The Difference Between VSO and SEO

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Technically VSO (voice-search optimization) is a branch of SEO (search-engine optimization) because voice searches use search engines, nevertheless, there are differences between VSO and SEO. As voice search technology improves in recognition accuracy, more and more searches are done without a screen. This means if businesses want to remain relevant, they must optimize for both typed searches and voice searches. Say hello to voice search optimization agencies!

Voice searches are phrases, complete sentences, and questions. This is probably the biggest factor that separates typed searches and voice searches.

Searches that are typed out are the most simple combinations of words like, “pretty flowers” and “cat videos.” Growing up with Google, most people understand that the way to find answers about a question is not by tapping out a complete sentence. No, getting answers from Google with a keyboard entails using KEYWORDS and ONLY keywords. Very few if’s, and’s, or but’s about it.

The way to get answers from Alexa or Google—complete sentences. “Alexa, what are the names of some pretty flowers?” and “Alexa, I want to watch cat videos,” these questions are the stuff of voice searches. What does this mean for voice search optimization agencies? This means that companies should make their written content conversational. This means that companies should research into the most common phrases people use and employ those in their blogs.

Another difference between voice searches and search engine optimization that voice search optimization agencies pay attention to is local searches. 22% of voice searches are for local businesses, and most of the searches are performed through Google. Voice search optimization agencies help companies to keep their information current, and agencies make sure companies verify their business with Google. This way when a person searches for a company’s address, hours, or phone number using their voice, they get quick, accurate information.

One last difference between search engine optimization and voice search optimization is the type of information people are looking for. On search engines, articles packed with information (keywords) and links do well. With voice searches, people are looking for concise, simple answers to complex questions. For example, if a person types in to Google, “define voice search optimization agency,” then a list of prospective agencies will come up. If a person asks, “what is a voice search optimization agency?” then Google is specifically looking for something like, “A voice search optimization agency is a company that helps businesses shape content for potential customers that are searching for related information with their voices.”

The differences between search engine optimization and voice search optimization are subtle but important. Voice search optimization means including more key phrases than key words. It means updating local information and presenting services in short, simple sentences. Search engine optimization often means providing links to information and priming articles with a certain number of keywords.

Voice search optimization agencies like Fusion 360 are adapting their strategies and customizing sites so that whichever way a potential customer searches, that customer is directed to exactly the business they need.

The Benefits of Voice Search

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In recent years, we’ve seen marketing methods evolve way beyond what we could have ever expected. With new technologies, the various ways that voice search engine optimization agencies can target their audiences has grown, leading to an increase in the harnessing of voice-search technology. When executed properly, voice search can be convenient, effective, and more appealing to today’s digital audience.

With so many companies competing for search engine rankings, it’s important for marketing firms to evolve in order to beat out the competition; it’s time for the rise of voice search optimization agencies. Here are some of the benefits that come with voice search optimization and why your advertising agency should take advantage of it.

The Convenience

People love anything convenient. If they don’t have to put in as much effort to do something, they’re all for it. It may sound lazy, but it’s true, and there’s no shame in that. When it comes to googling something, let’s say while driving, it’s so much more convenient for someone to simply ask their phone to “look for the nearest gas station” instead of having to pull over to the side of the road, unlock their phone, open a browser and type it into the search engine. Today, convenience equals satisfaction, and we’re all for it when it comes to online searches.

Advertising agencies may even see a spike in traction if they use the right keywords. Newly established voice search optimization agencies need to make sure they are targeting keywords and phrases that accurately represent what someone would say. If they are able to implement this important process, the result will not only help them, but also those who searching those keywords.

You’re Tapping into the Largest Audience Base

People spend most of the time on their phones today, and not as much time sitting at a desktop. When it comes google searches, the mobile audience is going to be your main source. People will get on a computer when they need to do more in depth research about a certain topic or product, but when someone is in a rush or they want to know something quickly, they’re going to resort to voice search on their phones for the fastest results.

The reason that voice search optimization agencies are so successful today is because they’re pulling in all of the traction to their client’s sites, blogs and social platforms; they’re taking advantage of this newly establishes marketing concept in order to stay ahead of their competitors.

The key to voice search optimization is to rework your content in order to make sure it encompasses this innovative way of advertising. Voice search optimization agencies are the future, and are leading the way to a more advance, sophisticated and efficient way of marketing. That’s why if you have any inquires about the process or need assistance then contact us at Fusion 360.

