What is a Brand Film?

By | advertising, Utah, video production | No Comments

With all the different ways to market your company to your consumers, clients and the public, it’s hard to keep track of all the different tactics. One of the recent marketing tactics that is trending positively is the production of a brand film, but what exactly is a brand film and how does it differ from other video content?

Video production companies everywhere understand that a brand video is not a simple advertisement for a product, nor is it a promotional video. They are, however, supposed to show off your brand to your consumers and the general public in order to develop more trust and loyalty to your brand. When these videos are done right, your consumers should feel as if they can identify with your brand and connect on a deeper level. To expand more on what a brand film is, we will briefly discuss their purpose, what they consist of, and their future.

Purpose of a Brand Film

As we already mentioned, a brand film should ultimately build loyalty and trust between the consumer and your brand. Why? How? Simple. These are supposed to give viewers an inside look at your company. By giving consumers or clients a look inside your doors, they will see the culture of your company and find more ways to identify with the brand, developing an even more special relationship. In addition, video production companies suggest that these videos educate, engage and produce an emotion that viewers will feel.

What Your Brand Film Should Include

A brand film isn’t a short 30-second clip of people waving at the camera, but a two to five-minute video that conveys who your company is. This kind of video should display the inner workings of the company and consist of traditions and cultures that exemplify what makes you unique. Whether you interview the CEO, have a narrator, or simply throw up texts throughout the video, it has to have the company’s voice. If you are unsure how you might display your culture, secrets or anything special about your company, ask yourself, what makes your company tick? What is the driving factor behind the brand? What does the company do for others? From there, you should have plenty of ideas about what your video needs.

The Future of Brand Films

The more our world embraces digital content and representation, the more you’ll see brand films. Video production companies understand that these videos can have a strong influence on others, and therefore, these videos have a bright future. When a company creates a brand film that feels genuine and less like an ad, then they will see the positive results that come from consumers that trust their company.

If you want a similar result, you really should consider hiring a video production company. Without turning to professionals, you might end up with the wrong message. To guarantee your brand film turns out the way it should, consider contacting us, Fusion 360 — an award-winning video production company that has all the experience you need. For other inquiries, contact us today.

Different Roles at a Marketing Agency

By | advertising, content marketing, digital marketing, Social Media | No Comments

Before you get into the advertising or marketing business, you need to know the basic mechanics of how a marketing agency works. Marketing companies come in all shapes and sizes, but most follow a similar structure that has been proven to work, no matter how many people they hire. Smaller companies will often have one person wear multiple hats, or one person that does everything an entire department would. Larger agencies will have each department broken down for efficiency. Either way, the fundamentals for the ad agency model works. Here at Fusion 360, a digital marketing company, we know how important the different roles are to build an effective agency. Here are some of the key roles:

Account Director/ Manager

Management of a marketing company is extremely important. Without a solid manager, the whole ship will go down before it even gets going. An account director or manager is responsible for managing the agency’s relationship with its clients and accounts. The account director is the one who delivers the creative work and content to the client and makes sure it fits their wants and needs. They deal directly with the client to address any problems that may arise and develop a solid long term relationship with clients.

Web Developer/ Web Designer

Web developers are programmers who create applications and programs for their clients’ websites. These individuals are well versed in many different program languages, such as HTML, CSS and creative software. It is important to find a web developer who is skilled enough that they can create custom codes and build a website from scratch. A marketing company that really wants to do well will definitely need a web developer to run their websites and make sure everything online functions properly.

A web designer is similar to a web developer, though, their skills may not be as in-depth as a developer. A web designer typically has both technical and creative skills. They focus more on making websites aesthetically pleasing and functional for easy use.

Social Media Manager

The social media manager is responsible for managing all social media marketing. A social media manager has to be acutely aware of social, cultural and digital marketing trends as they constantly evolve. A social media manager has to be an expert in communication in order to attract and engage their target audience. They also have to be pretty creative in order to create quality content in the form of texts, images and video. Marketing companies need a social media manager to stay up with trends and market their brand socially.

