How to Market to Generation Z

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You have probably heard a lot about Millennials. Over sixty-three percent of Millennials have a Bachelor’s Degree. Forty-six percent count on social media when buying online. Forty-one percent of millennials have no land line, just a cell phone. Only 17 percent say a TV ad prompted them to buy something.

There are many ways digital marketing companies have changed their strategies to reach Millennials, but they aren’t the only up and coming generation. Generation Z is classified as those born in 1995 or later. With a new generation coming up, how do marketing agencies plan on reaching them?

It’s About Time

Generation Z tries to get through content quicker. Instead of scrolling through everything on their news feed, they tend to only want to see the popular ones. For example, when on Twitter, they will use the Moments of Twitter which puts the latest news in that area of interest. They also turn to influencers rather quickly. This way, they don’t waste as much time. Gen Z turns to influencers that share the same desires and traits as them.

Education and Work

Like Millennials, Generation Z understands the importance of going to college, but in a different way. Seventy-two percent of Generation Z would like to see colleges let them design their own courses and majors. While everyone things Millennials are the people to hire at digital marketing companies, think again. Gen Z has grown up with technology their entire life. They know how to stand out from the crowd better than Millennials do.

How to Reach Them

How can digital marketing companies reach Gen Z? Generation Z is already very knowledgeable in technology. They don’t do well when it looks like you are trying too hard. Don’t try to be too trendy, but look at trending topics. Brainstorm an original and funny way to reach them.

It is important to be authentic. A good way to reach Gen Z is reaching out to the influencers they follow.


Best Time for an Internship

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College is starting up again. It’s an exciting time of year. Everyone is signed up for classes and heading back to campus. Fall semester is a fun start to make new friends and cheer on your college football team. While cheering on your college football team with all of your friends is probably the highlight of your week, you are at college for a reason- to get a degree.

While you are working towards your degree, you may wonder what kind of degree and experience you need to land your dream job. Usually this includes an internship. When is the best time to get an internship? If you want to work for an advertising agency or marketing firm, how many internships do you need and when should you start them?

When to Apply for an Internship

You can apply for an internship as early as freshman year. Students typically start an internship during their junior and senior year. This is usually in hopes the internship can lead to a job offer. More and more students work with the same company they did their internship with. If students perform well at their internship, they can be hired on part time and then go full time once they have finished up their degree.

Some of the internships with bigger companies may require you to have previous experience. If you are interested in interning for a big advertising agency, find out the requirements for that internship. If you need experience before, plan ahead. Get the experience before you apply.

Internship Credit

Some universities require students to receive internship credit to earn their degree. If this is the case for you, it is necessary to plan ahead. Schools will not award you credit for a past internship. Students have to take the internship class in conjunction with the actual internship. Reach out to employers you would like to intern for well in advanced. For example, if you want to complete your internship in the fall, register for the class and contact the employer in the spring to plan ahead.


Keeping Up With Digital Marketing Strategies

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There isn’t a day that goes by that we aren’t blown away by some new technology. There is so much innovation that you’re probably numb to the feeling of getting your mind blown. However, don’t let this daze of amazement paralyze you from implementing all the best digital marketing strategies you can.

If you are unsure how to implement new tactics brought on by recent developments in technology, talk to your local advertising agency in Utah.

We’ll Keep You Up to Speed

Even among marketing agencies, the rate of change is so fast that some are falling behind. Many firms get complacent and stick to online marketing tactics that worked really well last year, but that don’t really perform the same now. One year doesn’t seem like a long time. But in terms of technology, this is a lifetime.

That being said, if you or your advertising agency is getting complacent—even just a little bit—it’s time to switch agencies. Start shopping around and find an agency that isn’t afraid of the ever-changing digital marketing atmosphere.

The Keeping-Up Game

Keeping up on marketing tactics isn’t as easy as you think. It’s not like there is a yearly publication telling marketing agencies what they need to change to be successful. Now, when big game changers shake up the marketplace anything can happen. Good agencies will see this as an opportunity, while lazy firms will bury their heads and pretend life goes on—business as usual.

The good agencies are employing the trial-and-error mentality and managing to stay on the cutting edge of success. This is the kind of agency that you want for your online marketing.

Who can say how the marketing game will change in the days to come? But that’s why you need to do your marketing with an agency that isn’t afraid of change. On the contrary, marketing companies should thrive in fluctuating situations that force them to be creative.


What Bigger Screens Mean For About Media Usage

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It seems like technology has been evolving for quite some time now — because it has. These advances have brought about a lot of innovation when you think back to how medicine, business and even things like music used to be.

As an advertising agency in Utah, we here at Fusion 360 wanted to get the dirt on how the evolution of screen size has impacted — and will continue to impact — media usage.

The Art of Multitasking

This day and age, the thought of only focusing on one thing at a time seems crazy. With cellphones, music and television, it seems like multitasking is more a natural way of life.

Because the average American spends over 12 hours per day using media, there really isn’t much time for Americans to do anything else without its presence. In addition, most screen interactions people have are now multiscreen, which means the media can be displayed on various devices of different sizes. This multiscreen phenomenon only further increases the amount of time spent with media.

