B2B vs. B2C

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Regardless of client, there’s always either a B2B or B2C focus that takes place. That said, few are the people—including lower-level marketers, from time to time—who actually know much of the subtle differences between the two marketing targets.

Sure, B2B stands for “business to business” and B2C represents “business to community,” but there’s much more to it than that. Whether working with one of America’s finest marketing agencies here in Utah or elsewhere, you’ll also need to know more about both of the aforementioned. No worries—allow us to make the task a bit simpler for you by way of an easy-to-read infographic:

Fusion 360 - B2B vs. B2C (Fusion 360 Agency)

How to Create the (Almost) Perfect Social Media Post

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Is there such a thing as a “perfect” social media post? Probably not. No single post can do everything you might want it to, or reach everyone you hope to connect with. Social media is just too fluid and subjective. Effective digital marketing companies know how important it is to ride the wave of trends, likes and favorites to success.

There are, however, time-tested tricks of the trade that can maximize your posts’ success. No two social media platforms are alike, and no two digital strategies should be identical. Each platform has its own eccentricities and knowing what works for each is crucial to increasing your brand’s digital footprint.

Fusion 360 - How to Create the (Almost) Perfect Social Media Post (Fusion 360 Agency)

For Digital Advertising Companies, Surviving Life After Ad-Block

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For digital marketing companies, Apple’s recent support of ad blocking in iOS 9 for mobile and Safari for OS X had many running for the hills. The move came as a culmination of years of growth in the online ad-blocking industry, with the ever-increasing popularity of ad blocking browser modules.

While some big name companies can pay the price for whitelisting—here’s looking at you, Amazon—most smaller businesses are left to flounder in Adblock’s wake. Has the arrival of Adblock to mobile heralded the end of digital advertising as we know it? Probably not. But online marketers will have to seriously up their game if they want to stay competitive in an increasingly bare digital landscape.

Fusion 360 - Surviving Life After Ad Block (Fusion 360 Agency)

Digital Display Advertising and Other Marketing Methods You Should Really Stop Using

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The world of advertising is an ever-changing beast, and as a result, determining what the best methods are for a successful advertising campaign has proven tricky—especially with the ever-changing digital marketplace. And while there are some tactics that many companies would like to use to promote their products and services, experts at marketing agencies are quick to point out that there are some methods that you should really just avoid altogether. Here are three tactics that should definitely be left out of your next advertising campaign.

Digital Banner Ads

Digital banner ads and pop-up advertising are the billboards of the Internet. It seems like they’ll never go away, and many companies continue to rely extensively on this method for their digital marketing strategy. Yet there are few advertising methods that could be less effective in actually generating sales and leads.

Just how ineffective are digital display ads? Studies have found that the average clickthrough rate for these advertisements is 0.1 percent, with approximately half of those clicks being completely accidental. To put that into perspective, an average person is more likely to summit Mount Everest or survive a plane crash than intentionally click on a digital display ad. Yes, it’s really that bad—which is why fewer agencies are including digital display as part of their advertising tactics.

While companies that specialize in digital banner ads promise that their content will reach millions of viewers, marketing agencies worth their salt recognize that potential reach is hardly the most effective method for measuring effectiveness. Quite often, digital display ads are not adequately targeted, resulting in many advertisements reaching irrelevant audiences. Regardless, most Web users ignore these advertisements completely, even if they haven’t already installed an AdBlocker to prevent the obnoxious messages from ever reaching their computer screen.

Black-Hat SEO

There’s no denying that SEO is one of the most important tools to achieving success online. But when it comes to the methods that are used to improve one’s SEO rankings, businesses need to be careful that they work only with marketing agencies that utilize white-hat SEO techniques—and avoid shady practices at all costs. While sound SEO practices can get your business to the front page of Google, black-hat techniques can result in penalties that get your site severely punished.

There are a plethora of unfortunate SEO practices used by shady marketing agencies that can greatly damage a company’s chances of ever ranking highly. Yet many companies continue to engage in these practices. For example, Forbes notes that keyword stuffing—be it in content marketing materials, internal links and even alt-image tags is still quite common. And the oft-maligned practice of trying to buy or sell links is still used by many companies who (unwisely) think Google won’t notice their shady tactics.

Some black-hat marketing agencies even attempt to get clients to rank for completely irrelevant keywords, simply to generate clicks. Spam content, link baiting and even invisible text are sometimes used in an effort to generate links and keywords—but these dishonest practices will ultimately result in punishment from Google and other search engines. If anyone claims to use these tactics, avoid them at all costs! Quality SEO includes content marketing that relies on addressing relevant audience topics as well as optimizing website design to better meet customer needs—all while avoiding keyword stuffing and shady link-building practices.

