As advertising and marketing evolve, it is important that as an advertising agency, we evolve as well. The old days of lengthy content are gone. In their place stands short articles, catchy photographs and attention-grabbing videos. We, as an innovated advertising agency, have responded to the call, and have begun producing content so catchy that you’re bound to want to copy it.
There are hundreds of articles online that claim that a serious advertising agency should do this or a smart advertising should do that, but these claims are often unfounded. The tried and true methods propagated here though have not only seen proven success but outstanding results, as well.
Keep It Short
When creating video, only make the video as long as it needs to be. Do not waste your viewer’s time, or they will likely quit watching halfway through. Make sure that your content is engaging and that the views have a compelling reason to keep watching, from start to finish.
Closed Captions Are Key
The vast majority of videos online are watched without sound, so captions are key. If you want to keep your audience, give them captions that not only keep them informed, but make them want to turn the sound on. Closed captions also keep your videos accessible to a wider audience, which is a great thing.
Auto Play
Very rarely do viewers click directly on a video, so auto play is a surefire way to get people’s attention and keep it. When uploading your video, make sure to upload it so that it will auto play and when creating the video, make the first content to be seen, catchy.
Perhaps your video contains lots of hiking spots in Utah, and your company wishes to promote outdoor recreation in Utah. By developing a hashtag that not only pertains to Utah, but also links the video to the viewers, you give your content the chance to expand and reach and even wider audience.
Ultimately, as an advertising agency or small company, the more you do to plan and prepare for your video before you launch it, the more successful it will be.