Did you know that academy award winning films are not necessarily the films that make the most money in box-office sales? That’s because the people who judge films for Academy Awards are anywhere from 30-100 (they’re not teens or young couples on dates), and there are only 6,000 of them (They’re a relatively small percentage of the population that judge these movies). Also, Academy Awards are like, literary awards. They depend a lot on emotional impact, not necessarily action quality or actor attractiveness, even though those things are somewhat important. So, what is in film production that makes a film award-winning quality?
First, the film must be compelling. For example, dramas are emotionally captivating—they make an audience feel emotions more deeply than comedies do. In film production, scenes need to make an audience hold their breath and clench their fists tight. What makes a drama an even more emotionally powerful film? A true story. If the film is based on something that actually happened, audiences are sucked in even more. That’s the stuff that the judges eat up. It’s one thing to watch something fictional, but another thing entirely to watch something real. Knowing that the film is based on true events triggers empathy. When an audience realizes that the scenes flashing across their faces portray REAL human beings, it deepens the film’s impact in a way that nothing but reality can.
To win an award, a film must send a widely accepted message, or in today’s world, a progressive message. This is of vital importance. Your film production will not win any awards if the message you’re sending is widely offensive or directly combative toward public opinion. For example, WWII films consistently do well. By and large, most people agree that Nazis were bad, American soldiers were heroes, and the slaughter of innocent Jews was horrendous. If, however, your film portrays Trump as a national savior and Obama as a dangerous criminal, no awards for you. Public opinion varies too widely.
Furthermore, famous people play a huge role in film production. The reasoning is two-fold. Celebrity directors, actors/actresses, and studios attract more attention, and Academy Award judges do have favorites. Secondly, celebrities are often famous because they’re talented people. Talented people make excellent films. Excellent films win awards. Basic.
The last element of award-winning films is the quality of the film production. Brilliant writing, screenplay, and soundtracks define Oscar-nominated movies. Films that feel too experimental or too predictable just don’t do as well. Your film should surprise and delight your audience while remaining mostly inside their comfort zone. Also, films that are obviously “Oscar-bait” (cliché Oscar material released at the end of the year) are sometimes less liked because they’re trying too hard.
In short, real-world dramas do best because they engage audiences. Controversial messages in movies divide and offend the Academy Award judges. Celebrities actors and directors can carry the film into prominence/nomination. And movies whose film production flows flawlessly stand out.
No matter what film you are looking to create, the same principles can be applied to everyday videos. moving stories/emotion, real-life connection, great talent, and etc. The film production team here at Fusion 360 understands these things and apply them to the videos we make. If you have any film production needs, do not wait to contact us!