Ads: Why new technology is better for consumers

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Sony recently filed a patent to turn ads into video games. Essentially, in Sony’s new universe, consumers would be able to interact with commercial advertisements in order to gain some kind of reward (skip the commercials, get a coupon, etc…). Their example: saying the words “I’m lovin’ it!” would skip the commercial.

Now doesn’t that sound like so much fun, yelling at your TV during ads so you can get on with your show? It might not, but the fact is: technological advance has always and will continue to make advertising less intrusive for the consumer.

I know what you’re thinking: “My grandpa Joe never had to scream at his TV just to get on with his show.”

Of course he didn’t. But he did have to watch commercials. And he didn’t have a remote to change the channel, or a DVR to fast forward through the ads, or the option of premium channels without any of them, or a smart phone to play on during them, or… you get the point. So more than anybody ever in the history of entertainment, your grandpa Joe had to watch commercials.

Enter technology. Remotes, DVR, the Hopper, the tablet, and a million other advances have given consumers hundreds of ways to escape the ads, which is great for people who hate ads but horrible for advertisers who pay millions for TV time.

So here’s the miracle: when consumers started running away from ads, companies had to give them a reason to stay. The age of technology became the death of in-your-face advertising and the birth of a new age of advertising: advertising that connects brands with consumers.

Awakened by the startling truth that people no longer have to watch their boring ads, advertisers set out to make advertising that didn’t look, feel, or sound like advertising. Which brings us right back to Sony’s newest patent. Instead of sitting and watching, now you get to play a game with the remote. Or you can change the channel.

So yes, more ads are on TV now than any other time in history. But you’re welcome to change the channel. And, hoping you don’t, good agencies and advertisers are doing everything in their power to make advertising and experiences that will entertain, and captivate and most importantly, connect.

It’s a good day to be watching commercials.

Life of an Intern

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For this “Life of an Intern” post, I’ve simply prepared a brief list of my experiences here at Fusion 360:


  • My first ever paid internship
  • My first ever British friend
  • A new addiction to podcasts
  • A small but growing wall of Mtn Dew cans
  • My first ever professional writing experience
  • A job switch from content to design
  • A new hatred of southbound I-15 traffic
  • At least three new friends to talk Apple with
  • At least two new friends to talk music with
  • My first infographic
  • My 20th infographic
  • My first client pitch
  • My first client rejection
  • My first produced radio spot
  • Newfound ability to make sack lunches
  • Newfound ability to forget to eat lunch
  • A growing collection of uneaten chips
  • A relocation to a cubicle with a window
  • Chairs that make pants squeak
  • Desensitization to Swedish Fish
  • First person in the Fusion 360 office rockin’ dual monitors

So yeah, it’s been pretty amazing.

– Dustin Locke

Google Places is now Google Local

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Google is on the change again.  As we often see Google likes to keep everybody on their toes and at the same time improve their services to their users.

Google Places has been a great way to get local businesses recognized not only by the search engines but also by the local Google users. Google has now taken this a step further by integrating social interaction into the service.

The new service is now called Google Local. By combining Google Places and Google+ searches will now be more relevant to the end user, and will give priority to sites which your family and friends have found useful. Also for restaurants Zagat ratings have been included replacing the old Google star ratings.

What does this mean for you? Social is now going to be playing a much bigger part of SEO, especially Google+. At Fusion 360 we have seen this coming and have prepared for it. We will carry on producing great content and find more followers for you Google+ page.

This is exciting news and combines two great services allowing higher qualified visitors to your site.

Retired: Google Product Search

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Google Product SearchFor many years e-commerce sites have looked to Google Product Search (once known as Froogle, then Google Base) to promote their physical products for sale on Google. This was a free service offered by Google, however this is about to change.

Google has decided to scrap the service for a paid product listing service. Google has tried to change it’s service many times to make it better by trying to have merchants keep the information about their products more current. This has not had the effect and input from the merchants Google would have  liked. By switching to a paid model Google believes the products will be kept fresh and updated.

Although this may not affect your website or business it is always great to know the changes Google makes to see what direction the company is looking to be heading.

The internet is now a little more clever

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Have you ever searched to see how much money a famous actor has? Have you ever searched for Transformers 3 to find out what it’s budget was? Or searched to see what number President Abraham Lincoln was? Well Google just made all that a little more easy for you with Google Knowledge Graph.

Working with sites like Wikipedia Google is now able to show you information like this including a picture when you perform a search without you ever needing to click on a link. The information simply appears on the right hand side where the sponsored listings would usually be.

Google is always trying to improve the way it’s search engine works by providing it’s users with the information they are looking for as fast as possible and with this update it certainly helps speed things up.

Right now Google Knowledge Graph does not show information about businesses, however it will be improved and you can bet it will be added sooner or later.

Google Penguin 1.1 Update

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Google PenguinIn April of this year Google released an update to their search algorithm which decides where your site will be ranked on Google. This update was to filter any websites that Google saw as spam and give higher rankings to more credible websites.

This is a great update by Google allowing sites like yours to receive higher Google rankings.

Now Google has released a further update, Penguin 1.1 to filter out any websites that were missed at the initial launch. Though this will unlikely affect you (it will actually only affect <0.1% of searches) it is worth noting.