What is Voice Search Optimization

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When you Google something, Google’s algorithms examine all the sites on the internet and bring up results that pertain to what you search. The result that shows up at the top is determined by a series of factors. These factors include key words, links, titles, etc. For example, if you input a specific key word, then a website that pushes out a lot of content and uses that same specific key word will likely be presented higher on the search result than other sites with different variations of keywords. It’s much more complicated than that, but that’s the gist. When companies tailor their content to attain a higher spot on a search, that is called search-engine optimization (SEO). For years, companies have focused on SEO to further their business, but the way people search for information is changing.

That’s right.  Siri, Alexa, Cortana, and other automated assistants offer the opportunity to search with just your voice. This has given rise to an entirely new form of SEO: voice search optimization. Gartner has estimated that 30% of web browsing sessions will be done without a screen. Now there are voice search optimization companies which focus on specifically crafting content to show up in a voice-search.

What’s so different about voice-searches? For one thing, they usually report only the top result. If I type into Google, “define optimization,” the first result will be Google’s definition, but I will also be able to scroll through other definitions, like Mirriam-Webster’s. If I just ask Siri, it will probably read me only Google’s definition.

Voice searches are done with conversational language and include far more question words. Instead of typing in “best voice search optimization companies,” I’ll probably say, “Alexa, what are the best companies to do voice search optimization?” Additionally, most voice searches are long-tail (long and specific)—people will search “hardwood love seat” instead of “couch” and include conversational words.

Voice search optimization is constructing content so that a voice-search will find it. One of the biggest ways to do this is to update your company’s info (address, phone number, hours of operation, etc.) on Google and keep it current. Voice search optimization companies also recommend that you get a healthy number of positive customer reviews and pay attention to meta-data (detail about what information is on your site—it’s written directly into the source code). Another technique voice search optimization companies use is to offer succinct answers to conversational questions. So, if a person asked, “How long does it take to eat a sucker by licking it?” an optimized result would be, “It takes anywhere from 3-6 hours to eat a sucker with only licks, depending on the time between licks.”

Voice search optimization is the SEO of the future. Fusion 360 is one of many voice search optimization companies that helps clients optimize sites. This way customers find excellent goods and services from all the best sites, and employers get loyal customers from all over the internet.

How to Optimize Your Content for Voice Search

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Voice search technology is quickly becoming a popular way of searching for things. Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant are all examples of voice search softwares. With the uprising popularity of voice search, voice search optimization companies are an up and coming business. These companies can address the commonly asked question of “how can I optimize my own content to benefit from voice search?” Here are three steps you can take to help optimize your content for voice search.

Use Natural Speech

When you are creating your content, choose keywords or phrases that are natural for people to use. Words and phrases that you use in normal conversation like things you would ask your friends are the types of things people are going to ask voice search. Avoid using the choppy sounding keywords that used to get the job done. These choppy phrases aren’t how people actually talk, and as a result, they aren’t going to speak this way into their voice search. By having your keywords be casual conversational ones, it will increase the amount of traffic you will get to your website. Voice search optimization companies are newer companies created to help you optimize your content specifically for voice search.  

Long-Tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords are super useful for smaller companies. These are phrases that are a little bit more specific but are still using casual speech. For example, a small shop that sells local used vintage books probably won’t pop up if someone simply searches “bookstores.” However, if someone is to search “local vintage used bookstore,” this company is likely to be one of the firsts to pop up. Again, voice search optimization companies are a great way to figure out the best keywords for your company. These long-tail keywords are useful for all companies, but if you are an up and coming company, this is one of the most beneficial things you could do for yourself.

Using “Near Me”

Since 2016, voice search has seen a 200% increase in the use of “near me” searches. It is so easy for people to search “restaurants near me” or “where can I buy vacuums near me.” This is especially easy lately because other parts of our smartphones are linked into our location so we don’t need to say our town or city. Voice search optimization companies will almost always encourage you to include these “near me” keywords into your content. This is one of the easiest ways to optimize your content.

Optimizing your content for voice search is becoming more important for your company as voice search is growing in popularity. Voice search optimization companies are a great option to learn specific ways to increase your own content’s traffic using voice search.  Using super casual tones when writing content and keywords, using long-tail keywords, and taking advantage of  “near me” popularity are all great ways to help optimize your content.

How to Generate Rich Content

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Creating rich, meaningful, and interesting content is the best way to get traffic to your site, and content marketing companies were created to help you create this type of content. There are hundreds of way to incorporate things into your content that will boost your SEO ranking. Though content marketing companies have hundreds of ways to help you with this, we are only going to mention our top three tips.

