Gearing Infographics Toward Social Media

By | digital marketing, Facebook, Mobile marketing, Social Media | No Comments

Infographics were created as a way to keep readers engaged in content. In a world where attention spans are shorter than ever, large blocks of text quickly turn readers away. With the visually engaging appeal of an infographic, it is easier than ever to keep readers reading.

Many companies create infographics, but some do not know how to optimize these infographics for social media. Since social media platforms warrant a large number of infographic shares, it is important that these images are properly optimized. Digital marketing agencies can aid companies in their efforts to take infographics to the next level — both visually and SEO wise.

Five-Star File Names

As the wise wizard Albus Dumbledore one told young Harry Potter, “Always use the proper name for things. Fear of a name increases fear of the thing itself.” Little did Dumbledore know, but his ideas epitomize the key to making your infographics social media friendly.
Digital marketing agencies strategically name infographics because it is one major way that the infographics become searchable and social media friendly — don’t be afraid to follow suit. These digital marketing agencies know that Google crawlers read file names as well as page content, so names are important.

When naming infographics, always use keywords and relevant terms that describe the image. Carry the proper file name over into the alt attribute. This provides Google with enough information to properly identify your infographic.

Subject Matter Matters

Just because a company sells hand sanitizer doesn’t mean all of its infographics must be about hand sanitizer. Picking a relevant infographic topic is vital, because people only read about what they are interested in reading. Just because hand sanitizer might be a boring subject, winter health tips might be more intriguing.
Picking a relevant infographic topic that relates to both your product and your audience is key to infographic success. Digital marketing agencies are equipped with the skills needed to help companies discover existing and pertinent infographic topics. The more searched your topic is, the more social media friendly it is.

Mobile Friendly

A large portion of Americans access their social media accounts from smartphones — that is why it is so important that your infographics remain mobile friendly.
Perhaps you create an amazing infographic, but if it becomes distorted on a small mobile screen your readership decreases. If a graphic does not read well on a smartphone or a tablet, not even all of Dumbledore’s wise advice can save it.
Digital marketing agencies use infographics as a form of content marketing — and infographics must not only be widely viewed, but widely shared as well. These digital marketing agencies know that if your infographic is unreadable on a smartphone, no one will share it — which can be devastating.

When Link Spam Hurts SEO

By | Google, SEO, Utah, Utah SEO | No Comments

In an effort to increase SEO, companies often make simple link spam mistakes. Link spam consists of links setup between specific pages that are put in place to capitalize on Googles link-centric algorithms. Though several types of link spam are helpful for SEO, there are just as many types that can hurt.

Knowing the difference between helpful and harmful link spam can save a company’s SEO. Though it can be difficult to discern, professional SEO agencies have the expertise required to help a company get the most out of their link spam.

Blogging Blunders

There several benefits offered by the blogging world, and though SEO specialist often explore the boundaries, individuals must exercise caution. Google has a low tolerance for fake blogs on which anyone can pay for a spot. These guest posts are often low quality and are generally flagged by Google.

If you are featured on one of these sites, make sure your posts are high quality and that you do not over-link. When considering where to place your articles, search out several options. Sites with a low reputation have the potential to damage your SEO.

The Directory Downfall

Google is fairly vocal about how low it ranks links from online directories. Since Google controls your rankings, it is smart to avoid the low-quality directories it so ardently warns against.

Link spam is often placed in directories — and while some of these directories are helpful, others can be detrimental. Make sure your company takes the time to evaluate each directory its links are listed in. This tactic will improve positive SEO and help individuals avoid negative repercussions of poorly placed link spam.

Keyword Catastrophe

Keywords are great way to increase SEO — but when used wrong, keywords can be harmful.

Using unrelated keywords to draw readers in is a dangerous trap, even though it may be tempting to try and increase your readership. If you run a small Utah coffee shop, use “Utah” or “coffee” as a keyword – not smoothies or Washington. Using “Utah” keeps your keywords relevant and your readers happy. Similarly, do not use the keyword “Utah” a million times throughout your article. Keyword stuffing is bad for SEO and incredibly annoying.

Google’s algorithms look for keyword discrepancies — and if you improperly use keywords, your SEO will greatly suffer.

The Benefits of the Ad Agency Office Layout

By | digital marketing, Google | No Comments

In 2016, digital marketing companies around the world are embracing the modern, open-office workplace layout. Made famous by tech giants such as Google and Yahoo, the trendy open-office plan has been hailed as a game-changer in the marketing industry — an innovative office design that fosters creativity, engagement and collaboration. The ad agency layout, however, involves more than just the relative lack of cubicles.