Graphic Designer

Graphic designers are in charge of creating all the visual content to market the brand. They come up with ways to get messages across in print and digital media through color, imagery, text and formatting. Graphic designers are in charge of the overall digital marketing projects.

No matter the position, each is essential to make a marketing company really work. There are more roles that can be filled at a marketing agency but these are just some of the major ones for any size agency. Here at Fusion 360, we understand how important each role is to build a great marketing company. If you are wondering how to get involved in the advertising or marketing, reach out today and we will help you!

Agency vs. In-House Advertising: Which One is Best for You

By | advertising, content marketing, marketing | No Comments

One of the biggest question that brand ask themselves is, “should we hire an agency or just build an in-house advertising team?” This may be one of the most important decisions that your company can make. Each option comes with their advantages but ultimately, this decision comes down to your budget and your workload.

So, if you’re trying to decide whether or not advertising or even marketing companies are a good investment, take a look at some of the comparisons we’ve put together in this blog to help you make a decision.

Building an In-House Team

First, we’ll start with the benefits of building your own in-house team. One of the major benefits of hiring an in-house marketing team over marketing companies is that they are a great way to maximize marketing output toward company targets. In-house teams are more capable of focusing on your consumer base 100 percent, since the team works exclusively for your brand, while marketing companies tend to focus on various different clients at any given time.

In-house teams are often described as “efficient revenue machines”, as they minimize the number of communication steps between all aspects of the campaign, which leads to faster completion times and more effective communication, which can greatly improve the quality of your brand’s work.

While building your own in-house team might seem like the way to go, you have to remember that you’re going to have to pay salaries, might have to do some training and you’ll have to invest in the resources that your team will need.

Hiring an Advertising Agency

If you’re on a tight budget, hiring marketing companies might be in your best interest; hiring an agency is the best way to get trained industry experts working on your advertising. Your brand relies on the employee’s expertise, and if you hire an advertising agency, they’re bound to put in a mass amount of time and effort into your marketing¾ time and effort that your team will now have to focus on other tasks.

As mentioned prior, marketing companies work with several different clients, and while that might mean that they can’t focus on your business 100 percent of the time, you can be confident in the fact that this alone gives them knowledge in what the best practices across the industry are, which will benefit you in the sense that they’ll. Create amazing work for your brand.

Agencies are also a great financial decision as they will cost you a fixed cost, as opposed to the salaries you’d have to pay if you built an in-home team.

If you’re looking to save money and work with experienced marketing teams that will help your vision come to life, you’re better of hiring marketing companies like Fusion 360 to help you with your advertising needs. Give us a call today to see how we can benefit your brand.







The Process of Storyboarding for a Brand Video

By | advertising, video production | No Comments

Storyboarding, to video producers, is what script writing is to writers; while they still use the script to create a project, producers rely heavily on storyboarding to make sure that every scene comes out as planned. If you’re not too familiar with what storyboarding is, it’s essentially a sequence of images that represent the intended shots of a film. Storyboards show filmmakers exactly how a scene should be shot and framed and what camera movements will be used.

Completed storyboards should give a clear, accurate idea of how certain shots will work together, and they should be easily understood by everyone on the crew, not just the filmmaker. Now that we’ve touched on the structure of a storyboard, here is the process that video production companies follow when it comes to storyboarding.

Decide What the Goal of the Storyboard Is

Video production companies need to determine what the main goal of their brand video will be. Whether their looking to convey a brand message, promote a product or service, or simply tell the story of how a company came to be, they need to have a goal in mind.

Creating a Rough Draft

Before anything, a rough draft of the storyboard should be created. There are multiple reasons as to why video production companies start with paper first. First off, it’s much faster than trying to create some high-end mockup. This allows for the cooperation of the various teams within video production companies, such as the writers, editors and producers. Of course, designers are going to be the ones who create the final version of the storyboard, but everyone should contribute to the brainstorming. Too often, companies get caught up with trying to create something too complex, but everyone needs to remember that it is just a rough draft.