Relevant Topics

One of the most important things you can do to to generate rich content is to choose and talk about relevant topics. Content marketing companies reiterate this fact time and time again. It is super crucial for SEO purposes to stay on top of current events. One thing companies sometimes get mixed up though is when to use current events and when not to. You want to make sure whatever event you are talking about relates to your content or your brand. Randomly writing a blog post about so-and-so’s death isn’t going to help generate rich content. It’s the use of related current events that will help you out a lot.

One way to make sure your content is relevant to both your brand and your costumers is to make sure you know your audience. If you know who your audience is and what their likes and dislikes are it is super easy to target them AND toot your own horn at the same time. This is the essence of rich content. Being able to address and intrigue your viewers while discussing topics that relate to your brand and encourage people to buy into your brand, whether it is products or services they are buying. Content marketing companies are experts at making these connections and can help you if you are struggling with this part.

Interesting Content

Content marketing companies also discuss the importance of making sure your content is interesting for people to read. If you don’t take the time to create interesting content, nobody is going to want to read it and as a result, they won’t go buy your product or service. You can take boring topics that relate to your brand and change them into either informational or more interesting posts. If your content revolves around things the average person knows about, making it more interesting will probably be more beneficial than making informational. However, if your content is more unknown to the average person you can easily create an informational or “how to” style of blog. The goal of content is to get traffic to your site, and these are two of the best ways to spice yours up.


The last tip that content marketing companies recommend is the most important for creating rich content. Being consistent is key! Whether you post every single day or once a week, making sure you make a schedule and sticking to it is the easiest way to keep your content relevant. The more consistently you are making and posting a blog or some other sort of content, the more often your keywords will be used and as a result, you will have better SEO rankings.

Integrating Trends into Your Content

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Integrating current trends into your content is the best way to get the most traffic to your website and company. Content marketing companies are experts on incorporating trends into content. If you aren’t staying on top of trends, your company is going to start losing clients. Simply put, if you don’t stay on top of current trends in the world, your company will quickly be left in the dust. So how exactly can you avoid this and incorporate trends into your content? And more importantly, how do you find what trends are current and best to use?  

Content marketing companies are very popular and useful right now as they work to increase company business and continue to push brands forward. They are experts on how to stay on top of current trends and how to incorporate them into content. Here are a few tips on how to stay on top of current trends.

Keep Your Information Up to Date

The easiest and maybe the most obvious way to stay on top of trends is to stay up to date on news and social media. In today’s world, there is no way you will be able to stay on top of current trends if you aren’t consistently checking the news. Potentially more important than the news even, checking all your social media accounts is crucial. Content marketing companies are constantly following social media trends and learning from them. This is the easiest way you can stay on top of trends.

Utilize SEO Tools

Another way content marketing companies stay up to date on trends is by using SEO tools. This is where you can enter keywords people are plugging into search engines like google and see rising trends. You can see if certain words or phrases have been picking up or slowing down in popularity. You can then incorporate the information you find with these SEO tools into your content.


Networking is huge for staying on top of current trends. Going to local conferences and other activities are great for networking with other people looking for the same trends you are. It is a perfect time to share what trends you have found and hear what they think are the main trends. Whenever you can get out and network, you are benefitting your company in multiple ways.

After you find out what the current trends are, you need to work to incorporate them into your content. For example, if you find via SEO tools that a certain keyword is starting to gain some traction and popularity, use it a number of times in a blog post. It is also important to remember that trends are constantly changing.

Staying on top of trends isn’t lazy work, it takes dedication and persistence. Content marketing companies are built to stay on top of these trends. And though at first, it may seem challenging to do so, it doesn’t need to be. If you are staying up to date with news and social media, using SEO tools, networking and staying persistent, you will pretty easily be able to spot current trends and as a result, be able to integrate them into your content.


Finding the Right Marketing Tactic for Your Content

By | Brand marketing, content marketing, digital marketing, marketing, marketing agencies, Mobile marketing | No Comments

Marketing is so much more than just putting out a video advertisement on Facebook and calling it good. You need a plan, effective techniques and bulletproof methods to make sure you get the results you’re looking for. When it comes to coming up with a strategy, there isn’t a set one that all content marketing agencies follow; every brand needs a unique strategy so that they can stand out from the competition and show off their personal brand to the world.

