Identifying Your Target Audience

By | advertising, Brand marketing, content marketing, digital marketing, marketing, Millenials, Millennials | No Comments

One of the key principles of marketing is identifying your target audience. In any marketing or advertising 101 classes, students will begin to learn about target audiences because they play a critical role in the success of a business. Every content marketing company understands that in order to generate sales and an eventual profit, you must know the right audience for your product.

It is sometimes fascinating to see business owners start out thinking one thing about their product, and then learning that the biggest selling point or benefit of the product ties to an entirely different demographic than they originally thought. Typically, business owners won’t misdiagnose their own product, but they do frequently miss nailing how to create the bridge between their target audience and their product.

Considering that the entire purpose of what content marketing companies do revolves around connecting the product with the target audience, they understand how to identify that audience. These companies put in the necessary time to learn more about the audience by conducting extensive research BEFORE they start coming up with plans and ideas. There are a few common ways marketing companies come up with a detailed analysis of the target audience; some of the frequently used tactics include producing primary research with polls and surveys, scanning secondary research in related scholarly/professional research articles, and learning more about a specific demographic.

Producing primary research – One of the most well-known and effective ways to learn more about your target audience is to produce surveys and polls that your current consumers will fill out. This will give you insight into what kind of groups and peoples you are working with.

Scanning secondary research –  The results to this are similar to the primary research you conduct; you will be able to better recognize the individuals that fall under the demographic category of your target audience. To get these results though, you will have to go through trusted scholarly/professional research and articles that related to your product and consumer. These articles will likely give you statistics or findings that direct you more to the individuals you should target.

Learning more about a specific demographic – Embrace the recognized demographic—check online forums, go to events they might have interest in, listen to the music or podcasts they do, and watch the TV shows or movies they do. Going to this length of research will help you speak their same language which will give you the ability to relate with them on a whole new level. This is ultimately what starts building the bridge between companies and their potential consumers or clients.

When a company properly identifies their target audience, they will be able to market their ads and promotions directly to that specific demographic. If the marketing efforts miss the mark, then that company can expect a minimal increase in sales and profit, and face the possibility of losing money as a result. However, if the target audience is spot on and the marketing tactics are executed well, then the company will achieve what they desired to from the beginning; content marketing companies understand that everything hinges on making your product appeal to the target audience.

Focusing on the target audience for a content marketing company is second nature. If you have any concerns with misidentifying your target audience or have any other marketing concern, contact us at Fusion 360.

The Benefits of Outsourcing Content

By | advertising, content marketing, marketing, marketing agencies | No Comments

Businesses are often faced with strenuous workloads and strict deadlines, which can make it hard to keep up with consumer demands. When it comes down to it, these struggling businesses are often faced with a tough decision: sacrifice quality or sacrifice quantity. Well, what if there was a way to keep both?

Content marketing agencies such as Fusion 360 exist to give your company room to breathe. Whether you need help with your campaign or you’re looking to get more content created for your website, we’re ready to take some of that weight off your shoulders. Here is how your business can benefit from outsourcing content.

Save Time

If you’re drowning in content work, there’s a good chance that some tasks are being put off, making you fall further and further behind and killing your company’s productivity. By outsourcing your content to reputable content marketing agencies, you’ll save yourself time; with extra time, you will be able to catch up on late work, restore productivity within your company, and really focus on your brand and customer relationship. If you really sit back and think about it, you’ll realize that this may be one of the best decisions your company can make. Freeing your employees from that crunch time they’ve been working on will help them get back into gear and focus on the most important parts of your company.

Strengthen Your Content Marketing Strategy

Another great benefit that will come from outsourcing your content is that you’ll be strengthening your content marketing strategy. Content marketing agencies specialize in content marketing, so you’ll be able to rest easy knowing that what your agency is producing will be of high-quality. While you may have had some talented writers amongst your team, content teams will know how to make your content as engaging and as efficient as possible. letting your employees worry about fulfilling their most important tasks.

