Written by Ascari Pena
Famous YouTube star and entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk of VaynerMedia states, “Speed is four billion times more important that perfection.” As technology has made our world become increasingly fast and efficient, there is room for debate on what is more important for advertising agencies. Speed or perfection?
As an advertising agency, clients want both. They want their creative to be done fast and perfectly. Unfortunately, this cannot be accomplished in almost any situation.
Being fast on a day-to-day basis is extremely important. A wise man once said “If you ain’t first, you’re last.” Thank you Talladega Nights and Ricky Bobby for the insightful knowledge. It’s extremely applicable in today’s marketplace where being first is important on many levels.
A perfect example is the New York Times. The famous newspaper is looking to eliminate copywriters to replace them with more journalists. In protest, people stood on the street with typo ridden signs to show that in the news industry, ethics and perfection are more important than speed.
Competition for business is at an all time high, and clients are demanding high speed from their agencies. With the amount of tools available for content marketing and web development, there is no reason for agencies to spend weeks on requests from clients.
If you make a mistake large enough, it could be the very next viral meme online. With the speed that the marketplace is demanding, mistakes will be made. Whether clients are more or less forgiving, there is a fine line to be drawn for excusable and inexcusable mistakes. Quality control of content and production is essential to producing a product that has value to the marketplace.
The Balance
While both qualities are important, value and emphasis needs to be place on one or the other. The high-speed market will leave those trying to perfect every little detail in the dust. While making sure all of our work here at Fusion 360 is perfected, speed is the name of the game.