The Totally Precious Relationship Between Content and SEO

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Content is SEO. Wow, that was easier than we though it’d be. No, but seriously, that’s about it. If one were hoping to sound smart, one could say something along the lines of the following: “Content — be it of a written or digital medium — forms the very hooves which pull the figurative chariot of SEO off into the sunset of impressive marketing ROI.” While true, nobody likes to speak like those kinds of people.

Simply put, quality content helps build rapport with Google. As meaningful pieces — along with strategically embedded links and keywords — are uploaded to various publication sites and client blogs, Google — or any search engine, for that matter — recognizes the value of what’s being presented and gladly improves a brand’s page rank.

Through sound SEO and content marketing, advertising as a means of interruption ceases and both clients and customers are mutually benefitted. The result? “Mo money,” with fewer marketing headaches.

Fusion 360 - The Relationship Between SEO and Content (Fusion 360 SEO)

Bing: Google’s Ugly, Red-Headed Stepchild

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Sometimes mothers, especially the ones here in Utah, think that their kids won’t notice the difference between the real Lucky Charms cereal and the off-brand stuff that doesn’t even come with a colorful box. Just for future reference, there’s a difference and it’s huge: no “Made In China” toy [insert sad face emoticon].

In a similar fashion, Bing does its best to imitate Mother Google. Though her ad campaigns may try and trick random people in random shopping malls into favoring Bing over Google through random surveys and blind searches, Google’s majesty is unlikely to ever be overcome by Bing’s puppy-like SEO tenacity.

For starters, Google thrives off of producing relevant results in a matter of seconds. While Bing is able to generate pages of results in the same amount of time as Google, when more complex queries are fed into the system, Bing’s results struggle. It’s not that Bing can’t eventually find what Google quickly displays, but the result may take more time.

Furthermore, if Bing’s team of web services were to do battle with Google’s, the result would be enough to inspire yet another installment of “Silence of the Lambs.” Ya know, the kind of R-rated movie that’d keep concerned parents in Utah tossing and turning all night. Google Maps, Google Docs, Google News and Blogsearch simply can’t be beaten.

Sorry, Bing. In the minds of sane Americans and SEO experts, you’ll forever be little more than Google’s ugly, red-headed stepchild.

Shocking: Google Gets Even More Innovative By Ranking Mobile Optimization

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Google’s innovation puts Stephen Hawking to shame—and he’s in a wheel chair, for Pete’s sake! Poor Pete. Seriously though, when it’s not busy building the only search engine worth anybody’s time, it’s out buying successful tech companies and sexy smartphone apps en route to global supremacy.

Well, it appears that the whole mobile phone thing stuck. Recently, SEO experts from Beaver, Utah to Macon, Georgia were stoked out of their eyeballs to learn that Google has made the unthinkable totally thinkable: ranked mobile optimization.

Sure, the word “optimization” is fun to say and makes a person sound like they know what they’re talking about, but Google’s most recent development is of massive importance for any and all brands who hope to make a splash in the digital realm. In 2014, 22.9 percent of all adult media time in the United States was spent on a mobile device, so yeah, you could say that mobile connectivity is important for getting the word out. Observe:

Fusion 360 - Google Gets Even More Innovative By Ranking Mobile Optimization (Fusion 360 SEO)


Defending Utah and Her Alleged 2014 Googling of an Indecent Emma Watson

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Our SEO wizardry is based in Utah. Our employees live in Utah. Freaking heck, we love Utah. That being said, we recognize that if you took each and every American state and lined them up side by side on a playground and had Barack and Michelle start choosing sides for a figurative game of patriotic dodgeball, it’d be safe to assume that Utah—in our minds the greatest, most unique of territories in the Union—would probably be chosen last. Well, actually that’d probably be Mississippi. She’s way overweight and pretty dang illiterate. Whatever, you get the point.

It’s often said that you can’t judge a book by it’s cover. With that in mind, you shouldn’t judge a state by it’s most Googled terms either; except in Maryland where the phrase “Pharrell Hat” won out. That’s just weird and that hat’s as ugly as sin.

With dirty minivans, families of 12+ people and those homely looking sister wives that sometimes stroll into Walmart on the weekends abounding within our home state’s borders, it’s no surprise that we’ve got a bit of SEO-driven explaining to do.

In fact, as of 2014, Utah’s top searched phrase was “Emma Watson nude.” As SEO specialists, we’re ashamed of what’s occurred, but feel that a reasonable explanation might be available.

Truthfully, the reasoning for what happened may very well be found in Massachusetts’ most searched item: “Emma Watson Speech.” Coincidence? Possibly, but on September 21 of 2014, the booming actress gave a moving speech to the UN on a fight for gender equality. In the aftermath of said speech, she became the victim of a hoax involving alleged nude photos.

