With the new year comes new trends, whether it’s in fashion, movies and, especially, social media. Marketing companies will tell you that one of the most important parts of this type of marketing is the ability to stay on top of what’s new and upcoming. We can help! Here’s what to expect for social media in 2020:
Niche Social Platforms
Most of us are familiar with how to advertise on the big names like Facebook and Instagram. However, already smaller, more niche platforms are beginning to make an appearance. Not only that, they’re becoming increasingly popular.
No More Insta Likes
This year, Instagram is looking into removing the likes feature from their platform. Whether or not this actually happens is still up for debate, but it’s a vital trend to be aware of, especially if your company relies on influencers for their advertising. If it becomes popular, you can bet it will spread to other social media platforms.
Ephemeral Content
In 2020, marketing companies will need to become familiar with ephemeral content. This is content that is only available for a short time before disappearing. Two examples are Snapchat and Instagram stories. With today’s attention spans, people are much more willing to spend hours scrolling through short, entertaining snippets than to stick with one piece of longer content.
Customer Service
Social media is increasingly becoming a platform for customer service. This won’t change in 2020. In fact, it’s likely only to grow since social media lends itself so well as a place to ask questions and get immediate responses. Make sure that your company is prepared to offer customer service through this medium as it can help build trust.
The world of social media is fast-paced even more marketing companies, but it’s also exciting. New trends mean new creativity and innovations. If you’re looking for a way to keep on top of your social media marketing, our team at Fusion 360 Studios can help! Visit our website or give us a ring to learn how you can get started.