A Snapshot of Video Production’s Viral Impact On Digital Consumers

By | advertising, commercials, Video, video production | No Comments

Digital consumers are about as hip as they come, even here in Utah. Whether it be scouring the Internet for the most ill of homemade cat videos or trolling about on the World Wide Web for up-and-coming Vine compilations, the verdict is in: video production is here to stay.

Truthfully, Millennials have matured in a time of marketing chaos. Billboard advertisements and the Yellow Pages have been replaced by the quicker, more tangible means of social media and search engine optimization. Desire for information consumption is as high as it’s ever been and video production is the answer America’s young punks have been looking for. Take a gander at the following infographic to see what we’re talking about.

Fusion 360 - Snapshot of Video Production (Fusion 360 Video Production)

Online Videos Trounce TV Commercials for Up-and-Coming Businesses

By | advertising, Video, video production | No Comments

It seems like each and every year companies become more willing to hand over millions of hard-earned dollars to some of America’s largest, most prominent advertising firms. While investing cold, hard cash in a formal marketing agency is never a bad idea, basing the entirety of your product or service-pushing strategy solely on television commercials is an outdated method that, honestly, is ripe for failure.

Those who keep up-to-date with the latest marketing trends, however, haven’t been fooled. They’ve discovered, along with countless video production specialists from Utah all the way to America’s East Coast, that digital video is a much more effective platform from which to launch an advertising campaign. Still not convinced? Take a look at the following infographic for further clarification.

Fusion 360 - Online Videos Trounce TV Commercials for Up-and-Coming Businesses (Fusion 360 Video Production)