What It Means to Have a Larger Screen

Smartphones especially have continually increased their screen sizes — so much that they now resemble a small tablet. Last year after studying 4,500 smartphone users, the smartphones that rocked the larger screens encompassed 11 percent of the 4,500 phones. In the last year alone, that percentage has increased so much that it is now 28 percent.

Larger screens mean more app usage. Social media apps are the most common, closely followed by navigation, video, retail and music. The larger screens are easier to see and use, making them a hot commodity.

Screen Size and Media Usage 

Today, the bigger the screen, the more tempting it is to interact with what’s on it. In America, people who have larger phone screens (4.5 inches and larger) use about 44 percent more data than those who still have the smaller surfaces. 

It doesn’t help that almost everything can now be accessed from your smartphone either; it only increases the amount of time we spend in front of the not-so-little screens.

Digital marketing companies and marketing firms all over the world should always know what prompts their audiences to interact with media. Whether it’s screen size or content, both play an important role. Noticing where your audience retrieves all this media should affect how marketing agencies go about their advertising and integrated media planning.

Digital Marketing v. Traditional Marketing

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The world revolves on an axis, but today’s society revolves around the digital age. As the internet began to become more and more popular, businesses and companies began to switch to digital marketing. Although traditional marketing still has its avid, long-term followers, it seems to be overshadowed by the appeal and popularity of digital marketing.

So, what exactly is the difference between traditional and digital marketing? Well, digital marketing companies have been trying to make that difference apparent recently, and people are beginning to notice. As you continue to transition into the digital age, remember how things were done traditionally.

Infographic Digital v. Traditional

How Will Neon Signs Make Your Business More Successful?

By | advertising, digital marketing, marketing, Social Media | No Comments

When it comes to marketing strategies, there are endless ways for marketing agencies to be successful. Recently, some businesses have to turned to a bright and unique way of getting the attention they want.

Neon signs are the new billboards. These signs are often used to attract customers like a dragon is attracted to Jaime Lannister’s military (obscure “Game of Thrones” reference).

Neon Signage and Social Media

The neon signs used by businesses usually sport a quote or saying that relates to the company. However, because the signs aren’t directly affiliated with the actual name of the company, young adults are more likely to post with them or flash them across their social media.

After a while, these signs direct consumers to the company for the sole purpose of getting that “trendy” picture of the neon sign. In addition, social media is where people post trendy pictures and create their own personal brand and aesthetic.

Because these neon signs are vibrant, they create the perfect addition to any consumers’ social media platform. Essentially, thanks to these signs you could say (as the youth often do), “It’s lit.”

Unofficial Brand Ambassadors

These neon signs allow the business’s to turn their consumers into their own personal brand ambassadors without them even realizing it. It’s a perfect way to save money on marketing strategies while also getting the same amount of return and traffic to their business.

Moving Forward

Marketing agencies should always be on the look out for what the consumers are about. In order to be the most successful company, you must be able to basically read the consumer’s mind, which isn’t as hard as it once was thanks to the presence of social media and the invention of the neon signs.

In addition to knowing what the consumer wants, you have to know how they’ll react. If you, as an advertising agency, can manipulate your consumers to act exactly as you want them to, then you’ll be one step ahead of them and your competition.

Keep it lit, create the vibe and stay trendy, my friends.


Should Marketing Agencies Now Be Looking Into Chief Artificial Intelligence Officers?

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Technology has skyrocketed in the last decade — so much so, that some marketing agencies are even looking into hiring on CAIO’s, or Chief Artificial Intelligence Officers. Yes, you read that correctly.

Concepts like artificial intelligence and machine learning are not as abstract as they once were. They’re now flowing into various aspects of the advertising world, forcing marketing agencies to keep up with the technology and successfully direct it into their business.

What Is Artificial Intelligence? 

The idea of artificial intelligence (AI) is a theory and development of computer systems that are able to perform tasks that would usually require human intelligence and interaction. Some of which include visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making and language translation.

Another way to define artificial intelligence is by using the word “crazy.” It’s something that most people can’t even comprehend at this point in time.

The Next Big Title

It’s beneficial for marketing agencies to incorporate this technology because developments such as the AI dashboard allow for the agencies to know when there are unusual patterns in their metrics. In addition, some agencies are looking into how to use AI to improve efficiency of their internal processes.

Understandably, some agencies are hesitant to let a robot-like creature take over the reigns, while some agencies are more confident. For instance, one brave independent media agency in New York just hired on a new executive director of cognitive solutions, who will be in charge the agency’s work surrounding the AI-like department.

Dont Get Left Behind

Though AI is still in it’s semi-early stages and there are currently not many, if any, positions strictly dedicated to its growing development, it will one day in the near future be worth investing in.

For marketing agencies, the creation of artificial intelligence basically means life or death. If they shy away now while the concept is still new, there will be an evolutionary divide. This means that those who didn’t jump on the AI train are left abandoned at the station, not moving forward.


Is the Tech Industry Becoming Too Big?

