Technically VSO (voice-search optimization) is a branch of SEO (search-engine optimization) because voice searches use search engines, nevertheless, there are differences between VSO and SEO. As voice search technology improves in recognition accuracy, more and more searches are done without a screen. This means if businesses want to remain relevant, they must optimize for both typed searches and voice searches. Say hello to voice search optimization agencies!
Voice searches are phrases, complete sentences, and questions. This is probably the biggest factor that separates typed searches and voice searches.
Searches that are typed out are the most simple combinations of words like, “pretty flowers” and “cat videos.” Growing up with Google, most people understand that the way to find answers about a question is not by tapping out a complete sentence. No, getting answers from Google with a keyboard entails using KEYWORDS and ONLY keywords. Very few if’s, and’s, or but’s about it.
The way to get answers from Alexa or Google—complete sentences. “Alexa, what are the names of some pretty flowers?” and “Alexa, I want to watch cat videos,” these questions are the stuff of voice searches. What does this mean for voice search optimization agencies? This means that companies should make their written content conversational. This means that companies should research into the most common phrases people use and employ those in their blogs.
Another difference between voice searches and search engine optimization that voice search optimization agencies pay attention to is local searches. 22% of voice searches are for local businesses, and most of the searches are performed through Google. Voice search optimization agencies help companies to keep their information current, and agencies make sure companies verify their business with Google. This way when a person searches for a company’s address, hours, or phone number using their voice, they get quick, accurate information.
One last difference between search engine optimization and voice search optimization is the type of information people are looking for. On search engines, articles packed with information (keywords) and links do well. With voice searches, people are looking for concise, simple answers to complex questions. For example, if a person types in to Google, “define voice search optimization agency,” then a list of prospective agencies will come up. If a person asks, “what is a voice search optimization agency?” then Google is specifically looking for something like, “A voice search optimization agency is a company that helps businesses shape content for potential customers that are searching for related information with their voices.”
The differences between search engine optimization and voice search optimization are subtle but important. Voice search optimization means including more key phrases than key words. It means updating local information and presenting services in short, simple sentences. Search engine optimization often means providing links to information and priming articles with a certain number of keywords.
Voice search optimization agencies like Fusion 360 are adapting their strategies and customizing sites so that whichever way a potential customer searches, that customer is directed to exactly the business they need.