Smartphone Apps and Advertising

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Advertising agencies have to constantly keep up with the changes in technology and how to reach their audience. Advertisements first started with billboards and magazines, then moved to Television. Now, there are so many ways digital marketing agencies can reach their audience, and it’s hard to know which one is best.


Smartphone usage has increase significantly. Since 2001, usage has increased from only 35 percent of Americans owning a cell phone to 64 percent. Many Americans rely on their cellphones for Internet usage. People are constantly looking up their baking online, checking their e-mail, checking social media, playing games, finding driving directions, and many other tasks.

Because of this, digital marketing agencies have needed to shift their campaigns to a mobile direction. They are not only having to create a webpage for a desktop computer, but also developing it to be mobile-friendly as well.

Smartphone Apps

Smart phone apps are another way digital marketing agencies can reach their audience. It is another direction communication with the consumer. People, on average access 30 apps on a monthly basis. While all smartphones come with pre-installed apps, about half of apps users are accessing are ones they have installed on their phone personally.

There are so many different types of apps digital marketing agencies can reach. From gaming apps, educational apps, lifestyle apps, entertainment apps, utility apps, travel apps and everything between, there are so many opportunities to reach the consumer.

The world is changing and improving every day. There will always be the up and coming ‘next great media’ opportunity or up and coming distribution channel. At digital marketing agencies, it is important to stay on top of these up and coming trends to find ways to distribute and communicate with your audience. Smart phone usage is only going to continue to grow so be sure you are finding your audience and leaving them with a relevant message.


Report: Smartphone owners are using 9 apps per day, 30 per month

Why in-app ads may be the future of mobile advertising

What Bigger Screens Mean For About Media Usage

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It seems like technology has been evolving for quite some time now — because it has. These advances have brought about a lot of innovation when you think back to how medicine, business and even things like music used to be.

As an advertising agency in Utah, we here at Fusion 360 wanted to get the dirt on how the evolution of screen size has impacted — and will continue to impact — media usage.

The Art of Multitasking

This day and age, the thought of only focusing on one thing at a time seems crazy. With cellphones, music and television, it seems like multitasking is more a natural way of life.

Because the average American spends over 12 hours per day using media, there really isn’t much time for Americans to do anything else without its presence. In addition, most screen interactions people have are now multiscreen, which means the media can be displayed on various devices of different sizes. This multiscreen phenomenon only further increases the amount of time spent with media.

What It Means to Have a Larger Screen

Smartphones especially have continually increased their screen sizes — so much that they now resemble a small tablet. Last year after studying 4,500 smartphone users, the smartphones that rocked the larger screens encompassed 11 percent of the 4,500 phones. In the last year alone, that percentage has increased so much that it is now 28 percent.

Larger screens mean more app usage. Social media apps are the most common, closely followed by navigation, video, retail and music. The larger screens are easier to see and use, making them a hot commodity.

Screen Size and Media Usage 

Today, the bigger the screen, the more tempting it is to interact with what’s on it. In America, people who have larger phone screens (4.5 inches and larger) use about 44 percent more data than those who still have the smaller surfaces. 

It doesn’t help that almost everything can now be accessed from your smartphone either; it only increases the amount of time we spend in front of the not-so-little screens.

Digital marketing companies and marketing firms all over the world should always know what prompts their audiences to interact with media. Whether it’s screen size or content, both play an important role. Noticing where your audience retrieves all this media should affect how marketing agencies go about their advertising and integrated media planning.

How Will Neon Signs Make Your Business More Successful?

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When it comes to marketing strategies, there are endless ways for marketing agencies to be successful. Recently, some businesses have to turned to a bright and unique way of getting the attention they want.

Neon signs are the new billboards. These signs are often used to attract customers like a dragon is attracted to Jaime Lannister’s military (obscure “Game of Thrones” reference).

Neon Signage and Social Media

The neon signs used by businesses usually sport a quote or saying that relates to the company. However, because the signs aren’t directly affiliated with the actual name of the company, young adults are more likely to post with them or flash them across their social media.

