One of the most important things when it comes to digital storytelling is understanding your target audience. If you’re wanting your blogs to generate results, you can’t just go in writing blindly, you have to know who you’re trying to reach before your fingers even touch the keyboard to make sure your content is as engaging as possible. Digital marketing companies know this all too well, which is why they take the time to create guidelines for each of their clients.
If you’re struggling to pull in readers, you may want to consider taking a different approach to your style. Here are some of the ways you can tailor your content to your target audience.
Determining Who That Audience Is
Of course, the first thing you’re going to want to do is pinpoint who your target audience is. Digital marketing companies often times produce content for multiple clients at a time, so it’s important for those companies to make sure they keep each of their client’s voices and brand styles separate. For example, if you’re writing for a technology manufacturer, you’re going to tailor your content to millennials, seeing as how this generation uses more advance technology than the previous one. Of course, you’ll still get an older demographic that consists of professional scientists, medical practitioners and engineers, so throwing in a few blogs for them may also benefit you.
The best way to determine who your target audience, is by sending out a survey on the your clients’ social media platforms. Digital marketing companies can’t succeed without the right research.
Creating Brand Guides
As we lightly touched on in the previous paragraph, you’re going to want to create brand guides for each one of your clients. Digital marketing companies benefit from this because it allows their employees to be able to know exactly what the content should look and sound like. If the marketing company is successful, the client they are working for is more likely to use their services further, and this is what separates great digital marketing companies, like Fusion 360, apart from the rest of the competition¾ it’s all about the quality of the content and how it will benefit the client in the long run.
Your brand guides should have things such as the clients writing style, target audience, color scheme, font style, vision, core values and their mission. This guide helps digital marketing companies produce content that is on brand and on voice, something that clients will appreciate more than you can imagine.
Find Out Where Your Core Demographic Spends Most of Their Time
Along with determining who your target audience is and creating efficient brand guides, you should also determine where your target audience spends most of their time online. With all kinds of social media platforms out there, you don’t want to be focusing the wrong one, as this will lead to wasted time and poor results. For example, it is important to know that younger audiences are more inclined to use Twitter while Facebook has a much more mature audience. Instagram can have a healthy mix of the two, but it is not a bad idea to send out a survey to determine where most of your audience is at to make sure you’re targeting the right platforms.
In the end, gearing your content toward your audience is all about the research. Digital marketing companies are expected to keep their clients afloat, and bulletproof content is the best way to make sure your company stands out from the competition.