The Highs and Lows of “Doctor Strange” Advertising

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If you feel like you’ve spent your life looking at the world through a keyhole, trying to broaden your view, you might find that you have something in common with Doctor Strange.” If you’re someone who has worked at an advertising agency, you’ll find the product placement surroundingDoctor Strange” hilarious.

 As less people are watching network television and are instead streaming their favorite television series, less people are seeing advertisements for new movies and materials. A creative approach is needed to reach audiences, thus product placement has returned. When it comes to Doctor Strange,” we witnessed both a success and a failure.

General Hospital

 Product placement can be downright painful. Brands are thrown into movies by many an advertising agency with the label facing outward in a forced position. General Hospital” attempted a new form of product placement, where they worked Doctor Strange” into the script.

 We open on a man and woman talking seriously; you’d imagine he’s about to profess his love for her. Instead, seemingly out of the blue we are hit with a, You know Doctor Strange is about to hit theaters pretty soon…” and a, You may be surprised to hear this, but… If I can’t see that movie with you, I don’t want to see it.”

 The reactions were immediate. It felt like a moment in The Office” when they made eye contact with the camera so you understood the hilarity. This product placement, however funny, would be deemed a failure from Utah to the Big Apple.

“Huaweis Honor

 One of the more subtle attempts at product placement was for the Honor 8. Doctor Strange drives a $237,250 Lambo, but uses a $399.99 Chinese smartphone — somehow the two don’t add up. The brand Huawei recognized that they lacked brand awareness overseas, leading them to partner up with labels like Marvel.

There isn’t an advertising agency that wouldn’t be proud of this one. The subtlety in placing the Honor 8 on billboards throughout the movie increased the position in their target market’s minds (18 to 34 year old men and women).

 Hats off to you for your sly moves, Huawei!

Brandertainment: The Evolution of Content Marketing

By | Brand marketing, Brandertainment | No Comments

The camera opens on an FBI trained forensic artist and a woman, separated only by a curtain. He asks her to describe herself as he draws. This sketch is compared to the one that a stranger described for her, pointing out her true beauty.

Dove’s “Real Beauty Sketches” campaign is masterfully crafted to hit you in the heartstrings as you realize the beauty you can’t see in yourself. As content marketing companies, this is what we hope to achieve. This is “Brandertainment.”

Simply Put

“Branded content,” “Advertainment” or “Brandertainment” — it goes by many names but they all mean one thing: An entertainment based vehicle that is complementary to a brand’s marketing strategy. This is funded by the brand in hopes of connecting with the target audience in a unique and engaging way through stories that elicit feelings.

Roughly 61 percent of consumers have reported that they are more likely to buy from a brand that delivers custom content. We escape the drudgery of day-to-day life through our entertainment choices. Enter the champions of the marketing world, the digital marketing firms.

Can You Do It?

Most content marketing companies use professional media producers instead of in-house production, however you don’t need Hollywood to create your incredible piece of content. While viral videos are intended to reach mass audiences, “Brandertainment” is intended to create the deeper connection with the target audience.

With a unique concept, this form of content marketing can be achieved by even the smallest brands. First, set clear goals for your campaign — do you want to increase sales or simply increase brand awareness? Second comes the brainstorming — bounce ideas back and forth until you define a clear winner.

Finally, produce and launch your campaign — a small budget doesn’t mean low quality content. Invest in a production team that will carry your idea to the finish.

As the great Willy Wonka once said, “Invention, my dear friends, is 93 percent perspiration, six percent electricity, four percent evaporation and two percent butterscotch ripple.” So sugar up, and good luck.

MacBook Pro’s USB Port Adaptors: A Brave New Decision?

By | Design, MacBook Pro, Technology, Uncategorized | No Comments

Every year, hundreds of thousands of individuals wait in anticipation for Apple to announce new products, updates to current products and to unveil the exciting and enticing plans that the company has for the future. This year though, Apple announced a replacement of the USB ports on the new MacBook Pro, thus requiring the use of a special adaptor to use a USB port. This change has everyone from school teachers to content marketing masters asking lots of questions.

As much of the world runs on Apple, it is important that everyone take the time to fully understand what this change means and what it does to audience building and communication in general. Whether at an advertising agency in Utah or a college in the Northeast, this change may effect you — and you need to know exactly how.

Newer, Better & Faster: Apple’s New USB-C

Apple has made the definitive decision to replace the USB port on the new MacBook pro with a different port called the USB-C. According to Apple, this port is newer, better and faster. Because the rest of the world still widely uses the USB port, however, you may need to order a special adaptor to use things like external hard drives or USB storage devices.

Yeah, But Why Should You Care?

Though many are up-in-arms about this change, the effects may be more minimal than they first appear. As an advertising agency or content marketing team, you may need to make an additional purchase in order to still use a USB port. A purchase undoubtedly deemed necessary, as USB compatible devices are currently still prevalent and popular. With a USB port adaptor, your company will still be able to build your brand using multiple computers, retaining the share-ability of your content.

