Digital Display Advertising and Other Marketing Methods You Should Really Stop Using

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The world of advertising is an ever-changing beast, and as a result, determining what the best methods are for a successful advertising campaign has proven tricky—especially with the ever-changing digital marketplace. And while there are some tactics that many companies would like to use to promote their products and services, experts at marketing agencies are quick to point out that there are some methods that you should really just avoid altogether. Here are three tactics that should definitely be left out of your next advertising campaign.

Digital Banner Ads

Digital banner ads and pop-up advertising are the billboards of the Internet. It seems like they’ll never go away, and many companies continue to rely extensively on this method for their digital marketing strategy. Yet there are few advertising methods that could be less effective in actually generating sales and leads.

Just how ineffective are digital display ads? Studies have found that the average clickthrough rate for these advertisements is 0.1 percent, with approximately half of those clicks being completely accidental. To put that into perspective, an average person is more likely to summit Mount Everest or survive a plane crash than intentionally click on a digital display ad. Yes, it’s really that bad—which is why fewer agencies are including digital display as part of their advertising tactics.

While companies that specialize in digital banner ads promise that their content will reach millions of viewers, marketing agencies worth their salt recognize that potential reach is hardly the most effective method for measuring effectiveness. Quite often, digital display ads are not adequately targeted, resulting in many advertisements reaching irrelevant audiences. Regardless, most Web users ignore these advertisements completely, even if they haven’t already installed an AdBlocker to prevent the obnoxious messages from ever reaching their computer screen.

Black-Hat SEO

There’s no denying that SEO is one of the most important tools to achieving success online. But when it comes to the methods that are used to improve one’s SEO rankings, businesses need to be careful that they work only with marketing agencies that utilize white-hat SEO techniques—and avoid shady practices at all costs. While sound SEO practices can get your business to the front page of Google, black-hat techniques can result in penalties that get your site severely punished.

There are a plethora of unfortunate SEO practices used by shady marketing agencies that can greatly damage a company’s chances of ever ranking highly. Yet many companies continue to engage in these practices. For example, Forbes notes that keyword stuffing—be it in content marketing materials, internal links and even alt-image tags is still quite common. And the oft-maligned practice of trying to buy or sell links is still used by many companies who (unwisely) think Google won’t notice their shady tactics.

Some black-hat marketing agencies even attempt to get clients to rank for completely irrelevant keywords, simply to generate clicks. Spam content, link baiting and even invisible text are sometimes used in an effort to generate links and keywords—but these dishonest practices will ultimately result in punishment from Google and other search engines. If anyone claims to use these tactics, avoid them at all costs! Quality SEO includes content marketing that relies on addressing relevant audience topics as well as optimizing website design to better meet customer needs—all while avoiding keyword stuffing and shady link-building practices.

Dying Traditional Advertising Techniques

Let’s be honest with ourselves—most traditional advertising techniques are quickly going the way of the dodo. The Yellow Pages? Your grandparents may be using them, but it’s unlikely that anyone else is—especially when Google is so much quicker and more effective. Other traditional advertising methods, such as television, radio and newspaper are also becoming less effective as their audiences migrate to the digital world.

Television is a prime example of how audiences are quickly finding ways to circumvent traditional broadcast advertising. The rise of YouTube, Netflix and Hulu have all led many consumers to watch their favorite TV shows online, rather than during the television broadcast, and audience sizes have been consistently diminishing over the last several years (except for major live events like the Super Bowl). Even those who don’t use these digital subscription services frequently take advantage of TiVo and other devices that allow them to skip commercial breaks entirely.

Marketing agencies that are in the know are well aware that these changes in media consumption habits mean that it’s harder than ever to reach desired audiences. But there is hope to be found in digital replacements for traditional advertising methods. After all, most Hulu subscribers are still exposed to commercials of some sort, and the company actively tries to target advertising to its customers’ relevant interests.

For just about every traditional advertising method, marketing agencies have developed a digital equivalent. An equivalent that is more tightly targeted, less likely to be skipped and therefore more likely to actually lead to sales and leads.

For companies big and small, the time is long past to abandon digital display ads, black-hat SEO or outdated traditional advertising methods. The times have changed, and your advertising tactics should too. Be sure that any marketing agencies you work with know how to use effective digital advertising techniques that will yield the desired results.

