Big-Time Companies That Content Market the Heck Out of Their Respective Audiences

More often than not, mammoth trends don’t quite catch on until someone famous decides that something insignificant is totally worth their precious time and effort. Seriously though, remember when Miley Cyrus made typical lap dance maneuvers a household activity?

“Twerking” was born and impressionable 12-year-old girls were hooked, much to the dismay of concerned soccer moms from Utah. Well, believe it or not, content marketing has skyrocketed in a similar, less appalling fashion as a handful of big-time brands have implemented the groundbreaking tactic of digital brand building.

Colgate, for example, is one of those gargantuan companies. As far as exciting product pushing is concerned, toothpaste wouldn’t be considered tremendously desirable. That being said, Colgate has taken their advertising to a new level by way of content marketing.

Recently, Colgate created an online Oral and Dental Health Resourse center which provides visitors with videos, interactive guides and—currently—upwards of 400 articles. Well, played teeth people. Just so you know, we’re still not flossing, so don’t ask.

Ironically enough, the very product that destroys teeth has piggybacked Colgate’s new marketing platform in an effort to keep up: Coke. Check this out: said Coke in its official Content 2020 advertising strategy, “All advertisers need a lot more content so that they can keep the engagement with consumers fresh and relevant, because of the 24/7 connectivity.”

Apart from Utah, when Miley twerks, you twerk. When Colgate and Coke content market, you content market. End of story.