that you have an engaged audience that interacts with the content you create, and you probably influence their purchasing decisions.” And these engaged audience members are more likely to recommend your content to others—thus driving new traffic.

What material can have a significant impact on these statistics? The answer, of course, is quality content marketing. Whether it’s a series of engaging, informative blog posts (which would increase the amount of time a visitor spends on the site) or a third-party link from another site that brings new visitors to your website, content marketing efforts can have a very direct impact on these statistics.

An increase in website traffic typically does even more than the aforementioned examples. As users spend more time on a site, Google and other search engines view this as an indicator that the site is a source of high-quality, authoritative content. This in turn can improve a site’s SEO rankings, helping other new customers find your site—even if they didn’t come to it directly through content marketing materials.

These metrics are not perfect forms of measuring the value of your content marketing efforts, since other factors (such as your website’s design and navigability) can also impact the increase or decrease of such statistics. However, if your content marketing is really doing its job, there should certainly be improvement in these areas.

Sales and Leads

Of course, in the business world, sales and leads are generally considered the ultimate measure of any strategy’s success (or lack thereof). And content marketing is no different.

Thankfully, there are plenty of statistics that show that quality content done right can directly contribute to an increase in sales and leads—especially when it is already increasing the number of page views and the amount of time spent on the site.

It goes without saying that the more time an individual spends on a website, the more likely he or she is to make a purchase. However, in many instances, a piece of content marketing can directly contribute to a sale or lead. For example, marketing guru Neil Patel reports that his company’s blog can drive anywhere between 60 to 80 percent of total sales leads for a given month—a significant return on investment. But this isn’t something marketers can just “set and forget.” Readers typically “[become] a lead after reading at least three blog posts,” which means that more often than not, marketers need to encourage readers to come back for more.

This means promoting blog content through social media and other channels to increase readership, as well as using sidebars that provide an opportunity for potential customers to sign up for email notifications or simply click to learn more about a given product or service. Even offering a free ebook after users submit email contact information can help increase return readership and improve the likelihood that people will continue reading the blog and eventually make a purchase—and website analytics allow business owners to see if someone looked at a piece of on-site content marketing before making a purchase.

Just like other website traffic metrics, content marketing is not the only influencing factor that drives increases or decreases in the number of sales and leads. A poor website design can frustrate consumers before they complete a purchase, no matter how good one’s content marketing strategy is. But when an easy-to-navigate website design is combined with a quality content marketing strategy, businesses are more likely to see the number of online sales and leads increase to never-before-seen heights.

8 Tips to Increase SEO with Pinterest

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For marketing companies from the East Coast to Utah, Pinterest is a godsend. While Twitter and Facebook target consumers’ current interests, Pinterest serves their future aspirations. That provides a virtually limitless opportunity for digital marketers, as nearly 70 percent of people on Pinterest use the social media platform as inspiration for future purchases.

The Pinterest demographic is overwhelmingly female, and Pinterest users are willing to spend more than either their Facebook or Twitter counterparts. How can businesses successfully increase their Pinterest rankings in such a lucrative market? The following are eight helpful tips for boosting your company’s SEO using Pinterest.

Fusion 360 - 8 Tips to Increase SEO With Pinterest (Fusion 360 SEO)

5 Things to Look for When Hiring a Web Designer

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So, you’ve decided it’s time to take your business to the next level by way of a new website. Perhaps this is a first-time project or you’re simply seeking to improve the overall professional look of things—either way, you’re going to need to bring a talented website design specialist or agency onboard to turn your creative vision into a reality.

That said, with so many candidates, how can you filter through all the noise and find the perfect website design guru for your particular needs? Relax—though somewhat intimidating, the process needn’t be a confusing one. Cling to the following five points and you’re bound to see success:

1) Thoroughly Investigate a Designer’s Portfolio

During the time in which you’ve been running your business, you’ve probably been tasked with the recruitment of new talent. Obviously, résumés are a major part of this process. You take a look at a résumé and, if things check out, you bring a potential employee in for an interview.

Seems simple enough, right?

Well, as far as the field of website design is concerned, though how impressive a potential creative looks on paper is important, what really matters is the portfolio. Sit down and take the necessary time to thoroughly review a designer’s portfolio before offering a formal contract.

By so doing, you’ll have a decent idea as to what the end result might look like should you extend an offer.