4 Ways to Ensure Guest Blogging Success Through Helpfulness

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The benefits of guest posting for your niche’s most authoritative sites are many. Whether your desire to guest blog comes from a need for more widespread exposure, a generous bump in credibility or a series of inbound links, rest assured—you’re going about things the right way.

Now, just because you’ve determined that guest blogging is the perfect means through which your personal brand can grow, doesn’t mean success is eminent.

Honestly, just as any of America’s most successful marketing agencies would tell you, a huge part of guest blogging greatness comes from being helpful. Here’s how to make it happen:

1) Thoroughly Read Any Guest Posting Instructions

While a healthy number of authoritative sites don’t have a specific page devoted to providing guest writers with instructions for what’s required to be published, many do.

Believe it or not, being published on another site isn’t solely based on how solid your writing or whether or not you’ve worked at one of America’s most prestigious content marketing agencies; moreover, it also has a great deal to do with how well you can follow instructions. Each site is different and, because of this, comes with a different set of editorial requirements.

From formatting and keyword usage to issues of generic ideation, follow instructions as strictly as possible and you’re much more likely to see your writing blasted out to an audience entirely different from your own.

2) Put Your Best Foot Forward

As Dorothy once famously said, “There’s no place like home.” Sure, as a blogger, it’s natural to want to run your best stuff on your own site. That said, when you reach out to another publication, it’s your job to see to it that only the best of what you have to offer be published.

If this means taking a bit of extra time away form working at any series of marketing agencies to craft an incredible post, so be it. Save the “B” quality stuff and regurgitated garbage for a Quora answer—as a guest blogger, you’re above that.

Remember, just as easily as you can build a reputation as a top-tier writer through guest blogging, so too can it be completely destroyed.

3) Make Your Piece Easy to Post

Nobody enjoys busy work. Nope. Not even the gurus working at the world’s most successful marketing agencies. As far as blogging is concerned, this means posting. Consider this: the finest of digital publications receive hundreds of guest post inquiries each and every day.

Most of them aren’t picked up, but—relatively speaking—there’s still plenty leftover that’ll eventually make its way into the editorial calendar.

Have a heart and make the publishing process as easy as possible for a hosting blog’s publisher. Seriously, bypass the zip files and make your guest as copy-and-paste-ready as possible.

4) Dominate Your Social Responsibility

Share generously. And once you’ve done that, keep sharing. Reputable marketing agencies know what they’re talking about and do this time and time again. Any and all social networks on which you’re active should be involved with the strategic scheduling of your guest post.

Although very much a “you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours” mentality, it works wonders for being invited back for another piece. Take Twitter, for example. Don’t only schedule your your post once. Instead, make it a recurring affair.

Also, though tedious, take the time to personally respond to every single person who retweets, mentions or comments on your post. More than likely, the host site will also be tagged in the tweet and will notice your diligence in taking care of the PR side of things.

Simply put, few things are more effective for winning over the favor of an industry-specific thought leader, so take advantage of this.

Isn’t it about time you blow someone out of the water with your blogging prowess? Yes, this is difficult, but implement all of the aforementioned, and you’re good to go. Heck, before long, you might even have a few marketing agencies call you up in need of your services.

5 Great Ways to Lose Blogging Credibility

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Blogging is no longer seen as a way for bored, stay-at-home moms to entertain themselves during naptime; moreover, it’s now a viable way to build rapport with consumers and, when all is said and done, bring in additional cash. Seriously, marketing agencies are now blogging both for themselves and their clients more than ever before.

Honestly, when taken at face value, none of this should seem too difficult. All that’s needed is a solid platform from which to blog and a few posts here and there, right?

Wrong. It’s much more than that.

In fact, if you and your brand begin blogging with the mentality that it’s a “Set It and Forget It” sort of endeavor, you’re in for a world of hurt. Simply put, if you want to avoid looking like a complete and total newb, there are a few mistakes you’ll need to avoid at all costs:

1) Forgetting to Think Long-Term About a Name

Blogging is a journey. Just as you wouldn’t start a cross-country trip in an old, beat-up automobile, so too should you not lack the foresight to look beyond what you’re currently writing about when choosing a domain name for your new blog.

