Getting to know your audience can be a challenge, even for marketing companies. We live in a fast-paced world and it’s easy to lose sight of the people we market to in our pursuit of different goals or strategies. But if your audience can’t relate to you, then even the best strategies won’t do much. Here are some ways to really get to your audience’s level and understand them.
Get Personal
Get out of the office and meet some of your actual customers. Don’t just ask them about product-related questions. Get to know them as an individual. This can help you get a better handle on what makes them tick. You can learn what they value, what makes them laugh or what everyday challenges they face.
Read the Comments
This is especially important for any social media marketing. Pay attention to what people are saying online and how often they say it. Engagements and comments are a great place to glean insights into what your audience is looking for.
You’ve probably heard this before, but creating a persona of your ideal client can be extremely helpful. It takes some research, but if you’ve got an accurate persona to “talk to”, then you’re team is more likely to remember the individual when making decisions. It can also help you get new team members up to speed on your goals.
There are a lot of programs out here that marketing companies can use to generate a survey. These can be helpful because you can get specific information about your audience’s demographics and what they might think of your product or service.
Trying to get to know your audience is an investment of both time and money. However, marketing companies know that it’s well worth it. The money and time that you put into your advertising will be well spent if your audience is listening. At Fusion 360 Studios, we can help take your marketing game to the next level. Our team is all over this sort of thing, whether you need video content, social media, or blog posts. Drop us a line and we’ll help you get started!