You’ll Most Likely See Better Results

Content marketing agencies want nothing more than to help your business succeed, so don’t be surprised when you see your following grow, numbers start to rise, and your product or service start to become a big hit with consumers. Content marketing agencies are meant to help your business, which is why outsourcing your content is one of the best decisions your company will ever make.

Hiring a content marketing agency is the best way to free time, increase productivity and ensure that your content is as high quality as possible. If your company needs marketing assistance, contact us here at Fusion 360 Agency.

4 Ways to Improve Coordination Between Advertising Teams

By | advertising, marketing | No Comments

Within marketing companies, there are several teams that must work together effectively in order for your entire company to be successful. We often focus on how to make a team successful, but how often do we talk about how to improve company-wide team coordination? Although working as a team is very important, recognizing the whole company as a team is also important. Teams often rely upon each other for steps in projects, so it’s important that they know how to work together effectively.

Know the End Game

Marketing companies often work together regardless of teams to produce results for our clients, and that often proves true for every kind of company. The biggest thing that allows marketing companies to accomplish this is the fact that they are all working toward the same goal. Your entire team needs to understand your client’s vision for the project from the beginning. This allows each team to take responsibility for their portion while also recognizing the work the other teams will be accomplishing. Consider holding group planning meetings to discuss upcoming projects and allow the teams to work together.

Utilize Individual Skills

Each member of your company often has skills outside the scope of their job requirement; marketing companies are missing the mark if they fail to recognize and utilize these skills. Holding brainstorming meetings where you work through project ideas is a great place to see your employees’ skills and ideas. Take ideas from everyone and let them share their knowledge openly, even if it doesn’t fit within their job description.

Clear Communication

Set a precedent of clear and thorough communication in your marketing company. Whatever that means for your individual company, do it! Use scheduling software to make sure everyone is on the same page with everything that is happening within your company. This helps people see the tasks they need to prioritize, and also helps teams see who is relying on them to get their projects done on time. You will also need to allow your employees to interact and get to know each other outside of their individual teams so that they feel comfortable communicating with each other.

Plan Efficiently

Software programs are really great for helping you to plan ahead and help the whole company be on the same page no matter the project or department. Effective planning also allows your teams to have time to communicate with each other to bridge gaps in planning and creation.

No matter the project, a marketing company runs off its teams coordinating with each other to get jobs done effectively. With so many clients and projects taking place at the same time, you will need to work together to get everything done in an orderly manner. It’s time to move past team building to inter-team building to survive in today’s fast-paced world of marketing and advertising.

Inside an Ad Agency: Task Management

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Just like in any other company, one of the most important things in an advertising agency is task management. In order for your team to accomplish anything effectively and in a timely manner, you need to understand how to manage your team and projects. Whether this means you have a task management software or another way to track the things that are getting done, upcoming projects, and project assignments, you need to have a system.


The challenge that advertising agencies face is keeping everything organized when they have so many different clients with their individual needs and projects. If this is left up to one person and a planner, you’re bound to get lost. The beautiful thing about the digital age is that it increases our effectivity in organization with a myriad of online task management platforms. However, every company has different needs, so it’s important for you to do the research into each system before committing.

Top 5 Project Management Programs in 2018

  1. Wrike
  3. Asana
  4. Basecamp
  5. Trello

Each of these programs are amazing, but they all have different features, so you will have to figure out what your needs are, then begin researching. You can learn more about these and other project management software solutions and how they compare on FinancesOnline.

Project Manager

When it comes to having several projects you’re working on, you may need to consider hiring a project manager to oversee and keep your current and upcoming projects organized. This person should be in charge of organizing your management software and training your team on how to use the system to keep projects clear and up to date.

Scheduling Ahead

The great benefit that comes with management software is that it allows you to schedule projects in advance, and that’s very important for advertising agencies. Scheduling ahead allows you and your company to work ahead and stay on top of tasks. This also allows for space when it comes to those unexpected meetings, projects, and even emergencies.