After a while, these signs direct consumers to the company for the sole purpose of getting that “trendy” picture of the neon sign. In addition, social media is where people post trendy pictures and create their own personal brand and aesthetic.

Because these neon signs are vibrant, they create the perfect addition to any consumers’ social media platform. Essentially, thanks to these signs you could say (as the youth often do), “It’s lit.”

Unofficial Brand Ambassadors

These neon signs allow the business’s to turn their consumers into their own personal brand ambassadors without them even realizing it. It’s a perfect way to save money on marketing strategies while also getting the same amount of return and traffic to their business.

Moving Forward

Marketing agencies should always be on the look out for what the consumers are about. In order to be the most successful company, you must be able to basically read the consumer’s mind, which isn’t as hard as it once was thanks to the presence of social media and the invention of the neon signs.

In addition to knowing what the consumer wants, you have to know how they’ll react. If you, as an advertising agency, can manipulate your consumers to act exactly as you want them to, then you’ll be one step ahead of them and your competition.

Keep it lit, create the vibe and stay trendy, my friends.


Millennials and Marketing

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It used to be all about Baby Boomers and how to reach them, as they were the largest generation of consumers who ruled the market like Cersei wants to rule the seven kingdoms. In recent years, Millennials became the largest living generation.

Now, just like Daenerys making the move to take over, digital marketing companies are trying to find the best way to reach Millennials and market to their needs and desires.

Later in Life

 At a digital marketing company, it is important to understand what is important to Millennials if they are a part of your audience. Many believe that Millennials are broke, which is not true. Something important to know about Millennials is they have more college debt, and plenty of credit card debt to go along with it.

As they continue to earn more money, they will be able to handle the debt. They will also make larger purchasing decisions later in life than in previous generations, centering around major events in life. For example, they may buy a house after they have a child, or buy a bigger car after two.

All About Quality

When Millennials are making purchases, they definitely prefer quality over quantity. They put trust in their friends and their opinions of the brands they purchase. Once they find something they like, they are loyal to the brand, service or company.

Reaching Millennials 

Marketing agencies have found the best way to reach the millennial generation is through social media. Creating campaigns and creative content on social media platforms is the best way to reach them. Going along with social media, millennials feel a social responsibility. They are more informed by social media and technology now more than ever.

You have probably heard enough about Millennials and how they are the up and coming generation. They are the generation to reach right now. Understanding Millennials, their brand loyalty, and their spending habits will help you reach these potential customers.


Could Television Finally Be Linked to Advertising?

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If the phrases, “Tiny Rick” or “Get Schwifty!” sound familiar to you, then you are among the thousands who regularly enjoy the dark show, “Rick and Morty.” This series isn’t just a reminder that you’ve got a twisted sense of humor, but is proof that we may not have seen the end of product placement.

You probably noticed when marketing companies invaded your favorite television show, as a can of pop with the label pointed directly to the camera was highlighted. It was unnatural and a failure at making brands a part of storylines. But there has also been a predicted return of products to our screens in the future — the future is now.

“Rick and Morty” Spark a Movement

For anyone who isn’t familiar, “Rick and Morty” is an animated series that is loosely based on “Back to the Future.” This grandfather and grandson pair travel through space and time, taking part in failed adventures and all but ruining their own dimension.

It wasn’t an advertising agency that came up with the McDonald’s storyline. During the season three premier, Rick uses the deliciousness of the dipping sauce to distract aliens and get out of intergalactic prison. In the end, he mentions his overarching goal has been to get his hands on McDonald’s Szechaun dipping sauce, “…even if it takes nine seasons, Morty!”

McDonald’s Jumps Aboard

McDonald’s dug deep to get Justin Roiland, the show’s creator, a half-gallon of Szechaun dipping sauce. Before the second episode of the season premiered, Roiland shared his bounty—earning over 141,000 retweets and 337,000 likes. McDonald’s also tweeted out that they have three more containers to award their biggest fans.