Dying Traditional Advertising Techniques

Let’s be honest with ourselves—most traditional advertising techniques are quickly going the way of the dodo. The Yellow Pages? Your grandparents may be using them, but it’s unlikely that anyone else is—especially when Google is so much quicker and more effective. Other traditional advertising methods, such as television, radio and newspaper are also becoming less effective as their audiences migrate to the digital world.

Television is a prime example of how audiences are quickly finding ways to circumvent traditional broadcast advertising. The rise of YouTube, Netflix and Hulu have all led many consumers to watch their favorite TV shows online, rather than during the television broadcast, and audience sizes have been consistently diminishing over the last several years (except for major live events like the Super Bowl). Even those who don’t use these digital subscription services frequently take advantage of TiVo and other devices that allow them to skip commercial breaks entirely.

Marketing agencies that are in the know are well aware that these changes in media consumption habits mean that it’s harder than ever to reach desired audiences. But there is hope to be found in digital replacements for traditional advertising methods. After all, most Hulu subscribers are still exposed to commercials of some sort, and the company actively tries to target advertising to its customers’ relevant interests.

For just about every traditional advertising method, marketing agencies have developed a digital equivalent. An equivalent that is more tightly targeted, less likely to be skipped and therefore more likely to actually lead to sales and leads.

For companies big and small, the time is long past to abandon digital display ads, black-hat SEO or outdated traditional advertising methods. The times have changed, and your advertising tactics should too. Be sure that any marketing agencies you work with know how to use effective digital advertising techniques that will yield the desired results.

The Past, Present and Future of Emojis

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Emojis. You’re either using them or lying about not using them. Either way, if you have a smartphone, they’ve become a part of your daily communicative routine. Apart from doing an excellent job of conveying emotion, they’re quick, simple and fun to use.

However, emojis—or emoticons, as they’re also known—haven’t always been around. They didn’t just spring up out of nowhere. Truth be told, they come with a rather interesting past.

Simply put, having come from an exciting upbringing and currently seeing a prominent, game-changing role within the walls of most of America’s most successful digital marketing agencies, undoubtedly, the future of emojis is a bright one. Here’s the evidence on which such a claim comfortably rests:

Fusion 360 - The Past, Present and Future of Emojis (Fusion 360 Agency)

Ad Battle: Facebook vs. Google

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Digital marketing agencies have a number of useful outlets at their disposal. Needless to say, Facebook and Google are two of the biggest and most effective ones. While a blessing, which of the aforementioned should command the most attention when the framework of a digital marketing campaign is being created and funding organized?

Sure, specific audiences will often determine such an outcome, but it never hurts to get a bird’s-eye view of the matter. Fortunately, we have taken it upon ourselves to provide an aerial snapshot for you and your team of advertorial gurus. The following infographic does just that:

Fusion 360 - Ad Battle - Facebook vs. Google (Fusion 360 Agency)

Bridging the Generational Gap: Targeting Millennials and Baby Boomers

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Needless to say, there are a few not-so-subtle differences between Millennials and Baby Boomers. Known for their fear of financial commitment and sense of entitlement, Millennials make up what’s been pegged, according to Forbes, as America’s most “publicly reviled, praised, misunderstood and analyzed” generation.

Baby Boomers, on the other hand, tend to value things like individual choice, communal goals and confidence. Though members of each individual group might struggle to understand those of the opposing generation, digital marketers must have a firm grasp on what both want. While a complex matter, the following infographic displays—as far as America’s many marketing agencies are concerned, at least—what Millennials and Baby Boomers are looking for:

Fusion 360 - Bridging the Generational Gap - Targeting Millennials and Baby Boomers (Fusion 360 Agency)

Indicators [Besides PageRank] that Show Your Digital Marketing is Working

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When it comes to assessing one’s digital marketing strategy, most companies look almost exclusively to their PageRank to gauge success. Has their site moved up in Google’s search results? Then things are going well.

However, many marketing agencies would be quick to note that while PageRank is of extremely high value in the digital age, there are other factors that should also be taken into consideration. After all, having a high PageRank is great, but without other signs of success, it’s not as useful as one might think.

A successful digital marketing campaign produces quality content that not only improves PageRank, but also draws in new visitors to the site and keeps them coming back for more. Quality content provides site visitors with valued information or entertainment, which also results in more time being spent on the site and positive word-of-mouth that can bring in new visitors as well. As more time is spent on the site and the number of new visitors increases, Google recognizes the page as a source of quality information, and SEO continues to improve.

