Best Ways to Advertise in 2019

By February 11, 2019advertising, marketing, SEO, Social Media, Utah

Marketing trends evolve every year, and if marketing companies ignore these changes, they can find themselves struggling to stay at the top of the digital marketing food chain. 2019 is no different. If you want to see results and keep clients coming to you, you are going to have to switch it up and adapt to the new trends that 2019 is bringing to the world of digital advertising.

So, will you take initiative to change the way you advertise, or will you fall into the pit of digital media mediocracy? If you’re ready to take your game to the next level, here are the best ways to advertise in 2019 to ensure your company a year of growth and success.

Take Advantage of Voce Search Optimization

Marketing companies are always looking for the best and most relevant ways to advertise, and voice search has definitely become a staple in modern search engines. It has been projected that by 2020, 30 percent of web browsing will be screen-less, and that number will only keep rising. With the sophistication of operating systems, it’s important to make sure that your company utilizes the technology that is voice search optimization. The best way to do this is by extending the keywords your content targets and reworking them into phrases that someone would use when using their voice search option (for example, when they look for things such as the nearest gas station or restaurants). This will work best if you are able to make your phrases sound natural, but craft them carefully so that your services come up when these phrases or keywords are said.

Invest Time and Money into Audio Ads

While video may be the dominant form of advertising, audio content is becoming more convenient to consumers. If you take advantage of it now, you will ultimately see more of a result in more traction. Now, this doesn’t mean that you have to invest all of your marketing budget into podcasts, talkshows or streaming music players, instead, a smart way for marketing companies to approach this method is by taking one blog post a week and uploading it to your website through a program such as the Wix Podcast Player. This is a great way to combine storytelling and advertising. As you begin to get more comfortable with narration, you’ll begin to see an increase in the quality of these audio ads.

Make Visitors Feel Welcome by Using AI

While this may sound difficult, it’s actually a simple addition that you can add to your website to make your customers feel more welcome. In simple terms, you should opt to add a live chat feature on your website. If you don’t want to have a 24/7 live staff on payroll, you can also create automated responses to some frequently asked questions so that that user can be taken care of in a more interactive manner.

Don’t Stop Building on What You Have

This last method is more of a tip rather than anything else, but if you’re using tactics that are working, there is no need to toss them out the window. So, the best thing that marketing companies can do is to create a hybrid strategy that combines new, as well as older, functioning strategies.

These are some of the trending tactics in 2019 that are going to help your company thrive! See which tactic relates to your business and don’t be afraid to give it a try!