A Wealth of Perks

The modern advertising agency is full of unexpected perks. Many digital marketing companies offer game spaces, themed cafeterias and even yoga and relaxation rooms. Other companies offer playrooms for employees’ children, nap rooms and Lego play stations. Here at the Fusion 360 office, our bright-red halls are adorned with a Ping-Pong table, foosball table, multiple Nerf guns, an Xbox and even a shiny pair of Razor scooters. Clearly, the ad agency perks are both varied and numerous.

Increased Collaboration

Another purported benefit of the ad agency office style is the promotion of increased collaboration between employees and departments. When no one has an office or cubicle (or very few people do), employees have a better idea of what is going on in the company as a whole, and are better equipped to offer their insight. When your open office environment is equipped with a host of cool perks, employees can more easily get to know one another better, building solid office friendships that can boost company morale and further facilitate teamwork.

Breaking Down Barriers

Any digital marketing companies worth their salt strive to break down barriers and force people to think outside the box. In an open-office plan, the physical barriers between workers are removed, as are the psychological ones. It’s hard to ask people to think outside the box when they are literally inside one, so tear down those cubicle walls a la “Office Space” and allow your employees to get those creative juices flowing.

Advertising Must Make the Move Toward Mobile

By | advertising, marketing agencies, Mobile marketing | No Comments

With the drastic increase in smartphone popularity over the past 10 years has come a sudden decrease in the popularity of other media. The smartphone has become the GPS, television, calendar, ultimate connector and so much more.

While Americans are spending close to a quarter of their daily media time on mobile devices, advertising and marketing agencies are only spending a small fraction of their budget on mobile platforms. Some forward-thinking advertising and marketing agencies are calling for a shift in advertising and a conscious move toward an increase in mobile advertisements.

Out With the Old

In a world where the selfie is king and Facebook is the most popular media platform, big advertising and marketing agencies are still spending huge sums of money on print advertising. Though there is still a place for print advertising, there are several instances in which mobile advertising is drastically more effective.

Advertisements placed on TV and radio are doing reasonably well, but advertising on the internet is sub-par — and where mobile is concerned, nearly non-existent. In order to have a blended and totally effective campaign, it is important that advertising and marketing agencies let go of preconceived notions and get on board with mass mobile advertising.

If your target market mirrors the behaviors exhibited by the vast majority of Americans, then it is safe to say that mobile consumes your market’s time — and unless you meet them there, you risk being completely ignored.

In With the New

With the future of advertising tied so closely to Facebook, it is time to revolutionize the way advertising is executed and bring the ads to the masses. If smartphones and social media are the future of advertising, then that is where we must go.

Take the time to develop a serious plan to integrate mobile advertising into various campaigns.

In the past mobile advertising was considered a bonus — but today it is essential. You wouldn’t fight a Sith Lord without a lightsaber — a campaign without mobile advertisements is equally as hopeless.

Mobile advertising is more than just ads that pop up between levels of Candycrush or business pages of Facebook. Advertising and marketing agencies have the potential to put creativity in action and push the limits of mobile advertising. Whether these advertisements come on Instagram or Snapchat, there are hundreds of ways to advertise and interact with customers.

Three Indicators You’re Destined to Be a Web Designer

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Are you more likely to blow your entire paycheck at the local art supply store than the Apple Store? Do you carry a sketchbook in your back pocket or purse next to your keys and wallet? Do you cringe at terrible design concepts while walking through a local business subdivision? If you answered “yes” to any of the above questions, then there’s a highly likely chance that you have the DNA of a web designer. Here are a few key indicators that your life calling is to create innovative website design.

1. You Judge People, Places and Things by Font Choice

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You walk into a new restaurant, and as you’re waiting for a table, you decide to use the facilities. Plastered on the door of the restroom is a sign that reads “Please Ask for Key” — in Comic Sans. As soon as your eyes land on this repulsive font choice, you know that you can’t trust the quality of the restaurant. You grab your significant other and book it out of there faster than you can say Times New Roman.

2. You’re More Swayed by a Product’s Packaging Than the Actual Product

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We all might be a little guilty of purchasing a product based solely on its superior packaging — especially if that product is from Glossier, Everlane or Birchbox. The non-designer brain has no problem choosing the product with (shudder) ugly packaging; however, the brain of someone destined for the field of website design is repulsed by the mere thought of bringing something so homely into her home.

3. You’d Never Dream of Throwing Away Magazines

stack of magazines

Your magazine library is almost as extensive as your collection of books — and you wouldn’t dream of ever tossing one of your most beloved magazines. Is it the layout? The font choices? The general inspiration that they provide? It might be a combination of all three. Whatever the case, if you’ve got a hefty collection of magazines, it’s pretty safe to say that you’re destined to work in the field of website design — after you’re done pouring over the latest issue of Interview, naturally.