Clear Communication

You can invest all the money you have into project management software and still fail as a company if you don’t have clear communication. This is probably one of the most essential skills advertising agencies should have. You will need to take this into account when picking your task management software because some programs are more effective than others with communication. Either way, communicating with your team about workflow expectations and upcoming projects is still a part of task management no matter the software being used.

Whether you’re starting an advertising agency, or working to organize your in-house advertising, you will need to research software solutions and begin organizing a team. Work to schedule ahead and communicate clearly with your team. The whole point of task management being enforced is so that teams can work more efficiently as a whole so that advertising agencies can succeed.

Where to Begin: Advertising

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The hardest part of starting anything, from a small project to trying to launch a business, is the beginning. You want to get off to a good start but rushing the beginning of a project is a sure way to rush your demise as well. It’s important to really have an idea of what you want to accomplish before creating any content—all the top advertising agencies know this.

When it comes to trying to figure out where to start with your advertising campaign, you have to ask yourself a few questions: what is the goal of this campaign? Who is the target audience? Where should I advertise? These questions are going to help you determine what your content is going to look and sound like, so here are some important tips on where to begin when it comes to advertising.

What is Your Campaign Goal?

The first thing to establish before you start creating content is what the goal of that content is. Are you trying to push a service, sell a product, or simply grow your following? This will help you gear your content toward the appropriate audience and help your team determine what the intention behind the content is. Top advertising agencies get together with their clients to discuss the end goal; If you’re serious about starting a solid campaign, you should meet with your client and make sure both parties are on the same page.

Make Sure You’re Tracking Conversion and Efficiency

You have to be able to track your progress. If you don’t, you won’t be able to see if your campaign is working or not. Top advertising agencies use programs such as AdWords to track parameters like conversion rates, click through rates, and cost per click. This is a crucial step in getting started with advertising, as it’ll help you determine what methods are working and what methods aren’t.

Determining Your Target Audience

In order for your advertisements to be successful, you have to make sure you’re targeting the right audience. Top advertising agencies really take the time to study their clients and conduct the proper research in order to pinpoint their target audience. To really run a successful campaign, try to run surveys on your client’s social platforms to get an idea of who the consumer base is. This will help you gear your content toward the audience appropriately.

Where Should You Advertise?

Where you run your advertisements depends on where most of your target audience is located. Once you’ve done some research, surveys and polls, you should analyze the data and determine where you’ll get the most traction on your posts. However, you shouldn’t just limit yourself to one platform. Top advertising agencies spread their advertisements to all sorts of social platforms in order grow a client’s database. You should always be looking to grow your audiencethis is the best way to ensure that your advertisements are being seen as much as possible.

Getting a good start can be hard, but once you get the ball rolling, you should be able to get a good idea of how you want to run your advertisements. Top advertising agencies once started at square one just as you are, so don’t get discouraged. Go out there and make the digital advertising world a better place.

The Difference Between Digital and Traditional Marketing

By | advertising, Brand marketing, content marketing, digital marketing, marketing, Mobile marketing | No Comments

When it comes to marketing, there are various methods out there for a digital marketing agency to consider. From radio campaigns, to online video ads and even traditional newspaper or magazine ads, there’s no one way to advertise; however, some of these methods are more effective than others, and in today’s technologically advanced world, it comes as no surprise that traditional marketing is beginning to fall behind in some of its methods.

At this point, you may consider digital marketing as the new “traditional” marketing, especially since most people today send their time online. But, does the rise of digital marketing really mean that traditional marketing has met its end? Here is how these two forms of advertising differ from one another.


Traditional Marketing at Work

 Traditional marketing has been successful, even to this day, because internet connection isn’t required to reach the audience. This form of marketing was huge before the internet became popular, because it had a strong presence in the world, whether that was through television ads, radio ads, or newspaper campaigns, the consumer was given the content right there and then. Traditional marketing definitely has its benefits, as you can easily reach your audience through physical materials like flyers and magazines.

Not only this, but the materials can be kept by the consumer, and when someone has a physical copy of something like a magazine or book, they’ll often find themselves flipping through it over and over again. Often times, traditional marketing material is easier to understand as well, simply because people are used to this marketing strategy. Traditional marketing allows the targeting of those who aren’t tech savvy or those who don’t have access to internet connection.