Sure, now you’re writing about marketing agencies and how they can bring more clients onboard, but if you choose a domain name that’s heavily linked to such a finite topic, you’re setting yourself up for real disappointment once the creative juices start flowing in a handful of weeks or months.

Obviously, your blog’s title should have a great deal to do with your niche, but keep your options open. Case in point—don’t treat the naming of your blog as you did choosing an email address when you were in middle school.

2) Painful Self-Promotion

Marketing agencies know a thing or two about this. No audience wants to subscribe to a blog that does little more than toot its own horn.

Listen, there’s nothing wrong with a bit of strategic backlinking or the sharing of personal experiences or stories, but things should be kept to a minimum. Unique ideas are what draw people to blogs, not your name.

By the way, as your blog begins to grow and you start to allow for guest post activity—should you opt for such a course of action—make certain that your community of writers takes seriously your stance on editorial arrogance.

Your audience—be it through social media, a post’s comments section or the size of your email list—will most assuredly thank you for your consideration. Successful marketing agencies recognize these kinds of indicators and have, because of them, have perfected the art of blogging.

3) Not Giving Headlines the Attention They Deserve

America’s finest content marketing agencies will be more than willing to talk your ear off about the importance of headlines. Why? Well, they play an important role in earning invaluable clicks.

Believe it or not, back in the day, major publications such as The New York Times and Chicago Tribune actually had on-staff writers whose sole purpose was to produce engaging headlines for the articles their journalists had written.

Furthermore, the little kid on a stool shouting for people to take note and buy his towering stack of papers isn’t only a scene made for the movies, but something that actually happened in real life. In today’s day and age, according to experienced marketing agencies, your headline is the best promotional tactic you’ll ever use.

The basic editorial makeup of the current publishing world is somewhat different than it was a few decades back, but the need for awesome headlines hasn’t changed one bit. A simple Google search on how to write an effective headline will provide you with all you need to know to do just that.

4) Brick-Like Paragraphs

When in college, remember being assigned a disgusting amount of reading before the next class? Regardless of how studious you were, the subsequent dread that was felt could’t be avoided.

Similarly, after having opted to click on an intriguing headline, should the first thing a reader see be a page filled with brick after brick of written text, you can count on said reader never visiting your site again.

Long paragraphs are intimidating and tough to glean for the most relevant of desired information. Yes, you’re a great writer or are employed by one of the world’s most jaw-dropping marketing agencies, but in a world filled with competing distractions, the readability of your posts needs to be a real focus of yours while posts are being created.

5) Bypassing Social Media

Let’s face it—most blog posts, whether they be a product of one of America’s many marketing agencies or an individual organization—are read by few people outside of close friends and family members.

Yeah, your blog’s content might rival that of the Huffington Post, but if people don’t know about it, they can’t come to that conclusion for themselves. Help them help you and get busy with social media. Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter are awesome for building digital audiences and should be used on a daily basis.

That said, it’s not necessary to be active on all of them. Choose what best serves your marketing needs, but stay consistent with it. In time, the readers will come.

As can clearly be seen, both marketing agencies and individual bloggers have much to do in order to keep themselves relevant out in the “blogosphere.” While much of blogging excellence is learned through experience, set yourself up for success by making a conscious effort to avoid the most common blogging mistakes.

The Surprising Link Between Content Marketing and Comedy

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If you’ve read an article or two about content marketing and the whole idea of “engaging content,” you’re not alone. As content marketers, we’re often in need of a bit of help, and guess what? The Internet is often the best place to turn.

That said, the problem with many of the aforementioned marketing article types is that rarely do they provide an real, concrete answers as to how engaging content is to be created. Well, in order to make the process a more relatable one, let’s take a closer look at something just about everybody loves to do: laugh.

Seriously, can anyone withhold a smile when something genuinely funny takes place or is said? Of course not. Believe it or not, when such a response is brought about, what’s actually happening is real-time audience engagement.

Even better, it’s purely positive. So, if we’re to improve the very marketing-driven content we’re sharing out on the World Wide Web, we have a great deal to learn from the very people responsible for producing highly responsive content—observational comics.