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Written by Ascari Pena


Microsoft is beginning to cut back their sales and marketing teams, which allows us to ponder as technology becomes integrated into our daily lives. In 2014, nearly 17 million workers were employed in the high-tech sector. While this number continues to skyrocket, many other sectors are either being eliminated or restructured.

As an advertising agency in Utah, we are seeing an incredible boom here in the Silicon Slopes with jobs and economic growth.

Advantages of the Tech Boom

As technologies such as self-driving cars, virtual reality and fully automated online retailers such as Amazon, there is no stop to what technology companies are going to innovate. Technology also brings alignment to the consumer, allowing them to have a much more informed purchase cycle.

For example, before smart phones, the average consumer would visit around ten car dealerships to “kick the tires” and see pricing options. Now, the average buyers visit around two dealerships because of the help of online information and resources.Technology also allows the consumer to be smarter with each dollar they spend.

A perfect example is ride-share programs. The taxi business has never been centered around the customer experience, with rude drivers and ridiculous pricing to make for a pretty unpleasant experience. From here, comes Lyft and Uber, offering a much more customer friendly experience at a much better price. Now, taxis are struggling to survive — for better or worse.

Disadvantages of The Tech Boom

While technology is great, it has come with unfavorable conditions for some. Billions of dollars are being lost in traditional mediums such as television and print advertising. With everyone ditching anything even remotely related to the word ‘traditional’, businesses are folding. Traditional television advertising, shopping malls, travel agencies, newspapers and book stores are all having to change their models drastically to keep up with the demands of a 2017 consumer.

At Fusion 360 Agency, we understand where the eyeballs are at. We know that traditional models are dying and we are the pros of digital sustenance — from content marketing to SEO. Our combination of services have allowed us to build something great, and we’re happy to see innovation as a result.



Speed vs. Perfection

By | advertising, content marketing, digital marketing, marketing, web development | No Comments

Written by Ascari Pena


Famous YouTube star and entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk of VaynerMedia states, “Speed is four billion times more important that perfection.” As technology has made our world become increasingly fast and efficient, there is room for debate on what is more important for advertising agencies. Speed or perfection?

As an advertising agency, clients want both. They want their creative to be done fast and perfectly. Unfortunately, this cannot be accomplished in almost any situation.


Being fast on a day-to-day basis is extremely important. A wise man once said “If you ain’t first, you’re last.” Thank you Talladega Nights and Ricky Bobby for the insightful knowledge. It’s extremely applicable in today’s marketplace where being first is important on many levels.

A perfect example is the New York Times. The famous newspaper is looking to eliminate copywriters to replace them with more journalists. In protest, people stood on the street with typo ridden signs to show that in the news industry, ethics and perfection are more important than speed.

Competition for business is at an all time high, and clients are demanding high speed from their agencies. With the amount of tools available for content marketing and web development, there is no reason for agencies to spend weeks on requests from clients.


If you make a mistake large enough, it could be the very next viral meme online. With the speed that the marketplace is demanding, mistakes will be made. Whether clients are more or less forgiving, there is a fine line to be drawn for excusable and inexcusable mistakes. Quality control of content and production is essential to producing a product that has value to the marketplace.

The Balance

While both qualities are important, value and emphasis needs to be place on one or the other. The high-speed market will leave those trying to perfect every little detail in the dust. While making sure all of our work here at Fusion 360 is perfected, speed is the name of the game.


How Advertising Agencies Keep You Updated on Current Events

By | advertising, content marketing, digital marketing, marketing | No Comments

If you’re wondering how a marketing agency knows what’s going on in the news and portrays that news to you then wonder no more. An advertising agency is about doing just that: advertising. Here’s how they keep you in the know on what’s going on in your town and the world.

Clients and Communication

Marketing agencies typically do work for one or more clients. With all these clients, it is important to watch the news and stay updated on current events that could relate to one of their clients specifically. Here at Fusion 360, we have all eyes on the news so we can use events happening now and create awesome content that is relevant to our audience at that moment.

We are lucky in that we’re not only professionals at advertising why our clients are amazing, but we’re also experts at relaying that applicable information about the news and relating it back to them to make them stand out among the rest.

The Agency

All marketing firms have clients, yes, but they are also responsible for taking care of their own content and social media channels as well. Just one quick visit to Fusion 360’s social channels or blog and you will most likely not only realize how fun Fusion 360 is, but also learn something new about what has happened in Utah or the world and how advertising agencies play a role.

Blogs and Social

What many people don’t realize is that almost every big company or business that has a website also has a blog page. These blogs are not just there to add professionalism to the look of the website, but for the consumers to read and enjoy.

If you’re reading this than you obviously know about Fusion 360’s blog, which is fortunate for you because Fusion 360’s blog is stuffed full with current events and facts that you might have missed out on. Blogs are the perfect way to get questions answered that you probably didn’t even know you had. It’s as if they read your mind before the question has even come into your head. It’s exciting.

Thanks to Fusion 360 and other marketing companies, you’ll be able to show off your dazzling wit to all your close friends and they’ll envy you.