The fast food giant played into the delicious social media karma, basking in the glory that is promotional marketing. This 19-year-old condiment had note plastered on it playing into the theme with a, “…Who knows where space or time will take us because when our customers speak, we listen.”

Though it’s not your traditional product placement, brands are constantly watching out for anytime they’re mentioned in popular shows. Niche followings are boosted (think “Stranger Things” and the Eggo boom), and these brands feel the surge that even the best advertising agency can’t just create organically.

To Justin Roiland we say, keep pushing your personal agenda with the success of “Rick and Morty”—we’re loving it. To all the marketing companies, we urge you to study the way nostalgia, products and social media have tied together to bring McDonald’s back to the top once more.

Great Scott, get schwifty and game on to anyone else going after the rest of the Szechaun sauce.


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How to Beat Writers Block

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As the weather in Utah and across the United States gets colder, creative individuals who draw inspiration from the great outdoors are often forced back inside and ultimately, into writer’s block. Writer’s block can hit the best of the best and while working at an advertising agency, this writer’s block can be frustrating and career halting.

If you find that writer’s block has begun to impede your creative process or mess with the flow of your advertising agency, never fear. Fortunately for you, there are ways to battle the block and writers everywhere can use just a few simple tips and tricks to get back in the groove and obliterate writer’s block.

Infographic Beat Writer's Block

Does Marketing to Millennials Work?

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In the world of marketing, trends come and go as quickly as the Mocking SpongeBob meme shifted into the “Oh no baby, what is you doin?” Countless companies have revisited their strategies, realizing that it’s high time to figure out how to reach Millennials.

There isn’t an advertising agency on the planet that hasn’t tried to come up with the answer for Millennial marketing. Unfortunately for many, the approaches have tanked faster than Scaramucci’s career in the White House.

One Size Does Not Fit All

When you think of Millennials, you probably picture a tech-savvy young adult who stares at their smartphone all day. While they are the first generation to grow up with computers as an integral part of their everyday lives, if you’ve stuck with that image, you’ve played yourself harder than Blacc Chyna played Rob Kardashian.

The stereotypical Millennial does not touch on the fact that this generation ranges anywhere from the 35 year old father of three to the 22 year old college student. The fact remains — this 80 million person generation will soon be taking over the market, and they are as diverse as they come. Being the most educated generation, they aren’t slow to the fact that you’re generalizing their interests and entirely missing the mark.

Tactics to Remember

It’s no secret that social media has become the information channel of this age. Traditional marketing is now a thing of the past. The average Millennial actually touches their phone 45 times a day. Remind your marketing companies to zero in on the audience you want to reach in order to create the content that will connect with them. Remember the mantra, “One size does not fit all.”

Nostalgia marketing has seen a boom. When you consider the hectic schedules and responsibilities that this generation faces, pulling at fond memories will humanize your brand. Your retro roots are an invaluable tactic.

Don’t be the advertising agency that dives right into the generalized “Marketing to Millennials.” Remember what a diverse group they actually are. And for those companies who have successfully done this, “You’re doing amazing sweetie.”


Is AI Taking Over Content Marketing

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Content marketing is crucial for building a digital brand. Everything points back to the messages in the content. This is why, as an advertising agency in Utah, you’d want to hire a creative team that is capable of producing genuine and relevant content for your clients.

With recent developments in artificial intelligence (AI), experts are discovering how AI can make content creation more efficient. But many fear AI will “take over” in a negative way.

Should We Be Excited or Afraid?

The big question everyone is asking is whether or not AI will be a major game-changer in the near future. The realistic answer is no. AI isn’t going to take over the world anytime soon — knock on wood. However, AI is capable of many things including, writing generic content and analyzing market data, but so far AI lacks the empathy and emotion that humans need.

That doesn’t mean AI won’t have its place in content marketing. It has the potential to be a valuable tool for content teams. AI is good at following orders and completing templated jobs quickly and consistently. This is something that some agencies are already utilizing. Especially those industries that create data heavy, scientific content.