Reviewing the Rough Draft with the Team

After the rough draft has been created, the team should then review it together to see if the main message is headed in the right direction. From there, that message needs to be seen flowing well throughout each and every scene. When the team takes time to review the storyboard together, it’s easier to access what’s working and what isn’t. Different opinions can help target areas that need improvement and can reinforce strong points in a storyboard.

Getting Started on the Final Product

Once the final changes have been made to the rough draft, video production companies can start working on getting the final product created. Designers are in charge of taking the paper draft and inputting it into programs like illustrator to create a visual masterpiece.

There are several steps that go into the storyboarding process, and video production companies know that they’re all crucial in creating the best video possible. If you’re in need of a professional production agency to help you storyboard your next brand video, give us a call here at Fusion 360 Studios.



Why You Should be Utilizing Influencers

By | advertising, content marketing, digital marketing, Social Media | No Comments

If you log into any social media platform right now, you’ll probably see your fair share of posts by famous YouTubers, Instagrammers and Tik Tokkers. These social media superstars have managed to make a living on these social media platforms, and all by creating content that mass audiences can relate to. If you’re looking to boost your social media engagement, these influencers don’t seem like a bad option as far as marketing goes. However, many of the traditional marketing companies are yet to turn to these influencers as an advertising option.

The best thing about social media influencers is that you don’t have to get someone like Kanye West to represent your brand. Everyday people have risen up to superstar status and now amass millions of viewers, followers and subscribers. You can find these personalities everywhere. So, with that being said, your chances of landing one of these stars are pretty good if you try hard enough. Here are a few reasons you should be utilizing influencers.

You’ll Receive Better Quality Content

When you pay an influencer, you’ll also be paying for quality content, depending on the talent. For example, if you’re wanting to create an ad that is driven by humor, you should look through comedian profiles on platforms such as Instagram and Tik Tok, as they will help transform your content into comedic masterpieces. Of course, you’ll want to narrow down what your budget is going to be, as influencers range in price depending on their online presence.

If high-quality video content is what you’re after, you’re not going to regret investing in influencer something that only the best marketing companies know all too well.

Influencers Have Authority Over Audiences

These bigger influencers have a mass following for a reason — they are connecting with their audiences and building relationships with them to keep them coming back and consuming the content that they put out. When you team up with an influencer, you’re bound to reach a consumer base you would have never thought imaginable; in just one project, your business might reach as much as thousands, if not millions of potential consumers.

A survey conducted by a company called Linqia asked retailers, companies and agencies who had invested in these social media influencers if they thought it helped their business. A resounding 94 percent of them answered that they believed their sales benefitted from influencer collaborations.

Marketing companies can boost their client’s engagement by investing in these social media influencers, and it’s a marketing strategy that more brands should look into, especially with the growing influence on these social media platforms. If you’re looking to hire an industry giant to help you get in touch with some social media influencers, give us a call here at Fusion 360 so we can get started on crafting the perfect strategy to get your name out there.

The Research That Goes into Marketing

By | advertising, digital marketing, marketing | No Comments

Marketing companies are constantly researching to find new trends, come up with better strategies, and create more consumers in order to keep up with the ever-evolving advertising industry. There is a ton of research that goes into effective marketing (more than most people may have thought was necessary), and it is all crucial in providing your client’s — as well as your agency — with the tools necessary to succeed and stand out from the competition.

Research is the key ingredient found in quality content, successful marketing strategies, and effective campaigns. Without it, you’re bound to create something that won’t resonate with consumers. Here is just how much research marketing companies have to do in order to stay at the top of their game.

Primary Research

This is one of the two main types of research that these marketing companies conduct. Primary research is firsthand information that reflects your customers and your market. Primary research can be conducted through organized events such as focus groups, online surveys and phone interviews. As a result, the newfound research provides fresh details on the challenges and interests that your buyers have.

Within primary research are two categories, exploratory and specific. These subcategories are extremely useful when your brand is segmenting your market and establishing your buyer personas. The two seperate types are defined below.

Exploratory Research:  This type of primary research tends to focus more on potential problems that would be worth tackling as a tea, rather than focusing on measurable customer trends. This is usually the first step that marketing companies take before any specific research is conducted. It can involve open-ended interviews or small surveys.