But, with its benefits, traditional marketing also has its downside. Physical print such as flyers and magazines can start to get costly, and ad placement is often static and unchangeable. The audience may also feel as if the content is being forced on them, and it’s hard to measure the success of the campaign without analytics. You might also have a harder time reaching your target audience than you would with the help of a digital marketing agency.


Digital Marketing: Advertising Reimagined

 With the decline of one method comes the uprising of another, and traditional marketing may soon have to pass the torch to the mighty digital marketing method. The beauty of digital marketing is that it adapts with the advancement of technologies and social platforms. A digital marketing agency has the power to reach an international audience, which can lead to more results when it comes to ad campaigns. Traditional marketing can be limiting, but with the help of a digital marketing agency, you’re opening up options to both you and your consumers. For example, most people can’t stand seeing flyers in their mailbox or on their car windshield, so digital marketing lets your audience choose how they receive ads. Making your audience feel like they have a say is the best way to improve conversion.

Digital marketing also allows for audience interaction. When you send out a flyer, you’re putting all of your trust in that piece of paper. After it reaches the consumer, all you can do is hope that it has enough information and appeal to it to make that person really consider its message. With digital marketing, you can point consumers to your website, where they can review your product or service, see what others think and even get in touch with your staff if they have any questions.

A digital marketing agency will also give you real time results, and you can track how well your campaign is doing through analytics tools. This will allow you to see what is and what isn’t working so you can tweak things accordingly. However, the best part about digital marketing is that it’s cost effective and easy. If you’re looking to run an ad campaign, you won’t have to worry about printing, radio, or tv costs. A digital marketing agency will just give you a flat rate, and they will take care of all of the advertising for you.

There are so many benefits to digital marketing, and while traditional marketing may not be as efficient as it used to be, it set up the basis of advertising and has helped us improve upon advertising methods to better engage with audiences across the globe.




Gearing Your Content Toward Your Audience

By | advertising, content marketing, digital marketing, marketing, Millenials, Mobile marketing, Social Media | No Comments

One of the most important things when it comes to digital storytelling is understanding your target audience. If you’re wanting your blogs to generate results, you can’t just go in writing blindly, you have to know who you’re trying to reach before your fingers even touch the keyboard to make sure your content is as engaging as possible. Digital marketing companies know this all too well, which is why they take the time to create guidelines for each of their clients.

If you’re struggling to pull in readers, you may want to consider taking a different approach to your style. Here are some of the ways you can tailor your content to your target audience.


Determining Who That Audience Is

 Of course, the first thing you’re going to want to do is pinpoint who your target audience is. Digital marketing companies often times produce content for multiple clients at a time, so it’s important for those companies to make sure they keep each of their client’s voices and brand styles separate. For example, if you’re writing for a technology manufacturer, you’re going to tailor your content to millennials, seeing as how this generation uses more advance technology than the previous one. Of course, you’ll still get an older demographic that consists of professional scientists, medical practitioners and engineers, so throwing in a few blogs for them may also benefit you.

The best way to determine who your target audience, is by sending out a survey on the your clients’ social media platforms. Digital marketing companies can’t succeed without the right research.


Creating Brand Guides

As we lightly touched on in the previous paragraph, you’re going to want to create brand guides for each one of your clients. Digital marketing companies benefit from this because it allows their employees to be able to know exactly what the content should look and sound like. If the marketing company is successful, the client they are working for is more likely to use their services further, and this is what separates great digital marketing companies, like Fusion 360, apart from the rest of the competition¾ it’s all about the quality of the content and how it will benefit the client in the long run.

Your brand guides should have things such as the clients writing style, target audience, color scheme, font style, vision, core values and their mission. This guide helps digital marketing companies produce content that is on brand and on voice, something that clients will appreciate more than you can imagine.