2) Check Out Each and Every Reference

Instead of waiting around for a website design expert to magically appear, be proactive and surf the web to find a site that you admire. Using a business’ contact page, reach out and ask for a name or two as to who might be able to help you with your new project.

When done this way, you become substantially more effective with your search. Essentially, you’re in control and aren’t left at the mercy of what craigslist can produce for you. Once you’ve found a couple with whom you feel comfortable, ask for a few references and—here’s the shocking part—actually check them out.

Do your due diligence. This is by far the best way to avoid any unpleasant surprises when it comes time for a project to begin.

3) Discuss Where Your Site Will Be Designed

There’s never an exception to this rule—always ask where the development, design and coding of your website will take place. Sure, more than likely, you’re more concerned with who will be taking care of your website than where it will be built. But, if the location is neglected, you could very well find yourself in a world of hurt when an emergency arises.

Imagine hopping online to check out how things are going with your new site and having the ever-dreaded “HTTP 404 Not Found Error” thrown in your face. So, what do you do? You pick up your cell and call your designer.

If he or she is working in India, your phone call will go unanswered due to the time difference. While certainly an outlying situation, this sort of thing happens more often than you might think.

4) Be Upfront About Deadlines and Budget

In any sort of working relationship, whether it involve website design or not, it’s best that mutual understanding takes place before a project begins.

Providing more information about this important tidbit, says Travis Bennett, managing director at Studio Digita, in an interview with, “When discussing your project with an agency [or designer], make sure you’re clear on the scope of what will be delivered, the amount of changes you can request, what’s required from your side to provide and the timeline for work to be produced.”

That way, in the end, nobody’s disappointed. So, during your hunt for the ideal website designer, be upfront about both the budget you’re working with and the timetable for what’s to take place.

5) Ensure You Are the One Who Owns the Design and Content

Just because you’re paying an ad agency or website design wizard to build you a custom-made website, doesn’t mean it’s legally yours.

In fact, while looking for a designer, you’ll need to make certain that the person or entity who’s taking on your project is willing to sign over all intellectual property rights.

If you bypass this step, when—and if, mind you—it comes time to sell your business, you could have a hard time bringing in the investment capital you deserve. More often than not, this isn’t an issue. If it is, look elsewhere for help.

Yes, the process of finding a talented, reliable website design professional can be a tedious task. But, when it’s all said and done, if you take the time to do things right, you’ll be more than satisfied.

4 SEO Practices That Are Doomed to Fail In the Not-So-Distant Future

By | SEO | No Comments

Shockingly, there are still a handful of old-school marketers out there who view the field of SEO as little more than some sort of complex pseudoscience.

While you and I might now that it’s not, in order to help the reluctant get onboard with our craft of choice, it’s imperative that a conscience effort be made to stay up-to-date with what’s most effective for building rapport with the Internet’s largest, most influential search engines.

In need of some help? Here’s what you absolutely, without a doubt can’t bank on in the coming months and years:

1) Focusing Purely On Google

Yes, Google is clearly the focal point for most SEO specialists. There’s nothing wrong with that. However, in the near future, Google can’t be the only focus. We know this because of what’s currently taking place with widespread search trends.

Obviously, Google still takes the cakes as the easiest way for Web users to get what they want. Yet, people are now also using personal digital assistants like Siri and Cortana for getting the information they so desperately crave.

Additionally, believe it or not, Google users are on the decline. Bing and Yahoo? Not so much. Though nothing’s skyrocketing, usership is on the rise.

2) Producing Little More Than Written Content

What’s most crazy about all of this is that, for years now, studies have shown that multimedia content performs better with search engines than that of a more editorial nature. Nevertheless, most content marketing agencies still focus entirely on writing.

Sure, written content isn’t going anywhere and still works well, but there are simply more effective ways of doing things. New platforms, features and demographic-driven data now call for images, video and other interactive elements to be used by both SEO and content marketing specialists.

3) Desktop Optimization

For the longest time, desktop optimization was considered the standard of sound SEO practice.

While there wasn’t anything innately wrong with that, mobile optimization has become the bigger need as users have shifted from using traditional computers to smartphones when surfing the Internet.

In fact, says Jason DeMers in an article written for Forbes, “Now, with mobile traffic surpassing and outpacing desktop traffic in growth and Google far more concerned with a sufficient mobile experience, that standard way of thinking is becoming irrelevant. As long as your site is sufficiently optimized for mobile, soon it won’t matter much how it looks on a desktop.”