Specific Research: This type of research follows exploratory research and is used by marketing companies to look into issues or opportunities that the company has already identified as important. Specific research helps businesses take smaller and more precise segments of their audience.

Secondary Research

Secondary research comes from data and public records that you have access to and use to draw conclusions. Trend reports, market statistics, industry content, and sales data are good examples of secondary research.

When it comes to analyzing your competitors, secondary research is the best form of research. There are three subcategories to secondary research that marketing companies utilize:

Public Sources: These are the first and most accessible form of material that marketing companies will look at when conducting secondary market research. Public sources of secondary information including facts and statistics from sites such as the U.S. Census Bureau¾ basically, any reputable site that can offer helpful and factual information.

Commercial Sources: These sources come in the form of market reports that consists of industry insight that is compiled by research agencies. This information is portable and distributable, but typically costs money to download and obtain.

Internal Sources: This form of research is something that you might already have in-house. Internal sources include the average revenue per sale, customer retention rates, and other historical data.

Marketing companies use these types of research to help clients succeed in competitive industries, and as you can see, it’s so much more than just googling your topic and reading an article about it. If you’re in need of a marketing agency to help your brand do extensive research to create an efficient marketing campaign, make sure to check us out here at Fusion 360 Studios.

Creating Emotions in Video

By | advertising, marketing, video production | No Comments

Although it’s easy to grab someone’s attention with any type of video, one tricky part of video marketing is keeping a viewers attention. One key element in creating a “viral” (or rememberable) video is emotion. If a viewer feels some type of emotion while watching your video, chances are they are going to engage with your content and share it with their friends. So this begs the question, how do you create emotion in a video?

Video production companies are experts at sparking emotion with their content. Although creating emotion can be difficult when creating an advertisement and trying to sell a product, it is possible. Here are a few tips that video production companies use to create emotion in videos.

Tell a Story

A crucial aspect of creating emotion is telling a story. Without a story, you really can’t display any type of emotion in your video. Even if you are trying to make an ad, you have to tell some type of story. The best ads are the ones that don’t feel like ads. Depending on the type of video you are trying to make, the story you tell will vary. If you are trying to create an advertisement, tell a story of how the product or company helped out a specific individual. If you are making a brand film, tell the story of your company. Video production companies can help you come up with the right story to tell in your video.

Decide Which Emotion to Evoke

Emotion is a pretty broad word. There are lots of different emotions a person can feel, and you have to decide which emotion you want to evoke in your audience. Different emotions can cause different reactions. If you are looking to drive awareness with your video, the most impactful emotions will be:

  • Amusement
  • Interest
  • Surprise
  • Happiness
  • Delight
  • Pleasure
  • Joy
  • Hope
  • Affection
  • Excitement

However, if you are looking to drive conversion, you probably want to tap into some deeper emotions or even desires. Here are a few deeper emotions to look into:

  • Desire for control
  • Desire to belong
  • Love and romance
  • Desire to be smarter
  • Power and dominance
  • Family values
  • Desire to get/be the best

Figuring out which emotion to play out all depends on your audience as well as your brand. The best way to decide on which emotion to choose is by finding what your audience’s interests and desires are. Once you do this, then you are ready to build a story full of emotion based on what you find.

Add the Right Music

Music sets the tone of any video. The music you choose can make or break your video, as well as determining the emotion your audience will feel while watching your film. If you are trying to create a happy, light-hearted video, chances are you won’t choose a slow, sad song to play in the background. Video production companies spend a good amount of time finding the right music to add to their films.

When looking for music to add to your video, think about if there are any mood or emotion changes that occur. If your video starts out more sad and turns happy, a music transition can be the perfect addition to help your viewer feel that shift.

By creating emotion in your video, you can ensure that your video will be remembered by almost all who see it. You can connect with your audience and create a lasting relationship just through one video. To get started on an emotional, storytelling video for your company, contact Fusion 360, an award-winning video production company.