Of course, the ultimate measure of success for marketing agencies and their clients is an increase in sales leads generated by a digital marketing campaign. Ideally, digital marketing efforts will combine an SEO and conversion-friendly website, engaging content marketing and other methods with this end goal in mind. An increase in sales (or sales leads, depending on one’s business model) is perhaps the greatest measure of success.

Successful marketing agencies across the nation know that these factors are what ultimately contribute to a successful digital marketing campaign. As a company’s PageRank, number of visitors and sales leads increase, they can rest assured that their advertising efforts are getting the job done.

Marketing Your Startup From the Ground Up

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Building a company is many things, but one thing that it will always be is a challenge. There are numbers to crunch, people to hire and products to build. With all of that to consider, sometimes Entrepreneurs miss the most important part: marketing.

Learning how to market your company can be the very thing that makes it successful. Although the rest is important, without marketing there will be no customers; without any customers, there would be no sales; and without sales, there will eventually be no more business. That’s why learning the tricks of startup marketing is not just important—it is vital.

Keep Company Goals in Mind

Before anything is solidified within new companies, they first must set goals. Both short-term and long-term goals will set the standards for future actions within those companies. Therefore, these same visions must be kept in mind when entering the marketing phase. Understanding the purpose of the startup will direct a company towards the right key publics, deciding which consumers are the right consumers to target. Zeroing in on a few specific types of people is important. If a company attempts to market to everyone they will usually find themselves left with no one, especially with the limited resources of a startup.

Figure out which types of consumers would be most likely to fulfill the goals of the company. What kind of person would buy your product or use your service? Once you figure out who your audience is, learn everything there is to know about them. This will then guide the rest of the marketing process because different consumers obtain their information in different ways.

Piggyback On Partnerships

When it comes to a starting a business, the best way to learn is from those who have already been through the same exact thing. Find established companies with whom you can partner with. Find out how you can help their company and they will most likely be happy to help yours in return. These companies can not only act as a mentor but can feature your product on their blog or website that already has solid followers.

Make sure to find a company, however, who fits in with your personal brand identity. It is better to learn from someone in the same industry. Also, it is important to partner with a company who is trying to reach the same audience as you. This way it will make it easier to reach out to your key consumers. Associating with a well-known and well-loved company can be the “in” that establishes your startup as noteworthy. If the big-wigs thinks it’s cool, then it must be.

Developing Content and Establishing a Brand

Perhaps the most important part of marketing a startup is creating content that will stick. Consumers want content that relates to their lives and is interesting. Establishing branded content will help any startup connect with their target audience. The brand must be something that the audience feels they can connect to and be a part of. Gone are the days when selling a product was about convincing people; millennials now want brands that allow them to join in and become involved.

The best way to do this is to avoid promotional content. Companies need to discuss topics within the industry or present interesting findings to consumers who care. Provide legitimate information that gives the chance for consumers to join in on the discussion with companies.

Don’t Forget Social Media

In order to give consumers that chance to converse, companies must have a presence on social media. This may seem like a no-brainer since it is a free and easy way to get in touch with target audiences. However, it may be so easy that some companies put their focus elsewhere. Don’t forget that social media is one of the main communication channels of the modern age. It is now how people receive information every day. Not only that, but it provides an easy route to reach out to specific influential people in the industry and spark discussions.

Strive For a Viral Status and Incentivize Sharing

Take that social media to the next level by striving to make content go viral. This is a step that will come later for startups as it may not be easy to even gain the eyes of the target audience at first. Once a company becomes a little more established, however, think of ways to make content spiral and spread. This can be done through contests, urging people to tag or share with friends, holding events or extending questions in need of response. Keep the “sharing” goal in mind while developing content. Think about whether your consumers would not only be interested in the content, but would also be motivated to share it with their friends and family. That will eventually extend your brand to multiple publics, reaching the eyes of millions.

Keeping marketing in mind throughout the adventure that always comes with building a company from scratch is vital. There may be a lot to do, but don’t forget that marketing will eventually be what brings your company success.

8 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Marketing Agency

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Regardless of industry, it’s important that marketing—specifically digital marketing—be given proper attention. Whether it be a matter of web development, graphic design, video production or content marketing, without the help of professional advertisers, marketing quickly becomes more of a headache than a money-making endeavor. That being said, if the wrong marketing agency is brought onboard, a similar headache is bound to take place. In order to ensure that a positive relationship be formed, there are certain questions that should be asked before anybody signs on the proverbial dotted line.

Fusion 360 - 8 Tips for Finding the Best Marketing Agency (Fusion 360 Agency)