4) Building Backlinks In Droves

There’s always been a series of strong dividing lines between SEO, content marketing and public relations. With the passage of time, those lines are blurring.

Think about it—up until this point, more than likely, you’ve been posting links to your domain on blogs, forums, Q&A outlets or Web 2.0 sites. Why? Well, it’s super easy. There’s no editorial review whatsoever, so why wouldn’t you?

While not horribly effective, there’s still a measurable SEO benefit from such a tactic. However, don’t get too excited—Penguin revisions are pegged to all but destroy this strategy.

Yup, this means that you and your team are going to need to place even more importance on building industry-specific relationships, guest posting on authoritative sites and quality content.

Simply put, there’s no getting around it—SEO is an ever-changing industry. Instead of looking at the situation as an obstacle that needs to be overcome, view it as a way to further distance yourself from your competitors by way of awesome results.

By so doing, when all is said and done, both you and your clients will be pleased with what’s taken place.

5 Timeless SEO Practices That Will Never Lose Their Widespread Efficacy

By | SEO | No Comments

Ask any SEO expert and he or she will tell you the exact same thing—organic search is by far the best source of traffic to the world’s most influential websites. Recently, in fact, a study was carried about by Conductor that sought to prove the importance of organic search for digital marketers.

The results determined that 64 percent of website traffic comes from organic roots. Shockingly, a mere two percent of generated Web traffic came from social media. So, if you’e an SEO specialist looking to make a name for yourself, there’s good news: you’ll always have a job.

However, as is the case with just about everything in the complex world of SEO, things change at a rapid rate, and Google’s algorithm doesn’t plan to sit around and wait for you to catch up. That said, there are a few SEO-driven constants that appear to be standing the test of time:

1) Keep Content Continuously Flowing

Content marketing has taken off as an advertorial trend for a reason—it’s super important for SEO. More than just about anything else, if you can keep a steady stream of content flowing from the brains and fingers of your savvy team of content marketers, you’ll appeal to both digital audiences and search engines.

Furthermore, keep in mind that digital content isn’t limited to articles or the occasional blog post; moreover, it includes highly engaging content types such as videos, SlideShare presentations, infographics and podcasts.

2) Make Social Media a Real Priority

Yes, it was previously pointed out that social media’s impact on driven Web traffic is minimal, at best. Hold the phone—there’s more to it.

While there’s been a great deal of debate as to whether or not social signals have an impact on SEO, recent research and indicated that there is a causative relationship between the two entities.

Just how active should you be? Well, seeing as how Twitter’s stream of tweets is presently used by Google to index content, it’s probably the best place to start.

Reports Lori Wagoner of, “While the optimum frequency will vary from case to case, on an average, you need at least two tweets a day every single day of the week to gain even 30 percent organic reach on Twitter.”

On the other hand, Facebook’s organic reach isn’t nearly as impressive as it used to be. Beyond paid social, the outlet isn’t nearly as effective or lucrative as Twitter.

3) Update Your Keywords

Ah, keywords—the stuff of real SEO genius. Truthfully, you’re right, but only to a certain extent. The need for keywords is still highly relevant and doesn’t appear to be going anywhere anytime soon. But, it’s necessary that they be updated form time to time. Just as Google changes, so too does user search behavior.

Lastly, even though your site’s already been built, it’s never a bad idea to go back and check each piece of content you create to ensure that everything contains keywords that are highly relevant to your brand’s niche.

4) Focus On Customer Reviews

This one’s often forgotten, but user-generated content works wonders for building rapport with each of the Internet’s leading search engines. Though this section’s heading hones in on reviews, this kind of content also includes blog comments and product or service ratings.

Sure, these will help you and your brand build a solid SEO foundation, but even better, these reviews will help in the ways of customer conversion. Regardless of your marketing team’s various points of emphasis, positive reviews are important to have present on a site.

5) Look to Industry Leaders for Direction

Lost as to what your industry’s most common SEO tactics are? No need to fret. The best way to get some direction with your SEO is to frequent the sites of your competitors.

Look for specific keywords they’re using well and identify the authoritative sites from which they’re getting invaluable backlinks.

Additionally, do a bit of snooping and look into the various content types your rivals are using to strengthen their ties with potential clients on social media or elsewhere out on the World Wide Web. Simply put, if it’s working for them, it can work for you.

When all is said and done, much is needed to drive Web surfers to your website. That said, stick close to the aforementioned practices. By so doing, your bound to develop the habits that will serve you well in the dynamic field of SEO for years to come.