With traditional advertising not being as effective as it once was, advertising agencies have to adapt to the changing methods when it comes to marketing. People just don’t read the paper anymore and, now that streaming platforms such as Hulu and Netflix have become such a success amongst the youth, television advertising isn’t as effective when it comes to reaching different demographics. However, this doesn’t mean that video advertising isn’t a good method to use.
The cost of advertising ver the last 25 years, particularly the cost of commanding consumer attention, has seen a tremendous increase since 1990; more and more advertising agencies are taking video advertising to the next level. From short, BuzzFeed style videos to Instagram stories, here is how videos can help elevate your advertising game.
People Today Buy More Based on Where It’s Advertised
As sad as it is to us, people don’t engage as well with blogs anymore as well as they do with videos. On average, four-billion videos are watched on YouTube every day. Over the years, the video sharing platform has become one of the most visited sites on the internet and has created some of the most successful social media starts today. YouTubers have tremendous pull when it comes to their audiences (subscribers), which makes YouTube videos the perfect place to advertise.
Take for example Felix Kjellberg, otherwise known as PewDiePie. Having amassed an audience group of over 66 million people, He is currently the most subscribed individual on YouTube. As almost one-third of shoppers will purchase a product after viewing a video ad, this is good for brands who are looking for a sponsorship. For example, earlier this month Kjellberg was sponsored by a drone company who were looking to get the word out about their glow in the dark drone. Someone with this much pull on YouTube can definitely convince a few hundred thousand of his viewers to purchase this product.
YouTube ads are just one way of advertising, but advertising agencies should convince their clients to invest in influencers and endorsers in order to push products and services to the online audience.
Search Engines Love Video
While brands can benefit from sponsorships and YouTube ads, advertising agencies are happy to see that search engines absolutely love video ads. The largest search engine companies make videos their priority and take them into account when creating and updating algorithms. The best way to take advantage of this is to distribute your videos throughout social media and embedding them onto your site with. This will make it more likely for your target audience to find your brand or agency when searching for relevant information.
Video Ads are a Win on Mobile
About 88 percent of short videos 30-seconds or less are viewed on mobile devices. Whether this is on streaming platforms or mobile games, these ads are more likely to reach the consumer than if they were on their computer or television. Since people most people spend a large amount of their time on their phones, mobile ads lead to more business.
As algorithms constantly change online, video ads stand the test of time—you just have to know how to make them and where to place them. Advertising agencies like Fusion 360 have video ads on lock. If you’re struggling to see results, let us help you.