Depending on what kind of content you’re wanting to put out and what your brand message is, you’re going to have to really do your research to come up with the best tactics possible when it comes to marketing your content. Here is how you can find the best tactics for your brand.

The Different Types of Marketing Tactics

The purpose of a marketing tactic is to help you reach your business goals. Whether you’re looking to expand the reach of your services or get your products into the hands of people around the nation, you need to market your brand efficiently. A few efficient marketing tactics include:

Paid Marketing – Investing in content placement, publication, a website, SEO and boosting social posts are great ways to get your name out there. There are both traditional and digital ways of paid content: traditional ways include magazine and billboard ads, and digital methods including Facebook and YouTube ads.

Sponsorships and Endorsements – Paying for brand representation can help boost your brands credibility and help with exposure. Whether you’re being promoted at an event, on a podcast, or through a webinar, you’re going to see an increase in traffic to your website and social platforms. The type of content you’ll be promoting through sponsorships is more visual content.

In addition to the sponsorships is influencer endorsements. Again, more visual content is going to be the focus here; your services or products will most likely be advertised in a video ad or photo on the influencer’s social media platforms.

Engagement – This form of marketing will help you build a connection with your consumers. Most content marketing agencies will use social media messages, blog post comments and surveys to achieve this type of marketing.

E-mail Marketing – Some content marketing agencies will turn to email marketing for audience engagement. You can mail out a newsletter, blog post email, or even behavior-driven email. The best way to reach an audience through email marketing is to have them subscribe to your newsletter.

As you can see, there are several ways that content marketing agencies can accomplish their purpose—it’s all about finding the right one. If you’re looking to develop a strategy to help your brand reach new heights, contact us here at Fusion 360. We’re good at what we do and we’re ready to help you establish your brand.

5 Ways to Make Your Content More Interesting

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Content marketing agencies are agencies that create branded content for specific companies. No matter what kind of company you work for or own, it is possible to make your content more interesting. How can you possibly make a boring topic interesting? Well, we’re glad you asked. Here are five ways to make your content more interesting.

Focus on Practical Topics

The first tip we have is to focus on practical topics. Writing and posting about things most people find interesting is one of the best things you can do. Things like how-to’s, tutorials, and other informational posts tend to reel in the readers. This is because people want to read things that they can take and then use in their real lives. Content marketing agencies can oftentimes transform a boring topic into practical one, and all of a sudden, readers are learning about your topics while being intrigued by practical things they can use in their lives.

Include Pictures and Videos

This step is super important to create more interesting content. Media of any sort can spice up writing of all different types, no matter how boring you may think it is. Being that vision is one of the strongest human senses, seeing something cool when you first open an article or blog will naturally make you want to keep reading.

Include Humor and a Casual Tone

One thing content marketing agencies really encourage is using casual tone in your content. This makes the readers feel like they are listening to a person talk, not some corporate stickler. Keeping it casual will make anyone reading feel more comfortable and willing to reach out to your company. Another way to keep it super casual is to include your sense of humor in your writing. Again, this will not only make it a lighter reading and a more enjoyable experience for the reader, but it will also make them feel more inclined to reach out and talk with your company, which is what you are wanting to get out of content.

Tell Stories

Again, content marketing agencies often times include stories in their content. This is one of the easiest ways to intrigue your readers into your article. If you are writing something boring, but have a super exciting story in your writing, readers may not even notice they are reading and learning about your topic.

Use Figurative Language

Lastly, content marketing agencies use this technique to give a casual vibe and to build rapport with their readers. This is also a great way to turn a rather boring topic into something pretty exciting. Figurative language like similes or metaphors can also help readers understand things better if your topic may be a little hard for some people to understand.

Trying out any of these suggestions are great ways to spice up your content. When your content becomes more interesting, you are more likely to get more traffic to your site and as a result get more customers or clients.


The Difference Between Digital and Traditional Marketing

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When it comes to marketing, there are various methods out there for a digital marketing agency to consider. From radio campaigns, to online video ads and even traditional newspaper or magazine ads, there’s no one way to advertise; however, some of these methods are more effective than others, and in today’s technologically advanced world, it comes as no surprise that traditional marketing is beginning to fall behind in some of its methods.

At this point, you may consider digital marketing as the new “traditional” marketing, especially since most people today send their time online. But, does the rise of digital marketing really mean that traditional marketing has met its end? Here is how these two forms of advertising differ from one another.


