Advertising agencies have to constantly keep up with the changes in technology and how to reach their audience. Advertisements first started with billboards and magazines, then moved to Television. Now, there are so many ways digital marketing agencies can reach their audience, and it’s hard to know which one is best.
Smartphone usage has increase significantly. Since 2001, usage has increased from only 35 percent of Americans owning a cell phone to 64 percent. Many Americans rely on their cellphones for Internet usage. People are constantly looking up their baking online, checking their e-mail, checking social media, playing games, finding driving directions, and many other tasks.
Because of this, digital marketing agencies have needed to shift their campaigns to a mobile direction. They are not only having to create a webpage for a desktop computer, but also developing it to be mobile-friendly as well.
Smartphone Apps
Smart phone apps are another way digital marketing agencies can reach their audience. It is another direction communication with the consumer. People, on average access 30 apps on a monthly basis. While all smartphones come with pre-installed apps, about half of apps users are accessing are ones they have installed on their phone personally.
There are so many different types of apps digital marketing agencies can reach. From gaming apps, educational apps, lifestyle apps, entertainment apps, utility apps, travel apps and everything between, there are so many opportunities to reach the consumer.
The world is changing and improving every day. There will always be the up and coming ‘next great media’ opportunity or up and coming distribution channel. At digital marketing agencies, it is important to stay on top of these up and coming trends to find ways to distribute and communicate with your audience. Smart phone usage is only going to continue to grow so be sure you are finding your audience and leaving them with a relevant message.
Report: Smartphone owners are using 9 apps per day, 30 per month