Three Ways Pinterest Can Dramatically Spike Your Engagement

Pinterest might not be the first platform that comes to mind for most businesses looking to grow their social media presence, in fact, a lot of companies solely focus on platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. However, did you know that Pinterest can significantly spike your engagement?

In order for your engagement to skyrocket, you have to build a connection with your audience. You have to provide them with valuable information within your content that they’ll love in order to earn their trust. So, how exactly can Pinterest help you achieve amazing engagement rate? Marketing companies have narrowed down the three major ways that Pinterest can be beneficial to your brand.

You’ll Reach a Younger Audience

It’s important to understand what kind of audience you’ll be reaching on the social media platform that you’re marketing on, and when it comes to Pinterest, marketing companies have found that this platform reaches younger demographics. The average age of the audience on Pinterest is usually under the age of 40. With over 100 million users, 80 percent of people on Pinterest are female — there is, however, a growing male population. As you use Pinterest, you’ll notice that it also offers businesses an analytics tool. This tool allows marketing companies to examine the demographics, as well as engagement numbers.

Higher Share Rates

On Pinterest, shares are called pins and marketing companies have found that around 80 percent of pins on Pinterest are repins of already created content. This being said, original content on Pinterest is bound to get a crazy number of shares; on the other side of things, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, where original content is flooding the platforms.

It’s Easier to Find Informational and Visual Content on Pinterest

While Instagram is the go-to for video and picture content, you’ll hardly find things like infographics and visual diagrams. This type of stuff may not sound exciting, but there are a lot of people looking for these items based on their own research needs and sheer curiosity. Sure, Instagram is a good platform to browse if you’re just mindlessly scrolling through; it’s a platform that is filled with pictures and videos of people’s lifestyles, adventures and hobbies. However, when people want informative visuals, Pinterest is usually the place to go. Marketing companies know this and create infographics specifically for Pinterest, which directs more engagement to their brand. Like the other platforms, marketing companies will tell you to use relevant hashtags and keywords to increase the chances of your content being seen.

Pinterest is an underrated platform when it comes to digital advertising, but it will give your brand a boost over the competition if you can utilize it properly. If you’re looking to grow your social media following and want to see more engagement, contact us here at Fusion 360 for your social media needs.