Though at times it may be a hassle, the adaptor does have its perks — particularly because information from Mac to PC can still be shared on a portable drive when working on a project. Ultimately, when all is said and done, life still goes on — regardless of whether you decide to embrace Apple’s brave new decision. 

Bringing Your Big Bad Brand to Social Media

By | content marketing, Social Media | No Comments

You’ve done it — you’ve branded yourself as the coolest cat on the block. You’ve got a product that will fly off the shelves. You know your target. Now you’ve just got to do the easy stuff, and bring it all to social media.

Not so fast, cowboy. Transferring your brand to social media successfully isn’t nearly as easy as it sounds. Something that used to be the job you’d pass off to the intern now has entire branches of content marketing companies devoted to it. Your social media not only needs to be engaging, but it has to encompass that brand in its entirety.

Find the Right Outlet

When starting social media you may be tempted to join every social media outlet. But before hopping on everything right down to the Tinder train, ask yourself, “Will I reach my target demographic in an effective way through these efforts?”

Facebook consistently has the best reach, though platforms like Instagram reach a younger demographic. Follow in the footsteps of the great content marketing companies and do your research before diving all in.

Provide Sharable Content

Social media is one of the few channels where you can have paid, earned, shared and owned media all in one place. Try saying that five times fast. To grow your brand, you need to extend your reach with genuinely interesting and engaging content. It’s imperative to make something your consumer will want to read and share your work — so they can come across as cool cats as well.

Tie It Together With “The Look”

The power of displaying your brand visually is unmatched, just ask employees of content marketing companies. Bring consistency to all your channels by using the same theme and images across all platforms. In doing so, your audience will begin to recognize you and identify with your content.

Make social media great again, be the brand you were born to be through all mediums.

Qualities to Look for in a Brand Journalist

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The ranks of the Fusion 360 team are filled with many different talents. Among us there are the few, the proud, the brand journalists. For those who aspire to write as a career, this is a field you may start considering.


Digital marketing companies are always on the lookout for the unique talent. If you don’t posses the qualities we’re looking for, I’m sorry to say we take “Mean Girls” very seriously, so you can’t sit with us.

The Importance of Brand Journalists

Consumers have gotten wise to the old tactics of advertising. With ad blockers and DVR set ups, no one has to look at your sales attempts if they don’t want to. In addition to that, the lack of trust for large companies creates a need for someone to tell the story of the brand through digital marketing companies. Cue the brand journalists to stage left.

How to Be the Best Brand Journalist You Can Be

To join a team of revolutionaries, you need to be a cunning linguist who uses their talent for good. The story has always been the essence of communication. The way you get that story to the reader needs to be show stopping. Most folks have short attention spans. With the right kind of headline and lede you can pull anyone into the rabbit hole of information that is the internet.

To be the best brand journalist you can be, you should practice open-mindedness. You won’t always be writing about things that gather traditional interest. Heck, you may well find yourself writing about the state of refrigerators. Instead of brushing off this topic, take the opportunity to write accurately and leave your audience wanting more.

Lastly, your brand journalist needs to be quick. We’re talking “I just saw a Dragonite on my “Pokemon Go” radar!” quick. Digital marketing companies aren’t known for their lackadaisical attitudes when it comes to deadlines.

Brush up on your skills and someday soon you may be able to count yourself among the ranks of brand writers, changing the face of this world one article at a time.

Advertising for Self-Confidence

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If you’ve ever accidentally started a movement by not wearing makeup, you know what it feels like to be Alicia Keys right now. It all started with a simple letter for Lena Dunham’s Lenny Letter. Her focus on natural beauty has left every advertising agency from Utah to Pluto scrambling to follow suit.

Alicia Keys and the Movement

Fifteen Grammys in a 20-year career — Keys has always been a great example of empowerment. She is the epitome of equality and #BlackGirlMagic. Through admitting that she’s struggled with self-esteem issues during this wildly successful career, we love her even more (if that’s possible). By being honest about the way she hid her true self, intelligence, thoughts and feelings, she’s been able to reach women of all ages.

In her own words, this movement isn’t “anti-makeup,” rather a “you do you” kind of attitude. She was brave enough to attend the MTV VMAs fresh faced, making it easier for the average woman to brave the grocery store without her face on. I’d go as far as suggesting that confidence is the true movement — she never once seemed out of place, even in pictures with Queen Bey herself.

Dare to Bare

The latest no makeup movement is hardly the first of its kind. Over ten years ago Dove’s advertising agency released the “Campaign for Real Beauty,” promoting the use of real people instead of photoshopped models. Their efforts didn’t stop there, as they released videos displaying “The Evolution” behind retouched ads.

As the pace picks up, we see celebrities going out of their way to expose over-edited photos (you go Zendaya!). American Eagle has gone as far as encouraging women to upload un-retouched photos of them as part of the “The Real You Is Sexy” campaign.

We are at a tipping point for women. Empowerment is all around us, and the advertising agency employees who catch on will go down in history for creating timeless content. May the odds be ever in your favor as you take on this newest endeavor.

How Americans Do Halloween

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Marketing companies do our best to take advantage of holidays. Holidays mean buzz and excitement. They mean that for a short time, there is one thought that is occupying everyone’s mind.

