Three Smooth Ways to Digitally Build Hype for an Upcoming Event Through Social Media

By March 8, 2015advertising, marketing

According to the vast majority of America’s many marketing agencies, building hype is always a good thing. While the kind of buzz that surrounds a Justin Bieber concert might neither be realistic nor desired, if you or your brand has an important fundraiser, party or project going on, people need to know about it.

As is the case with most anything digital, social media will play a key role in helping you throw the event of the year — minus the crying 12-year-old girls, of course.

Much to the dismay of lazy marketing agencies, engagement is a must. Not the marital kind, but the social media kind. Come on bro, you knew what we meant. As far as digital engagement is concerned, the sooner it can start, the better.

Open-ended Facebook posts or tweets allowing for potential attendees to give suggestions as to an event’s design or activities builds intrigue. Simply put, people want to see the result of what it is that they’ve interacted with. In this case, that’s your event.

Once engagement has managed to build a reasonable amount of intrigue, it’s time to invigorate your audience. Twitter contests, for example, do this well. Winners are awarded with waived registration fees and additional buddy passes. See where we’re heading with this? Dope.

Furthermore, it’s never a bad idea to blast out some teaser content to more fully dangle the proverbial carrot. With a sound social media strategy in place, you’re company’s shindig will soon be the shindig to end all shindigs.