Listen, we recognize that we’ve got some room for moralistic improvement, but all of us do. Next time, before you go stereotyping the SEO snot out of Utah, remember that she’s about as dope as they come.

Just Say No: Drugs, Alcohol and Guest Blogging Inquiries

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Ya know that friend that keeps nagging you about writing a guest post for your booming blog because all he or she really wants is a hefty amount of links directing your precious audience back to his or her website?

We’ve all got that friend, and if you don’t have that friend, you might want to consider stepping out of your comfort zone at parties more often, especially in awkward states like Utah. Anyway, guest blogging is so dead. Regardless of what you’ve heard some “friend of a friend” SEO expert say, guest blogging is gonzo and should be dealt with accordingly.

With raw, unadulterated content marketing leading the way for digital advertising trends, quick fixes—requiring little to no effort and zero efficacy with respect to sound SEO strategy—abound on the World Wide Web.

If you’re earnestly working to grow your company’s blog or website and somebody creepy approaches you through email asking for a guest post opportunity or help with locating a lost puppy, delete the email and continue producing real content to engage your target community.

Fortunately, Google’s algorithm is now spam sensitive in an effort to protect the purity of sound SEO efforts. Mommy bloggers from Utah can now breathe a sigh of relief. Sincerely, without the hassle of dealing with guest post inquiries, all is well in Zion.

If You’re Not Blogging, You’re Successfully Doing Your Brand ZERO Favors

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Any one of America’s many marketing agencies will be more than willing to talk your ear off about the importance of blogging in today’s digital world of communication. Unbeknownst to hermits, the socially inept and those creepy adults who continue to live with the confines of their parents respective basements, blogging isn’t only for soccer moms with too much time on their hands; it’s for everyone, especially up-and-coming businesses.

Simply put, if you’re looking to increase your market reach and attractivity with the United States’ most powerful entity — The Google Machine — blogging is a must. Though the practice requires a great deal of upkeep, your guaranteed increase in productivity, revenue and digital recognition will be well worth the time and effort.


Link Dumping Is Disgusting

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In life, disgusting things happen: root canals, messy diapers, tax season, untimely flatulence while at a cousin’s baptismal service in Utah, etc. With gruesome experiences a guarantee for all of us homosapiens, there’s no reason to intentionally add fuel to the fire of vomit-inducing occurrences by way of link dumping.

What’s link dumping, you ask? Well, as defined by, the typical “link dump” refers to “a collection of relevant links” which “usually connects to news articles or images.” While not an issue when taken at face value, the smelliest of link dumpers tend to implement a handful of idiotic strategies in an effort to mask their dark art.

For starters, many so called “SEO experts” will use a tactic known as “cloaking.” Cloaking, having little to do with Harry Potter, calls for a team of dimwitted SEO imposters to show different content to search engines compared to what users actually see. Even hidden text and links make their respective ways onto websites once security flaws have been identified and exploited.

No need to worry, dear friend. Here at Fusion 360, we believe in playing the SEO game the correct way. After all, we do live in Utah. Quality content, engaged digital communities and interruption-free website promotion help our clients build rapport with Google. The result? A series of impressive, lemony-fresh results which, in the end, produce more of the green stuff: cold hard cash.

Out Like a Bad Fad In the Night, Google+ Is Now a Thing of the Past

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Thanks to the supreme product-pushing efforts of many of America’s brightest marketing agencies, our society has had the displeasure of passing through a wide variety of dumb fads: AOL Instant Messenger, Heelys, frosted tips, the Atkins Diet and Sisqó’s “The Thong Song”—still working on that one, admittedly.

Though we’d like to think that we’ve learned a thing or two from our apparent lack of foresight, we always seem to fall back into the pit of being “totally uncool.” Google+ is evidence of such a cyclical occurrence. She’s dead. She’s gone. Mercy, she’s both dead and gone.

Currently, for many users and marketing agencies, the social network is little more than a less-popular Facebook imitation, like something you’d download at a cheap hotel in Thailand. In fact, recently, Chris Messina—a designer who spent three years helping develop Google+ and is often credited with having invented the hashtag—said the following in a blog post through Medium: “Lately, I just feel like Google+ is confused and adrift at sea. It’s so far behind, how can it possibly catch up.”

Simply put, Messina saw the proverbial writing on the wall. Within three months of his initial harsh comments, Google announced that mandatory Google+ registration and Google Authorship were to become nothing more than a distant memory.

Furthermore, as if the damning happenings weren’t enough to put a slug in the figurative cranium of the Google+ thoroughbred, Google’s now put its Streams and Photos into standalone products for the handful of users who still employ them.

Truthfully, if even Google is unable to uproot Facebook as the world’s most beloved time-waster and social platform for marketing agencies, no entity short of Al Gore and his team—he did invent the Internet, after all—likely will.