That being said, with the type of advancements we are seeing in the world of AI, we should be excited. The development of AI is going to expand the abilities of content marketing companies. Instead of focusing on monotonous tasks, your creative team can focus on the content that really matters — the content that strikes a connection with people.

Content Is Still King

 As they say, “content is king.” Long live the king. The development of AI isn’t a revolution to overthrow that hierarchy anytime soon. Rather, AI is another pillar of support to elevate content creation. Consequently, from this elevated content, brands will be able to better present themselves through modern mediums.



Why Aren’t Millennials Buying Stuff?

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As the Millennial generation is graduating from college and entering the workforce, finances and student debt are now a forefront issue for this age group. While the average student has $37,172 in student debt at graduation, saving every dollar is essential to financial freedom later down the road.

While many Millennials are quick to point at student debt to the sole contributor, there is also a lack of connection to consumers about their products. Millennials enjoy feeling connected and marketing firms are trying to figure out various routes to connect their consumers.

Here are some products that are lacking in the understanding and connection front.

Fabric Softener

While the title may seem self explanatory, many millennials have no idea what this product is supposed to do. If the purpose or value is not explained as clearly as possible, the potential for purchase is extremely low with this age group.

Also, brands such as Downy do not resonate with these consumers as they deliver no further value to their lives. Lastly, it is not a necessity in doing laundry, only an added bonus. With money being tight with this age group, they want to spend it only on necessities.


The sport of golf is extremely traditional, slower-paced and expensive. These three attributes do not align with this age group very effectively, resulting in a decline in revenue for some major golf brands. Also, the sport is extremely difficult to self-initiate. Many people were influenced into the sport by a family member or friend. Unless it is a group of friends hitting golf balls for an afternoon, this sport is lacking connection to the new age of adults.

With these products not aligning with the values of the new marketplace, Millennials will be quick to eliminate them because they’re unnecessary. Content marketing companies are constantly trying to figure out what these very complicated consumers are looking for in order to drive sales.

Many an advertising agency has zeroed in on what the consumer wants from major brands, and are bringing it to them through whatever means necessary.

Is the Tech Industry Becoming Too Big?

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Written by Ascari Pena


Microsoft is beginning to cut back their sales and marketing teams, which allows us to ponder as technology becomes integrated into our daily lives. In 2014, nearly 17 million workers were employed in the high-tech sector. While this number continues to skyrocket, many other sectors are either being eliminated or restructured.

As an advertising agency in Utah, we are seeing an incredible boom here in the Silicon Slopes with jobs and economic growth.

Advantages of the Tech Boom

As technologies such as self-driving cars, virtual reality and fully automated online retailers such as Amazon, there is no stop to what technology companies are going to innovate. Technology also brings alignment to the consumer, allowing them to have a much more informed purchase cycle.

For example, before smart phones, the average consumer would visit around ten car dealerships to “kick the tires” and see pricing options. Now, the average buyers visit around two dealerships because of the help of online information and resources.Technology also allows the consumer to be smarter with each dollar they spend.

A perfect example is ride-share programs. The taxi business has never been centered around the customer experience, with rude drivers and ridiculous pricing to make for a pretty unpleasant experience. From here, comes Lyft and Uber, offering a much more customer friendly experience at a much better price. Now, taxis are struggling to survive — for better or worse.

Disadvantages of The Tech Boom

While technology is great, it has come with unfavorable conditions for some. Billions of dollars are being lost in traditional mediums such as television and print advertising. With everyone ditching anything even remotely related to the word ‘traditional’, businesses are folding. Traditional television advertising, shopping malls, travel agencies, newspapers and book stores are all having to change their models drastically to keep up with the demands of a 2017 consumer.

At Fusion 360 Agency, we understand where the eyeballs are at. We know that traditional models are dying and we are the pros of digital sustenance — from content marketing to SEO. Our combination of services have allowed us to build something great, and we’re happy to see innovation as a result.