Letting Your Fonts Speak For You

By | Design, web development, website design | No Comments

Picking a font for a company webpage goes well beyond knowing the difference between Serif and Sans Serif. Though the basics of font choice are always a necessity, it is important to remember that picking the perfect font requires time, effort and expertise.

Some self-taught font fanatics and many professional website design companies have the skills necessary to take any website font from bland to brilliant. Selecting the appropriate font during website design allows for companies to draw customers in — and keep them there.

Being Influential With Font Choice

Fonts can do one of two things. Fonts can exemplify your message, enhancing the reader experience and creating a cohesive feel, or fonts can be disruptive and mess everything up. 

Good website design uses fonts to enhance the text and represent the company as a whole. If your company has an elegant feel, consider using a cursive or calligraphy font. On the flip side, if your company is big, bold and loud, let your font express that to the world.

Fonts have the ability to describe something about your company to consumers without express verbal explanations. Consider fonts to be the clothing choice of website design; if you wish to appeal to a group of classic southerners, you dress in classic southern attire. If you want your website design to speak to a classic southern audience on a subconscious level, you use a font that evokes a classic southern feel.

Finding a Font That Fits

After a company identifies what feel it wishes the font to portray, the actual font selection process begins. In many cases, individuals with website design expertise can help companies make the final selection. This ensure that a company is making the most appropriate selection.

If your company wishes to portray a big and bold image, begin looking at fonts that fit in that realm. As you study font options, take time to do the research. Find out what other entities use your font; knowing who else uses certain fonts helps make your final decision informed and educated.

In some situations, companies may wish to have their website design team develop an entirely new font for its webpage. This is perfectly acceptable when done carefully.

Fonts are used not only for website design but for company logos as well — eventually these fonts may evolve into a key factor in identifying your company. However, the time it takes to carefully select a font — especially in cases like these — will always pay off.

What UX Means for Your SEO Strategy

By | Google, SEO, Utah, Utah SEO | No Comments

There’s a problem with the way many companies are approaching SEO. We’re not talking about a problem at a few agencies in Utah. We’re talking about an industry-wide issue, and the issue is this: In an industry where SEO rules supreme, professionals are starting to treat SEO as war for keywords — when in reality SEO is a war for the consumer. You win that war through UX.

What Is UX?

UX is the standard abbreviation for “user experience.” Let’s be frank — it doesn’t matter how many customers end up on your website if they don’t stay. You could effectively use keywords all day long and have the worst UX on the World Wide Web — if your UX stinks, say goodbye to your customers.

How Does UX Work With SEO?

UX and SEO may seem like awkward stepsiblings at first, each on one end of the spectrum professionals have created in their minds of what makes up a successful Web approach. That’s simply not true. UX and SEO actually together work in beautiful harmony.

Think about it. The whole point of SEO is to get visitors onto your website and turn them into customers. In order to do that, you need to create an experience that attracts people, grabs hold of their interest and helps them accomplish what they came to do. It doesn’t matter if they came to book a trip to Moab, Utah or to buy a new DVD player as long as your website helps them do that in the easiest way possible.

Is UX Really That Important?

Don’t sacrifice UX to try and satisfy a Google algorithm. Amazing UX will naturally create an increase as happy customers share and distribute information about their experiences. Sally in Utah will be more than happy to tell her friend Peggy a thousand miles away about the awesome website she just found. She’ll probably tell all her blog followers too.

Keywords will always be important, but they’re a baseline that Google assumes you are already doing. UX is the new frontier of SEO, and as Google’s algorithms become more sophisticated, you can bet that UX will have a dramatic impact on rankings.

Twitter’s New Changes: What They Mean for Marketing

By | digital marketing, marketing agencies, Social Media | No Comments

Lift up your voice and rejoice! Twitter just announced some major changes that will make life at marketing agencies much easier. The changes are a step towards loosening Twitter’s strict 140-character limit in tweets, while still preserving its signature micro blogging charm.

Adios “.@”

 Under Twitter’s current formula, tweets starting with another user’s Twitter handle were only seen by the shared followers of the person tweeting and the recipient. Twitter users created the “.@” to circumvent this rule. When the new changes take effect, users can do away with that pesky period before the handle. Tweets beginning with a handle will be seen by everyone instead of being restricted.

