‘With Eyes Wide Open’: Visual Audiences In the Digital Realm

By | Video, video production | No Comments

Alright, so we might’ve changed the title from Scott Stapp’s “With Arms Wide Open” to better fit the needs of our attached infographic, but can you really blame us? Whether you’re from here in Utah or elsewhere, it’s impossible to deny that song was just gosh awful. Anyway, getting back on track, it’s insane how important video production is for both brands and digital consumers.

Not only do most of them have exactly two eyeballs, but the vast majority of the global population prefers visual stimulation as a means of obtaining information. While that most certainly applies in the classroom and at work, it also plays an important role for digital marketers looking to appeal to a larger audience through infographics and Internet videos.


Pinterest’s Popping Past

By | Social Media | No Comments

Okay, so the “clever title” juices weren’t flowing as much as they usually do. Please forgive the sorry attempt to bring alliteration into today’s topic of discussion: Pinterest. Anyway, in the past, we’ve hammered home the importance of the digital bulletin board for marketing agencies with clients from all types of industries, but there’s more to the booming social media platform than meets the eye.

As is generally the case with most success stories, what occurred long before public fame and glory were ever present laid the building blocks of today’s explosive success. As demonstrated by our newest infographic, Pinterest was certainly no different.

Fusion 360 - The Past of Pinterest (Fusion 360 Agency)

You Are Now Entering the Twilight Zone: an Infographic on Infographics

By | content marketing | No Comments

In Rod Serling’s series “The Twilight Zone,” the weirdness of psychological thrill meets suspense and horror to keep audiences captivated for hours. Though our area of expertise lies within the content marketing realm here in Utah and elsewhere, we’re more than open to spicing up our craft through the building of Serling-esque intrigue.

Currently, at least with respect to content marketing, the importance of visual stimulation can’t be overstated. Written content can only do so much. With 90% of information coming to the brain being of the visual variety, it’s no surprise that the simple act of seeing requires about half of the brain to fully get involved.

For content marketers, this means that—while written content is certainly still important—infographics must must make themselves a mainstay of any sound digital marketing platform. Mr. Serling, in your honor, we present our own wacky, mind-twisting thriller: an infographic on infographics (insert eerie theme jingle).

Fusion 360 - An Infographic About Infographics (Fusion 360 Content Marketing)

A Bird’s-Eye View of the World of SEO

By | SEO | No Comments

Even here in the overly innocent state of Utah, the world of SEO can be a confusing, troubling one. Though SEO experts might understand the intricacies of Google’s algorithm, most don’t. To be honest, who in their right minds even gets the subtle differences between an algorithm and a logarithm? Aren’t they the same thing? Most freshman math classes didn’t cover that sort of material, if we remember correctly.

Anyway, in order to not make a complete and total mockery of the world of digital advertising, we’ve provided a handy-dandy infographic for your viewing/educational pleasure. With the dirty work already performed, before long, you’ll sound like you know what you’re talking about during your company’s next digital marketing meeting. You’re welcome. SEO or bust, baby.


Your Company Is In Dire Need of SEO

By | SEO | No Comments

Regardless of what your mother may say about you and your unparalleled, raw business savvy, there’s always room for improvement. From a marketing standpoint, most companies have their basics covered: Facebook page, telephone number in the Yellow Pages (yes, this is still a thing) and maybe the occasional television or radio commercial. While important, there’s more than one way to skin the proverbial cat. If you don’t mind us bragging a bit, we’re excellent cat skinners. Catch our drift?

Listen, from Utah to the most remote of scary places out on the East Coast, SEO is working wonders for brands looking to improve their presence in the digital sphere. Unbeknownst to many business owners, it’s out there — on that “Internet machine thingy” — that advertorial battles are being won as the loyalty of consumer capital shifts from brand to brand. Truthfully, it doesn’t matter who you are or what your entrepreneurial background looks like: your company is in dire need of SEO.

Fusion 360 - Your Company Is In Dire Need of SEO (Fusion 360 SEO)

The Subtle Ins and Outs of Successful Content Marketing

By | content marketing | No Comments

Any monkey with a computer and a first grade education can compose an article, toss in a few keywords and publish a piece with little to no issue. Smells like content marketing, right? Well, if you responded “yes” to the aforementioned question, take that banana of yours and begin repeatedly bludgeoning yourself over the head. Seriously, it’ll do you some good.

From Utah to the farthest reaches of America’s East Coast, successful content marketing requires just a bit more than a pulse. In order to better represent your company or a client in the digital realm, you’ve got to cling to the very stuff that can’t be found in a training manual or deep within the confines of your boss’ cranium.

Still lost? Take a peek at the following infographic to better pick up what we’re putting down. You’ll be glad you did.

Fusion 360 - The Ins and Outs of Successful Content Marketing (Fusion 360 Content Marketing)

The Totally Precious Relationship Between Content and SEO

By | SEO | No Comments

Content is SEO. Wow, that was easier than we though it’d be. No, but seriously, that’s about it. If one were hoping to sound smart, one could say something along the lines of the following: “Content — be it of a written or digital medium — forms the very hooves which pull the figurative chariot of SEO off into the sunset of impressive marketing ROI.” While true, nobody likes to speak like those kinds of people.

