If you accessed social media at all during this past Presidential election, then your account was probably plastered with all sorts of political agendas and opinions. You know Donald Trump is constantly tweeting and everyone is either agreeing or disagreeing with what he is doing. Social media has significantly influenced the field of politics.
There is always news — always. Before the Internet, people had to wait for the news that night or the newspaper the next day to get the latest information. Now, you have news wherever and whenever you want it. Marketing agencies around the world work to keep the information flowing along with these sources of news.
The problem with that is occasional misinformation. When people check Facebook and Twitter for the latest trends, the news they pull form there isn’t always accurate.
Increased Interaction
Political polls are important and you can often find poll results on the same day. Thanks to social media, these polls have had an increased presence. Social media platforms can now report results of polls, while also allowing you to participate in polls you or your friends create.
In addition, social media now allows user to have direct interaction with candidates and elected officials. Before the age of the Internet, it was difficult to interact, let alone meet with a political official. Now, there are events that are streamed live across social media platforms where people can interact with candidates and politicians.
The Impact
Social media is still rather new. We are just seeing the beginning impacts on society. It will become more and more influential in the political realm. It will be interesting to see how it will continue to influence politics.
Social media is not only having an effect on politics, but many other things as well. Marketing agencies are no longer just doing traditional marketing. Now, they are targeting website design, SEO and more online marketing rather than traditional media outlets such as television.