Understanding Observational Comedy

Ever heard a standup routine or two by Jerry Seinfeld? If you have, you’ve witnessed observational comedy at its finest.

Basically, observational comedy looks to hone in on the everyday aspects of life and poke fun at them. The workplace, family life, the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), pop culture, the airport—it’s all fair game.

Though something might not come off as innately funny, when looked at through the eyes of  Jerry Seinfeld, Steven Wright, Billy Connelly or Eddie Izzard, it’s rip-roaringly hysterical.

Examples to Get Your Brain’s Wheels Turning

Still haven’t made a connection? No problem. We’ve got you covered. Seeing as how we first referenced the ingenious hilarity that is Jerry Seinfeld, let’s toss a bit more love his way.

Said Seinfeld himself in numerous routines, “Just what is the handicapped parking situation at the Special Olympics? Is it still just the two spaces?”

Or maybe some of Bill Connelly’s wit will do the trick for your marketing savvy: “When people say, ‘It’s always the last place you look.’ Of course it is! Why would you keep looking after you’ve found it.”

Lastly, as if you’re not already chuckling, said who many consider to be the creator of observational comedy, George Carlin, “If it’s true that our species is alone in the universe, then I’d have to say the universe aimed rather low and settled for very little.”

Content Marketing and Comedy

Alright, so we’ve finally come to understand more of what observational comedy is and the type of content its pioneering talents produce. Still, what on earth does this have to do with content marketing and the production of the ever-elusive “engaging content”?

Well, let’s get the ball rolling with Martha Spelman’s take on the matter in a piece she wrote for Business2Community: “Comedians specializing in observational humor look around and see what’s funny. And it’s funny because the audience can relate. An observational comedy bit often starts with, ‘Have you ever noticed?’ You can use a similar approach to discover content for your content marketing strategy.”

The biggest takeaway here comes from an observational comic’s focus on an audience. Similarly, when a content marketer focuses on the needs, interests and idiosyncratic propensities of a particular target demographic, the efficiency of said content skyrockets.

Why? It’s simple—both a logical and emotional connection have been made.

Becoming an Observational Content Marketer

Being an awesome standup comedian isn’t a nine-to-five gig; moreover, it’s a career path that requires wholeheartedly dedicating oneself to becoming a top-tier comedian at all times. Believe it or not, the best content marketing gurus view their craft in the same way.

Honestly, it’s more of a mindset than anything else. Instead of  just producing mind-numbing content, take a step back and look around you. Now, start writing. When done correctly, “engaging content” is always the end result.

Advertisers: Stop Interrupting Millennials and Tell Them a Story

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To the surprise of few, marketing has changed a great deal in recent years. It’s always been this way. What once worked five or six years ago, couldn’t be less effective in today’s day and age.

Seeing as how marketing is a game of trends, it’s time to hone in on the very movement—or demographic, in this particular case—that has advertising agencies from all over the United States upping their respective games: millennials.

When they were younger, advertising was merely a matter of force-fed content. The idea was to hook younger generations, build loyalty and then subsequently wait for the money to come pouring in.

That said, millennials are different. Instead of a mere in-and-out approach (great burgers, by the way), today’s millennials are looking to initiate, build and maintain long-term relationships—even with brands.

For marketers, competition is fierce, but there’s a way to get a leg up on your fiercest rivals—content marketing. The term’s almost become a bit of a buzzword in recent years, but there’s a reason for that—it’s working with millennials.

Content Marketing to the Rescue

If you know anything about those of generation Y, it’s that they’re always—can’t emphasize this enough—on some sort of electronic device. Be it a smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer, they’re constantly online.

Because of this, it’s imperative that content marketers be in the right place at the right time to access the product- and service-pushing powers of the millennial market.

Millennials Are Open to Brand Interaction

Recently, a NewsCred-led study surveyed roughly 500 American millennials and found that 47 percent of them are open to some kind of corporate communication on a regular basis.

Simply put, millennials are listening. They’re receptive. Though the stereotype surrounding the aforementioned group paints a picture of arrogance, entitlement and self-indulgence, the reality of the situation—at least as far as content marketing experts are concerned—couldn’t be farther from the truth.