Find Out Where Your Core Demographic Spends Most of Their Time

 Along with determining who your target audience is and creating efficient brand guides, you should also determine where your target audience spends most of their time online. With all kinds of social media platforms out there, you don’t want to be focusing the wrong one, as this will lead to wasted time and poor results. For example, it is important to know that younger audiences are more inclined to use Twitter while Facebook has a much more mature audience. Instagram can have a healthy mix of the two, but it is not a bad idea to send out a survey to determine where most of your audience is at to make sure you’re targeting the right platforms.

In the end, gearing your content toward your audience is all about the research. Digital marketing companies are expected to keep their clients afloat, and bulletproof content is the best way to make sure your company stands out from the competition.

Marketing Companies Vs. Advertising Agencies: What is the Difference?

By | advertising, Brand marketing, content marketing, digital marketing, marketing, marketing agencies, Mobile marketing | No Comments

Whether the closest you get to the business world is about as close as an athlete is to a paintbrush or you have been a part of a business team for over a decade, it is still difficult for people to explain the difference between marketing companies and advertising agencies.

In a way, they both work towards the same goal: help their client grow.

This goal is common for a lot of businesses, but the reason marketing and advertising is so intertwined are because there is quite a lot of overlap. You cannot take a marketing 101 class at college without going over advertising, and that is what creates all the confusion—advertising falls under the wing of marketing. The reason advertising is not always under the management of marketing companies is because advertising has too much depth and importance to simply ask marketing companies to include it within their other services; this is why many colleges have advertising tracks separate from marketing degrees.

Ultimately, the difference between advertising agencies and marketing companies comes from the different purposes and roles that each firm seeks to fulfill. 

Marketing Companies

To put it simply, marketing companies aim to enhance sales and profits for their respective clientele. In order to do this, they will create in-depth strategies that entail product sales, retail distribution, pricing discounts, and more. Instead of simply creating content for their client to use, a large portion of their work comes from consulting. In order to fulfill these services, marketing companies have communication managers, product managers, research analysts, and marketing directors on their team.

Advertising Agencies

A lot of the same work is done at advertising agencies (such as research, consulting, and etc.), but the overall focus is ever so slightly geared differently. Instead of profits and sales, ad agencies focus on branding and the company’s reputation. Advertising agencies work towards this improved image for companies through creative content and written and visual media. In an advertising agency, you are likely to find video producers, photographers, writers, graphic designers, and web designers working together for the client.

The contrast between purpose and position is enough to distinguish a marketing company and an advertising agency even if there are some overlaying goals and roles. In this article, we have not mentioned social media managers, but you may find them at both types of firms. Not all agencies are the same and their specialties alter what service they perform, and this only adds more confusion. However, if you can recognize the difference between marketing companies and advertising agencies purpose and positions, then you will likely be able to tell the difference.

Whether you are looking for a marketing company or advertising agency, if all you want is to promote your brand or product, look no further than Fusion 360. We have talented teams that will fulfill your needs and take your company to the next level.

The Different Roles Within an Ad Agency

By | advertising, Brand marketing, content marketing, digital marketing, marketing agencies | No Comments

Marketing companies and advertising agencies aim to do the same thing: fulfill the goals of their clientele through creative channels. However, advertising agencies and marketing companies are filled with different roles and responsibilities that differentiate between the two firms. This blog will explain the specific roles within advertising agencies and how it is different from marketing companies.

Depending on the focus of the firm, there will be different positions within an advertising agency, however, you are likely to find video producers, photographers, writers (blog, copy, script, etc.), graphic designers, and web designers working together at a firm. Even though social media managing is an in between when it comes to marketing and advertising, there are firms with social media managers that will post the content for the client. These positions are the key to the actual creation but, like every business, beyond all this work there are executive positions, HR personnel, and financial departments (but we will only focus on the positions that create the work rather the positions that keep the company organized).

Each position constructs a different role within a firm, but they all unite to promote their clientele’ brand and product. In most firms, these positions will make up different teams—the most common teams are Content, Creative and Social Teams.