Our job as marketing and advertising professionals is to help our clients capitalize on the holiday spirit. It all starts with Halloween. Halloween is the candy-covered gate that leads to Thanksgiving and Christmas. It is a pretty sweet holiday. You dress up as crazy things, and people give you free candy. Ok, it’s a little weird, but it’s also awesome.

Halloween is a great opportunity to market your product in a new light. It’s a big deal. Don’t believe us? We’ll let these numbers do the talking.


How Fusion 360 Is Like Eleven on Stranger Things

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We all fell in love with the buzzed hair, pink dress wearing, Eggo waffle eating little girl that is our sweet Jane Ives, a.k.a. Eleven in “Stranger Things.” In a parallel universe we like to believe that we’d be the Eleven. Most of us can’t claim that we were born to a mother and tested for incredible psychic abilities. However, we are one of the few content marketing companies that can connect with El on a deeper level.

We’ve Got Great Taste in Music

As we flashed back in “Stranger Things” time to the spunky sounds of the 80s tickled our eardrums. We felt a deep connection with the vibes that little El was putting out. “Should I Stay or Should I Go?” more like the soundtrack to our SEO.

Sensory Deprivation? We Have the Next Best Thing

Eleven skillfully uses a sensory deprivation tank to observe people in other locations. While we praise the creativity behind turning a pool into a tank, as many content marketing companies claim, we have the skills to reach people far from us. Through our skilled analytic technology, we know the words to use and the websites that need help — blacked out goggles not necessary.

Like Eleven, We Love Eggos

What are content marketing companies without the kitchenette full of snacks? El took on grocery store employees to get her hands on a few boxes of frozen waffles. Just the other day we took on an entire Costco to fill our kitchen with brain food to feed our creative team.

We Take Down Monsters, Too

El took down the metaphorical monster that was Mike’s bully Troy. Following that action she took down the monster from the upside down with nothing more than her telekinesis. We are proud to say we can take down the metaphorical monster that is the workload we’re faced with each week.

As for our telekinetic superpowers, some things are better left off the internet.

Social Media at Advertising Week

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Advertising week has once again wrapped up, leaving us with several nuggets of wisdom to digest. The strategies and tactics imparted upon us are the perfect ammunition for digital marketing companies to load up on for the next year.

The heart of the advertising industry has always been about bringing people together, no matter the product. However, creating emotional connections in the virtual world is no easy feat. It’s high time for companies to put social media first in their advertising plan instead of leaving it as an afterthought.

Social Media Marketing Requires Meticulousness

With the birth of new social media platforms comes the opportunity for creativity and, in the words of Apple, “Courage.” It feels as though companies like Snapchat are rolling out new features weekly.

Your social media marketing plan will fall apart if you don’t understand why your target audience is using each platform. When you understand the subtleties of how these folks use each program you can better reach them. A precise plan will lead to stronger connections with your target audience.

Consistent Communication

According to the professionals at Advertising Week, there are two kinds of media, aggregate media and human conversation. Aggregate media is the data analysis side of it — purely number crunching. Human conversation on the other hand, is the feeling that another person is getting your message and you aren’t just talking into the great void that is the internet. The most successful digital marketing companies use both types of communication to create campaigns.

Great Content

Digital marketing companies with great content will build better connections with their followers. The advertisements that tend to stick with us are the ones that hit close to home. This emotional connection builds a relationship that lasts longer than the 30 seconds that the ad does.

Your social media platform is useless unless your audience feels like you’re hanging out with them every day on social media. Be the Milhouse to their Bart. Make the relationship matter.

Registering to Vote Advertisements

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This election season has brought on a turbulence that we have never seen before. Marketing agencies around the nation are taking the opportunity to encourage people to get out and vote, regardless of the stance. The millennial crowd has long since been the target of this plea, leaving many celebrity A-listers prepared to do whatever it takes.

A History of Voting Campaigns

With the help of marketing agencies, celebrities do their best to create social and political movements. “Rock the Vote” was introduced in the 1990s. This movement was described as a progressive-aligned group whose mission is “to engage and build the political power of young people.” After seeing the impact that a celebrity voice can have, Diddy created the “Vote or Die” campaign of 2004. The campaign was even featured on an episode of “South Park.”

This Year’s Efforts

This week we have been faced with not one but two celebrity super groups who are urging us to get out and vote. Hollywood is typically known for leaning left, and the “Save the Day” group proves that. People like Robert Downy Jr. and Neil Patrick Harris got on camera to voice their concerns and shout the plea of “register to vote and make your voice heard on election day.” Though they make their political stance very clear, this advertisement is highlighted with humor at the promise of Mark Ruffalo doing a nude scene.

The second group of celebrities promotes the “Vote Your Future” campaign. People like Leonardo DiCaprio and Julia Roberts got together for a more generic piece that asks young voters to figure out what they care about and vote for it. Their movement was more about sharing what matters to them and why they will vote. They took a page right out of the handbook of top marketing agencies and made it social media accessible.

Regardless of what side you’re on, the obligation to be part of the decision is now stronger than it ever has been. If you haven’t heard it enough, get out there and make your voice heard.