Furthermore, the study revealed that upwards of 62 percent of millennials readily interact with any and all content they discover online. Even more intriguing, when they do just that, they admittedly feel more connected and loyal to a brand.

Articles, blogs, websites or social media posts—it’s all fair game for content marketing gurus looking to have an impact.

Sure, millennials are willing to engage with you and your brand, but that doesn’t mean that just any old tactic will do the trick.

Speaking more of how this is to be done, says Michael Brenner in a piece written for Entrepreneur, “Ensuring that your content marketing meets millennials with speed and scale at the moment it counts the most guarantees a long and healthy relationship.”

Basically, if you’re not consistent in the production of high-quality, top-tier content, another company will be, and they’ll most assuredly claim what’s deservedly theirs—millennial loyalty.

Speak to the Individual, Not the Masses

In spite of what many chop-shop content marketing agencies might claim, treating millennials as the individual consumers they very much are is the best way to target them. Yes, it’s time-consuming. It’s tiresome. It’s difficult. But most importantly? It works.

Once again, referencing NewsCred’s study, 64 percent of surveyed millennials said they they respond more positively to a brand message when said message is tailored to their specific interests—music, sports, entertainment, etc.

Additionally, 62 percent of young participants say they feel similarly when given messages that help them solve their everyday issues. And here’s the best part—when content is cared about, 50 percent of the time, its then shared on social media.

Are millennials a tricky demographic to deal with? Yes, but it’s by no means their own fault. Their wants are genuine and, to be completely honest, what consumer wants to feel like he or she is communicating with an old-school used car salesman while online? That’s right—nobody.

Be natural. Be authentic. Be real. While not the most convenient of advertorial tactics, content marketing is here for the long haul. It’s time you adjust. Give it some time. The results will come.

8 of The Best Social Media Listening Devices

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The online marketing world continues to diverge and expand. Today is far more complicated than yesterday and tomorrow will probably be even worse. With so much data available, content marketing companies often need help to gather, collate and interpret their statistics. Additionally, with the advent of the social media revolution, most companies need to keep track of multiple business accounts.

Fortunately, dozens of paid and free services are available to help businesses manage online data and social media accounts. These listening tools can do everything from allowing multiple administrators post on a single account to counting every mention of your business across the social media spectrum.

Fusion 360 - 8 of the Best Social Media Listening Devices (Fusion 360 Agency)

How To Become an Effective Storyteller

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No, storytelling isn’t just for Disneyland and tired parents who can’t get their children to bed at a decent hour. In fact, in today’s digital age, it’s also for marketing agencies set on developing and sharing a message with their respective target audiences. By so doing, real brand engagement can come about.

That said, how is a story with an advertorial epicenter to be told to consumers without coming off as pushy or overly sales-driven? Simply put, the secret is to stay close to the very principles which have always governed great storytelling. Confused? The following infographic explains things in a clear and concise fashion:

Fusion 360 - How to Become an Effective Storyteller (Fusion 360 Agency)

How to Get Way More Blog Subscribers

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Marketing agencies understand the power of the corporate blog. People want to be informed, and when your company publishes content relevant to your business, your credibility goes up. But how do you get people to subscribe? Blog subscription might seem like a thing of the past for some, but thousands of people use RSS feeds daily.

Feedly, one of the most popular readers has about 50,000 paid subscribers alone today. People crave news. They want to be updated, and you can help them stay in the know. By following these tips, you can build your blog subscription and become an authoritative voice in your industry.

Fusion 360 - How to Get Way More Blog Subscribers (Fusion 360 Agency)

Your Business Can Dominate Instagram With These 8 Tips

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Instagram isn’t just for self-absorbed millennials obsessed with the documentation of each and every minute detail of the typical day’s events. Nope, believe it or not, the booming social platform can actually be used for a great deal of good, as far as America’s biggest social media marketing agencies are concerned.

So, if you own a business and have always had an affinity for the image- and video-sharing network, consider pushing your service or good though the medium, as well. Looking for a bit more guidance? No issue. Take a moment or two to hop on down to the following infographic. We’ve already provided you with everything you’ll need to get started.