Content Team

Writers  The Content Team is frequently filled with all kinds of writers. As briefly mentioned before, these writers might focus on blog/articles, the copy found on billboards or websites, and scripts in videos. Blog writing is used to help raise the online presence of clients by using keywords and writing pieces that are anywhere from 400-1200 words. This helps optimize the client’s relativity on Google or other search engines—in other terms, a blog writer at an advertising agency or marketing company is an SEO writer. Copywriters’ work is more concise; copy is typically around seven words in length but hammers home an impactful message. Depending on the video, scripts can be short or long but tend to fall right in between.

The writers of a firm make up the content and provide research, statistics and material that the other teams can then work off of.

Creative Team

Video Producers, Graphic Designers, and Photographers – Once content is found and created, the positions under a creative team take the written work and condense it into visual masterpieces. It is these positions that a lot of visual creativity is constructed through shooting and editing videos, photos and graphics. These graphics can be made for infographics or billboards, and the videos can be used for websites, commercials or YouTube channels. Once this work is finished, all that needs to be done is posting it to the correct media source.

Social Team

Social Media Managers – While social media managing is found within many marketing companies, advertising agencies find no problem with posting the work for the client. Social Media Managers receive the combined written and creative work and will add captions and schedule the posts on certain days at specific times.

These three separate teams definitely have their own roles, but the combined work constructs a finished product that promotes the client. Every aspect of advertising is to help the client stand out so creativity is critical for all teams. While marketing companies create in-depth strategies that entail product sales, retail distribution, and pricing discounts, the positions within advertising agencies are geared to specifically promote a company’s brand and product. It is ultimately these unique roles that create enough difference between marketing companies and advertising agencies to split entirely.

If you are looking for an advertising agency to promote your brand or product, look no further than Fusion 360. We have the talented teams that you need to take your company to the next level.

What Makes an Advertising Agency Successful?

By | advertising, Brand marketing, content marketing, digital marketing, marketing, marketing agencies, public relations | No Comments

Successful companies all have one thing in common: a service to the public that is ideally incomparable—something that brings a positive outcome to their consumers and stands the test of time. It’s all about the quality of the service. When it comes to advertising, an advertising agency needs to give their clients actual results—not just a pitch with empty promises. When it comes to digital marketing, we here are Fusion 360 have created the perfect recipe for success.

Our advertising agency offers everything from brand development to pay per click advertising, but aside from our wide array of services, there are a few other things that help us stand out as the top advertising agency in Utah. Here are some of the things to consider if you’re looking to grow your advertising agency to its full potential.

Client Knowledge is Key

You can’t help your clients grow if you don’t take the time to get to know them; marketing blindly can be the ultimate recipe for disaster. One thing that an advertising agency should always do is understand each clients’ goals, constraints and customer needs. Since writers at an advertising agency will be creating content based around the company’s specific services, they not only need to know everything about the company but also the product inside and out.

With the right amount of understanding and research, you’ll be able to create strong campaigns and bulletproof content that will see excellent results.

A Knowledgeable and Capable Staff

The core of any advertising agency is the staff. The success of the company depends on results and those results come from a team that not only has advertising expertise but oozes with creativity. In addition to this, your staff should work well together and understand each other’s individual roles. The more the cooperation there is, the better the chances of all aspects coming together.

A Vigorous Online Presence

You can’t expect to market someone else’s company if you can’t market yourself. That would be like a local, unknown artist trying to promote an even smaller artist. Your advertising agency should have a strong social pull and be able to draw mass online crowds to make an impact on your client’s business. You should consistently rank high on search engines. If you’re pulling in massive numbers, other companies will tend to take you more seriously and establish a dominating presence as an adverting agency.

Clear Billing and Valuable Services

Once you’ve pulled in a client with your services, you have to seal the deal with your pricing. This doesn’t mean you have to lowball yourself or others, but just be sure that your prices are competitive, fair, and reflect the quality of your services. Also, it’s important to be clear when it comes to billing. Making your billing process as simple as possible is the best way to keep them happya happy client is a successful one.

Ultimately, an advertising agency relies on this success, so making sure your agency is strong enough to produce results is the number one way to thrive in the world of digital advertising.