Traditional Marketing at Work

 Traditional marketing has been successful, even to this day, because internet connection isn’t required to reach the audience. This form of marketing was huge before the internet became popular, because it had a strong presence in the world, whether that was through television ads, radio ads, or newspaper campaigns, the consumer was given the content right there and then. Traditional marketing definitely has its benefits, as you can easily reach your audience through physical materials like flyers and magazines.

Not only this, but the materials can be kept by the consumer, and when someone has a physical copy of something like a magazine or book, they’ll often find themselves flipping through it over and over again. Often times, traditional marketing material is easier to understand as well, simply because people are used to this marketing strategy. Traditional marketing allows the targeting of those who aren’t tech savvy or those who don’t have access to internet connection.

But, with its benefits, traditional marketing also has its downside. Physical print such as flyers and magazines can start to get costly, and ad placement is often static and unchangeable. The audience may also feel as if the content is being forced on them, and it’s hard to measure the success of the campaign without analytics. You might also have a harder time reaching your target audience than you would with the help of a digital marketing agency.


Digital Marketing: Advertising Reimagined

 With the decline of one method comes the uprising of another, and traditional marketing may soon have to pass the torch to the mighty digital marketing method. The beauty of digital marketing is that it adapts with the advancement of technologies and social platforms. A digital marketing agency has the power to reach an international audience, which can lead to more results when it comes to ad campaigns. Traditional marketing can be limiting, but with the help of a digital marketing agency, you’re opening up options to both you and your consumers. For example, most people can’t stand seeing flyers in their mailbox or on their car windshield, so digital marketing lets your audience choose how they receive ads. Making your audience feel like they have a say is the best way to improve conversion.

Digital marketing also allows for audience interaction. When you send out a flyer, you’re putting all of your trust in that piece of paper. After it reaches the consumer, all you can do is hope that it has enough information and appeal to it to make that person really consider its message. With digital marketing, you can point consumers to your website, where they can review your product or service, see what others think and even get in touch with your staff if they have any questions.

A digital marketing agency will also give you real time results, and you can track how well your campaign is doing through analytics tools. This will allow you to see what is and what isn’t working so you can tweak things accordingly. However, the best part about digital marketing is that it’s cost effective and easy. If you’re looking to run an ad campaign, you won’t have to worry about printing, radio, or tv costs. A digital marketing agency will just give you a flat rate, and they will take care of all of the advertising for you.

There are so many benefits to digital marketing, and while traditional marketing may not be as efficient as it used to be, it set up the basis of advertising and has helped us improve upon advertising methods to better engage with audiences across the globe.




Different Types of Digital Marketing

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Digital marketing agencies are the marketing agencies of the future. Digital marketing is simply electronic marketing that aims to promote products, services, brands, and companies. Within a digital marketing agency, there are a few different types of marketing strategies that are all intertwined. The umbrella of digital marketing covers online marketing, social media marketing, and mobile marketing. Let’s dive in and learn a little bit more about each of these marketing techniques and see how they together.

Online Marketing

The first type of marketing you can find at a digital marketing agency is online marketing. This type of marketing pretty much just promotes its product, services, or brand through any online platform. A big part of online marketing is creating and managing websites. Websites are great marketing tools because that is where potential customers or clients go to see what your brand is all about. Online marketers are in charge of getting traffic to their websites too. To do this, they participate in search engine marketing. This is when you get exposure from certain keywords you use within your website. This includes things like pay per click and search engine optimization. Online marketers also do email marketing and create online ads. To say online marketers have quite the job is an understatement.

Social Media Marketing

The next type of marketing you will find at a digital marketing agency is social media marketing. Social media marketers’ job is to promote their companies product, service or brand through social media sites. These include but are not limited to blogs, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. They have to reply to costumers comments, develop hashtags for the company, and plan and post quality content. It is important for all digital marketers to keep an eye on the trends of the internet. They need to pay attention to things like what kinds of stuff get the most views and what type of content is most popular at the moment.

Mobile Marketing

The last role that you can find at a digital marketing agency is mobile marketing. This type of digital marketing is targeting consumers on their phones and tablets. These marketers use text messages, various ads, and mobile applications to promote their product, services, or brand. This is one of the fastest ways to build traffic for your company. Mobile marketing is an especially newer form of marketing in the world today. It is super important for companies to use it and benefit from it.

Overall, digital marketing is super prevalent in our world today. It is one of the fastest ways to get traffic to your company, and as a result get you more clients and customers. A digital marketing agency includes multiple different types of more specific marketing- online, social media, and mobile. All of these marketing techniques work together to get your brand out into the world and to get you the best results possible.
