Is Pinterest the New Dark Horse of SEO?

By | Mobile marketing, Social Media, Utah, Utah SEO | No Comments

When considering major search engines moguls, such as Google and Yahoo immediately come to mind. However, another major search engine that’s overlooked is Pinterest — yes, that social media platform. With recent updates to the site, including a new Smart Feed algorithm that displays relevant content first, Pinterest is providing a large opportunity for businesses to gain a competitive advantage — whether they’re targeting SEO in Utah or on the East Coast. There are a couple of ways that you can use Pinterest to effectively optimize your SEO efforts. Here’s the breakdown.

Verify Your Site for Optimization

To get the most out of your SEO efforts on Pinterest, verify your website. Doing this directly affects the placement of your site in search engine results pages. Additionally, Pinterest views this favorably in terms of credibility, giving you a competitive edge in overall rankings. It doesn’t matter if your site is based on services rendered in Utah or across the country; verifying your site gives you an additional boost to rank higher in search results.

How to Optimize Your Username and Account Name

After you’ve verified your site, optimize your Pinterest username and account name. You can do this via your account settings, beneath the Profile section. Pinterest automatically creates a URL for your page based off of your account name; from here, you should edit your page’s URL to be more SEO-friendly. Separate words with dashes and carefully select a URL that correctly reflects the content of your page. In doing so, you’ll make your Pinterest page more visible to Google, and thus, more likely to appear on a search engine results page.

Next, optimize your username. Pinterest allows a max of 15 characters per username — so choose carefully. Ideally, you should use your company name or industry-related keywords. Yet in addition to this, you should strive to make your username as memorable as possible. If your company provides services or information specific to Utah, include this geo-qualifier in your username (if possible). The more straightforward and unique your username is, the better.

Three Ways to Make Mobile Marketing Work for You

By | Mobile marketing, SEO, Utah SEO, web development, website design | No Comments

It can be frustrating to open up a search engine and click on a link on your phone, only to have it freeze, crash — or worse — not be mobile friendly. People now search on their mobile device more than their computers, so making your SEO more search friendly and mobile friendly, is something that you can do and is something that search engine companies are working on.

Google AMP

Yes, Google is the source of all information these days, and Google’s new program called AMP can really boost viewership and help your SEO on mobile. AMP allows your website to run faster, boosts your SEO on a mobile device, and load quicker. Many people will quickly go back from your page and go to the next link hoping it’s going to be faster. So Google literally AMP’s your website up with this new program.


Get an app and boost your SEO. According to a story by Criteo, people were more likely to use a mobile app to search for retail and places within the travel industry, rather than use a mobile website. Create an app that is user friendly, and easy to find. Join the new SEO, and get an app to build your business in Utah.

Google is also helping your SEO by making app searching more organic. This allows those searching for an app likes yours to appear on the list of useful apps.

Machine Learning

Machine learning is something you probably should learn about if you really want your SEO to improve for your company. Machine learning can actually help your advertising by analyzing algorithms and statistics. This will help you reach out to different people not only in Utah, but around the world so you can figure out what demographic your users belong too. This will better help you market and find out who you now need to market to so you can grow your business.

Why You Should Update Your Cell Phone For the Sake of Mobile Developers

By | Mobile marketing, web development | No Comments

The worst thing that seems to happen when not updating or updating your phones iOS or OS is having an app crash on you, or have an app that isn’t supported by your current iOS or OS. Web development companies are on top of their apps, and will usually release them with the latest phone updates.

What Happens When You Update or Don’t

When updates do come to phones, Web designers and Web development firms are on top of getting their websites updated so that they will work with the latest version of Apple or Android. If you don’t update your phone, you may not be able to use apps you could before. Get the new app if it has been updated and load it up, as certain apps are updated for certain phones. And if your app decides not to work, go and check the app store and make sure there hasn’t been a recent update. If there has, that’s the app you want.

Updates on Your Apps

Apple has a place in their App Stores that allows mobile Web development firms to fix bugs and securities in their apps. Most updates are for this case, so if your app isn’t working properly on your phone, then you probably want to update your phone to the newest OS or iOS. The mobile developers create these updates to keep your apps up to date and working properly. Usually your apps will update by themselves, but make sure that the iOS and OS is going to be compatible.

Most mobile Web development firms don’t release the new versions of their app until the next phone update. Some will release their app for free for a short time, while they’re upgrading the usable app. This is usually to help with sales.

In the end the way to make yourself happy and the mobile developers happy is to update your phone when it needs to be.

The Worst Websites for Mobile

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In 2016, mobile is continuing on its path to take over the Internet, from mobile holiday shopping to checking the latest Utah-area news. In an effort to boost search engine optimization — also known as SEO — and stay in the good graces of Google, most reputable websites work hard to make their websites mobile-friendly.

That said, not every website does a good job of optimizing for mobile. While some websites just don’t really seem to grasp the concept of mobile, others appear to be actively working to intrude upon consumers’ mobile experience as much as humanly possible.