Media Files

 In the past, photos, GIFs, videos, polls and quote tweets could take up to 25 characters each. The new rules do not count media files towards the character total. This is especially welcomed news for marketing agencies that rely increasingly on visual and interactive elements to engage with audiences. Not having to worry about characters being sucked up by media files means more room to be creative and share your message.

Twitter Handles in Replies

 When replying to another user, Twitter handles will no longer count toward the character limit, with one exception: Only names already in the conversation will be exempt from counting. Adding new handles to the conversation will still count toward the character limit.

Retweet Yourself

 That’s right, Kanye. The new Twitter will allow you to retweet and quote yourself. You’re so vain. You probably think this tweet is about you … oh wait, it is.

When Will It Come to Pass?

 In the blog post announcing the changes, Twitter’s Senior Project Manager Todd Sherman said users could expect the updates to roll out in the next few months. He also announced plans to help users get even more from their tweets. Marketing agencies can only hope that means URL links will one day not count toward those precious 140 characters either. Twitter gods, hear our plea.

How Google and SEO Changed the Marketing Workforce

By | Google, SEO, Utah, Utah SEO | No Comments

If not for Google, we wouldn’t be writing this and you wouldn’t be reading it. Thanks to Google, the increased need for digital content gave rise to a whole new workforce from Utah to the East Coast — and it all started as part of the genesis of online search.

Early in the internet days, search engines like Google made it possible to find information more easily online. To be found in a search, websites had to be relevant, which in the earlier days of the internet (just as now) meant your site had to be associated with certain keywords. This gave rise to what we now call search engine optimization, or SEO.

Initially, some companies would try to game the search algorithms and increase relevance by stuffing their pages full of keywords just to appear more relevant than they actually were. Meanwhile, more forward-thinking SEO firms in Utah were already focused on content and the user experience.

Luckily, Google had higher standards for what a website should be, and a cluttered mess of poorly placed keywords didn’t cut it. To respond to low-quality sites, Google continued to update its algorithms to reward sites that produce content relevant to their markets and keywords, while punishing those with poor content and shady SEO strategies.

This need for relevant — and most importantly — high-quality content changed the way companies approach marketing, and thus gave birth to what we know as content marketing today. Consumers in Utah and elsewhere suddenly had all the information they needed at their fingertips, so it was up to brands to be a part of the conversation by publishing their own content. If brands weren’t providing potential customers information they needed, customers could easily find it somewhere else.

Content became king because it allowed brands to improve SEO in Utah and nationwide, but more importantly, it started connecting consumers with brands they can trust.

This need for content caused a massive shift in how businesses approach marketing. Suddenly videographers, writers and designers were more in demand than ever. Digital marketing agencies popped up to provide these services, and artists of all media types had the opportunity to make an impact in the business world by developing content for brands in need. We thank Google for having the foresight to promote high quality content and give so many people the opportunity to enter the workforce doing what they love.

Fiverr, Freelancer, or Fusion: Who’s the Best Pick for Your Site Design?

By | web development, website design | No Comments

There are a lot of ways to get a website built. You can build one from ones of those janky site builders or hack one together on your own with WordPress and a $90 template. For a lot of small businesses in Utah, that might seem like a solid web development decision, but for those who want to stand out, it ain’t gonna cut it.

The best thing you can do is build something fresh from scratch. If you want to stand out among millions of businesses from Utah to Ukraine, it’s the only option you have. The question is, then, who can make it happen?

A lot of businesses are tempted to use freelancers, and several websites have popped up over the last few years that promise to set you up with a professional to get things done. But can they make the cut when it comes to web development?


Fiverr allows you to buy five dollar services from experts. The catch, of course, is that five dollars will usually just get you a quick fix on an existing website. Building something from scratch probably isn’t really feasible. For getting small, quick changes to what you already have, Fiverr might not be such a bad idea, but proper web development for your Utah business? Nah.


Freelancer connects you with an expert or experts who can complete an entire web project. You post information about the job, the scope, and your budget, and wait for someone to pick up your assignment. The trouble here is that while you can pay Freelancer to help you find people, you may not be totally certain about their skill set, ability to understand your needs and so forth. Finding a reputable, experienced freelancer can be a challenge through services like these.

Fusion 360

The awesome thing about hiring an agency for web development (particularly one based near you in Utah), is that you can find one with a proven track record and one that has lots of work samples. An agency such as Fusion 360 has a much, much more hands-on approach as they get to know your brand and we offer supplementary services outside of basic protocol. Content, video production, custom imagery and more are all things we can provide in addition to just the site design.

Ultimately, it’s up to the individual business whether it’s worth it for them to go the inexpensive route and risk being frustrated with a dull site, or find a firm that can deliver the killer digital properties they’re really looking for in a web design.