Simply put, quality content helps build rapport with Google. As meaningful pieces — along with strategically embedded links and keywords — are uploaded to various publication sites and client blogs, Google — or any search engine, for that matter — recognizes the value of what’s being presented and gladly improves a brand’s page rank.

Through sound SEO and content marketing, advertising as a means of interruption ceases and both clients and customers are mutually benefitted. The result? “Mo money,” with fewer marketing headaches.

Fusion 360 - The Relationship Between SEO and Content (Fusion 360 SEO)

Bing: Google’s Ugly, Red-Headed Stepchild

By | SEO | No Comments

Sometimes mothers, especially the ones here in Utah, think that their kids won’t notice the difference between the real Lucky Charms cereal and the off-brand stuff that doesn’t even come with a colorful box. Just for future reference, there’s a difference and it’s huge: no “Made In China” toy [insert sad face emoticon].

In a similar fashion, Bing does its best to imitate Mother Google. Though her ad campaigns may try and trick random people in random shopping malls into favoring Bing over Google through random surveys and blind searches, Google’s majesty is unlikely to ever be overcome by Bing’s puppy-like SEO tenacity.

For starters, Google thrives off of producing relevant results in a matter of seconds. While Bing is able to generate pages of results in the same amount of time as Google, when more complex queries are fed into the system, Bing’s results struggle. It’s not that Bing can’t eventually find what Google quickly displays, but the result may take more time.

Furthermore, if Bing’s team of web services were to do battle with Google’s, the result would be enough to inspire yet another installment of “Silence of the Lambs.” Ya know, the kind of R-rated movie that’d keep concerned parents in Utah tossing and turning all night. Google Maps, Google Docs, Google News and Blogsearch simply can’t be beaten.

Sorry, Bing. In the minds of sane Americans and SEO experts, you’ll forever be little more than Google’s ugly, red-headed stepchild.

Two Skills Successful Wizards of Content Marketing Stole From Traditional Journalists

By | advertising, content marketing | No Comments

Utah, it’s time to come to grips with reality: traditional journalism is a thing of the past. It’s kind of like scented markers or Sprite Remix. Remember that jazz? Whatever. With that in mind, there most definitely are certain skills that can be drawn from the dwindling pool of professional journalists and immediately thrust—not in the creepy sexual way—into the glory that is modern-day content marketing.

For starters, credibility is key to content marketing success and journalists—the kind successful enough to not have to eat Ramen Noodles and sleep in their parents’ basements—know a thing or two about producing content that gains credibility. While gaining rapport with Google is of the utmost important for well-seasoned content marketers, the very content which gets people clicking, “liking” and waisting countless hours at work, is strikingly similar to the stuff that real writers churn out.

Secondly, journalists know how to tell a story. Believe it or not, not every story needs to begin with the classic “once upon a time” line. From Utah to New York, brands differ from industry to industry and each one has its own unique story to tell. Furthermore, each individual audience has a specific set of needs and journalists, more than any other group of professionals, have a knack for developing content according to said needs.

Needless to say, if you and your team of content marketers are more “muggles” than wizards, consider harnessing the creative powers of the gargantuan amount of journalists who are currently looking for gainful employment. Also, read Harry Potter to better understand what’s being discussed here.

Celebrity Cameos Sure to Destroy Any of Your Brand’s Positivity In One Fell Swoop

By | Video, video production | No Comments

From Utah to New York, celebrity cameos during television commercials are usually a great thing for eager businesses looking to quickly grab the attention of the American public. Whether it’s Shaquille O’Neal dropping a few cheesy one-liners about the aches and pains of a life after retirement from The Association or George Foreman droning on and on about the thrill of consuming red meat without fat, video production specialists love shooting with star power. That being said, a few of Hollywood’s finest has-beens would cause nothing but societal chaos if called upon to endorse a brand’s product or service.

Vin Diesel, for example, is one of those people. Sure, his abdominal muscles are just about as potent as a bottle of antifreeze, but his limited acting ability makes him a bit of a liability for video production experts. For some odd reason “The Fast and the Furious,” “The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift,” “Fast & Furious,” “Fast Five,” “Fast & Furious 6” and “Furious 7” haven’t allowed Diesel to blossom beyond terrible cliches, angry scowls and the objectification of flag girls in bikinis.

Paula Deen is yet another celebrity who’d be wise to stay stuck between the cushions of her living room sofa. Simply put, being a crazy old racist lady isn’t as trendy as it used to be. Actually, come to think of it, Land O’Lakes butter might benefit from her raw promotional skills. Other than that, feel free to advertise via the rich and famous in Utah and elsewhere. Oh, also steer clear of Paris Hilton. She’s slipped away into obscurity and isn’t to be bothered.