Exploring Non-Traditional Social Media Platforms

By | advertising, content marketing, digital marketing, SEO | No Comments

Marketing companies are constantly trying to figure out new methods of utilizing popular social media platforms to boost clients’ numbers. Whether that be in sales or engagement, these marketing companies know what works and what doesn’t when it comes to platforms like Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, but there are still some platforms out there that aren’t being given the attention that they deserve.

When the popular social media platforms aren’t doing enough for your brand or you feel that the market on them is oversaturated, your company should turn to some non-traditional sites and apps that could help boost your online presence. Here are just a few different platforms you can explore.


Quora is one of the most popular Q&A services around and while it may not seem like something that marketing companies should be using to market themselves, there are a few ways you can utilize the site to amass a larger online presence.

Brands can use Quora to create content ideas, interact with audiences on questions that are specific to the brand’s industry, and most importantly to establish authority.

Monthly, 775,000 people use Quora to ask questions about things that are important to them. If your company has the answers to these questions, you can answer them and gain the trust of potential consumers.


This platform is regarded as the front page of the internet, and for good reason. With thousands of subreddits, you can find everything on this site. It’s also worth noting that the platform attracts 164 million unique visitors every month.

Using Reddit is simple, all you have to do is create a genuine profile and follow and interact with subreddits that are within your brand’s industry. For example, if you’re a car detailing company, you might want to subscribe to various auto threads.


Google+ has grown dramatically and now boasts an impressive 250 million users. Though many see this platform as a direct competitor to Facebook, it’s so much more than that. Marketing companies can use Google+ to upload photos, vote on content they like, watch videos, share blogs and links and even watch full-length films.


Formerly known as StumbleUpon, Mix is a social media bookmarking platform that allows users to “like” websites and add them to their individual profiles. Marketing companies can benefit from this platform in the sense that their client’s websites, as well as their own, can gain a good amount of attention if others add the sites to their profiles. There are over 30 million users on Mix, and like other social media platforms, it continues to grow.

These are good examples of non-traditional social media platforms that can benefit your company if your business gives them a chance. If you’re looking to explore new options when it comes to marketing your brand, contact us at Fusion 360.

Why You Need a Video Distribution Strategy

By | advertising, SEO, Utah, video production | No Comments

Everyone knows just how important videos are when it comes to marketing, but do you know how to fully utilize your completed project to get the results that you’re looking for? Video production companies work hard to create high-quality videos that help brands reach new audiences and connect with their current consumers, but it takes more than just uploading your video to YouTube and Vimeo. This is why video production companies use what are called distribution strategies.

Distribution strategies are the reason marketing companies are so successful. The way that a company strategically distributes their content is what draws in audiences and keeps current ones loyal to your brand. If you’re looking to use video content to market your brand, here is why you need a video distribution strategy.

It Targets Your Users

Distribution strategies make it easier to target users that will potentially be interested in your content. It also helps your brand easily recognize what these potential viewers want to see, which helps video production companies create the perfect content tailored to those audiences.

When posting on social media, tools like Facebook’s Ad manager can help you target certain interests or likes so that you can build up an audience and increases your post engagement. You should also use SEO strategies to optimize your videos so that your search engine ranking rises.

You Can View Metrics

Outlining your metrics is essential in creating a solid distribution strategy. Once your video is posted online, you’ll use the metrics to gauge your videos’ success. While looking at the videos’ reach and engagement is important, you should also pay attention to stats such as the number of video starts, average view times, and the number of viewers.

You’ll Achieve Your Marketing Goals

Creating a distribution strategy also helps you achieve your marketing goals. Video production companies will always ask you what the main purpose of your video is, and that will determine what approach they will take in creating your video project. By creating a quality distribution strategy, you’ll be able to narrow down the appropriate platforms to post on.

Going Viral Takes Work

The most experienced video production companies know that going viral is a lot harder than it sounds; going viral isn’t a strategy, more so a goal. You have to ask yourself questions such as how you’re going to achieve that goal, how you’re going to reach your audience, and if you’ll use paid or earned media.

Creating a distribution strategy will help your brand grow indefinitely, and you’ll see an opening in your creative and communication channels. If you’re in need of a professional video production team to help you create a distribution strategy, give us a call here at Fusion 360 Studios.