Some of the worst offenders are the websites of local news stations in Utah and throughout the country. Local news websites are often littered with photos, advertisements and clickbait news stories. Some small-town news websites in Utah will inundate the viewer with pop-up information, or even highjack the viewer’s ability to scroll—resulting in a cluttered, jumpy mess of a mobile site. Not exactly great for SEO.

Other websites that offer a mobile app — such as YouTube — will upon entering the mobile version of the website present the viewer with an obnoxiously large plug for the app version. Such pop-up ads often have a very small ‘x’ in the corner that is rather difficult to hit just right on a tiny phone screen.

In these cases, the viewer is often unable to exit out of the advertisement on the first try, and instead gets redirected to an app he or she had no intention of downloading in the first place. Luckily, Google has recently released SEO penalties for sites that do this; however many mobile sites are still guilty of this infuriating practice.

Other mobile sites are simply not optimized for mobile. High school and university websites are notorious for this; it’s nearly impossible to use a university’s website on mobile, even the more reputable ones. In 2016, that’s simply unacceptable; if mobile is the next big thing, webmasters need to get with the program — just say no to unoptimized mobile websites.

4 Obsolete Content Marketing Strategies You Should Probably Stop Using

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Much like the rest of the Internet, content marketing is an ever-changing field. As Google search guidelines and consumer online behaviors evolve, content marketers from the Midwest to Utah need to stay on their toes in order to keep consumers engaged.

You’d think any content marketer worth her salt would understand this. Nonetheless, we’re always surprised by how many marketers are still holding on to old strategies — strategies that have long been obsolete.

Focusing Only on Short-Form Content

While short-form content makes it easy to crank out a large quantity of pieces, Google search criteria no longer value short-form pieces as well as longer ones. Long-form pieces tend to rank higher than short-form ones — and there’s simply no substitute for comprehensive, detailed content that both informs and educates your users.

Keyword Stuffing

Back in the day, content marketing was all about the keywords. Companies from the East Coast to Utah could stuff their content full of keywords and expect it to rank highly — no matter the quality of the content.

Nowadays, Google and most other search engines actively penalize websites for this; instead of just focusing on the keywords, put more effort into crafting a quality piece, and use keywords where it makes sense to do so.

Using Meta Descriptions

Meta descriptions used to be a great place to stuff in some more keywords and boost your search rankings. Now, however, meta descriptions have no impact whatsoever on SEO. It doesn’t matter if you use keywords or not; just don’t bother with meta descriptions.

Writing for Anyone & Everyone

We understand that companies generally want their content to resonate with as many viewers as possible, however that approach may actually be hurting your content marketing strategy instead of helping. Determine who your target audience is, then write your content explicitly for that audience. No matter how good you think your content is, it will be of little use if your target audience does not agree.

Bonus: Don’t Forget About Video!

While you can’t go wrong with written content, video is truly the next big thing. For content marketers in Utah and around the world, video brings in unprecedented levels of engagement — so get behind that camera and start filming.

How Mobile Marketing Is Capitalizing on Video Content and Geotargeting

By | digital marketing, Mobile marketing | No Comments

Before the Internet existed, news was read via newspapers; after newspapers, television became a supplemental news source. And with the introduction and explosion of everything-online, the Internet has become the newest primary method of news distribution. The catalogue of how news has evolved over the past 100-plus years speaks volumes in terms of how quickly major communication methods are changing.

Presently, digital marketing firms hold the torch in terms of relevant communication methods. And these agencies are spending a bulk of their resources focusing on what will be the future of advertising and communication: mobile.

Videos Have Advertisers Rethinking Mobile Strategy
With mobile communication taking over more rapidly than anyone in the 21st century could have anticipated, digital marketing firms and agencies are quickly adapting to construct advertising campaigns and methods that are congruent with the mobile takeover. One of the biggest advertising platforms that currently exist is video content.

Facebook, YouTube and similar publishers have long pushed video content. The marriage of video content and mobile devices has made digital marketing firms and agencies re-think the way they advertise within videos. The steady growth and eventual explosion of video content popularity has spawned an increase in programmatic technology and an inclination towards storytelling, rather than direct selling approaches.

Mobile GPS Systems Allow for Geotargeting
Advertising has long since jumped into the rabbit hole of personalized ads — and one of the more brilliant changes produced from this has been geotargeting (also referred to as geo-fencing). By using built-in GPS systems to their advantage, ad networks can pick out exactly where you are — which means they can then serve you a geo-specific advert based off of this information.

This is a win-win for consumers and ad agencies alike; mobile users are much more likely to click on an advertisement that offers services in their immediate vicinity. In return, ad agencies can collect more information about their customer base, thus creating campaigns that are geo-specific to not only your demographic, but to your personal preferences and retail history.

Mobile Internet Use Around the World

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In an increasingly global marketplace, marketing companies and digital advertising agencies around the world are devising methods to reach diverse audiences from the flat landscapes of Utah to the mountains of the Himalayas. With landlines and reliable access to electricity available sparsely in many locations, more and more people are turning to mobile as their primary method of Internet access — as are those in more developed nations.

As mobile grows in global popularity, marketers need to increase their mobile presence accordingly — or risk missing out on potentially lucrative opportunities. Take a look at these mobile Internet statistics and demographics and get a leg up on the mobile marketing game.