Fusion 360 - Your Business Can Dominate Instagram With These 8 Tips (Fusion 360 Agency)

3 Tips for Improving Social Media Engagement

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When it comes to building a successful digital marketing strategy, it seems that social media is one thing that most companies understand they can’t do without. From major national brands to small mom-and-pop stores, it seems that almost every company at least has a presence on Facebook (and in many cases, Twitter, LinkedIn and other platforms as well).

But as many marketing agencies know quite well, there’s more to successfully utilizing social media than simply setting up an online profile. To generate a true return on investment, your social media efforts need to be generating sales leads and actual sales. And to get to that point, companies big and small need to find ways to increase overall engagement rates for their social media content.

The following are three important tips for you to make sure that marketing agencies aren’t the only ones who are able to get a good return on investment from social media.

Write Well

It may sound overly simple, but the basis of any kind of success in the social media world is writing. After all, if your posts have the grammatical coherence of a first-grader, it’s unlikely that anyone will want to pay much attention to anything you have to say (which is probably why so many companies turn to marketing agencies for help in the first place).

But there’s more to writing for social media than having a keen eye for grammar and spelling. Web users are looking for easily digestible bits of content that are informative, entertaining or both. In general, shorter social media posts are more likely to perform well than lengthy, wordy posts. Using hashtags can also connect your post to a larger digital conversation, allowing others to connect and engage with your post.

As marketing agencies nationwide could attest, visuals also play an important role in capturing the attention of an audience—and social media is no different. Moz reports that “posts with photos get, on average, 39 percent more engagement”—a significant advantage over text-only posts.

Varying the content provided via social media is another important element of keeping your audience interested and engaged. For example, maintaining a blog is another key part of content marketing, and while sharing your blog posts on Facebook and Twitter is a great way to increase traffic to your blog, that shouldn’t be the only type of content that you share—otherwise, the audience will eventually begin to lose interest, even if you are producing great blog content. Shake things up with video posts, shares of industry news, sales announcements and even memes or infographics to keep the audience interested.

Timing is Everything

Of course, you could have entertaining, insightful posts but still not get any engagement if your posting strategy is off the mark. Marketing agencies recommend different posting times for different social media platforms, but early afternoon seems to be a prime time for many platforms.

For example, Facebook posts generally garner more clicks when posted around 3 pm, while shares are more likely to occur on posts that go live around 1 pm. Posting closer to the weekend (ie. Thursday and Friday) is also likely to generate higher engagement levels than posting earlier in the week.

Of course, with these posting times being relatively common knowledge among marketing agencies, there is also a risk that your post could become lost in a sea of other posts that are going live around the same time. Thankfully, Facebook’s Insights tools allow page owners to see at what time of day more followers are online so businesses can adjust their posting strategy accordingly.

Sites such as LinkedIn and Twitter also tend to receive better engagement during business hours—apparently, social media is a popular way to slack off at work. Twitter’s highest click-through rates come at noon and 6 pm, and even Pinterest can generate good click-through rates on Friday afternoons (though Pinterest is also a popular choice for weekends and evenings—when people have time to cook, craft, etc).

Posting at the right (or wrong) time could make all the difference between your posts getting clicks, shares and other engagements or going completely unnoticed.

Take Advantage of Analytics

Some marketing agencies have the tendency to treat each social media profile the same. But the audience for the lawnmower repair shop down the street is not necessarily the same as the audience for that local underground punk rock music venue. And so while writing well and posting at the right times are key to achieving social media success, it is important to constantly analyze the results of your social media efforts to make sure they are achieving the desired results.

Facebook and Twitter both offer great analytics tools that break down the number of views, clicks, shares, etc that each post receives. And as any marketing agencies worth their salt could tell you, in order to ensure continued social media success, it is important to take full advantage of these resources.

For example, take a closer look at your most and least successful social media posts. Are there any similarities between the posts that are performing poorly? Perhaps an issue with wording or the time of day the post went live, or maybe some posts didn’t have any images? Taking a closer look at what works and what doesn’t for your unique audience will allow you to make the needed changes that ensure only the most engaging posts are created.

With these tips in place, your social media marketing efforts can engage your audience and in turn generate more leads and sales—something agencies worldwide love to accomplish.