SEO Tactics to Thwart Hackers

By March 17, 2016SEO

For anyone used to the Internet, hacking is nothing new. Hackers — people who seek and exploit weaknesses in a computer or network — are present everywhere from Anonymous to 4Chan, releasing private information about high-profile companies such as Sony, targeting ISIS’ social media accounts and leaking nude celebrity photos.

Every now and then, innocent websites will get hacked and stuffed full of spammy backlinks in an attempt to increase the page rank of some random hacker’s website in Utah. This can result in some serious Google penalties — even if the spammy backlinks were someone else’s doing. Here are some SEO tactics to help protect against Internet hackers.

Reliable Hosting

When it comes to website hosting, it pays not to go for the budget option. A quality hosting provider will offer professional support and safety measures to prevent against hacking.

Update Software Regularly

While it can be easy to get behind with software updates or have your website running on an outdated version of WordPress, not updating frequently leaves your website open and exposed to potential hackers who can highjack your SEO. Software updates exist for multiple reasons: for maximum security and for keeping everything up-to-date.

Keep Good Backups

There’s nothing as important as having frequent backup copies of your website. Keep website backups separate from your usual computer; for best security, store backups on an external drive or on a separate network altogether. This makes it harder for hackers in Utah to completely derail your website and wreck your SEO.

Have a Strong Password

As this famous comic from xkcd illustrates, the strongest passwords actually don’t use a combination of numbers, letters and punctuation — instead, the strongest passwords employ a mix of random common words. Absolutely do not use passwords such as “12345” or “Password!”

Remain Vigilant

Always make sure to monitor your website regularly. Look out for any suspicious activity, and run regular security scans. Consider employing professionals in Utah who know exactly what a compromised website looks like.

Hackers can be a Webmaster’s worst nightmare. Help protect against hacking by following these important steps. And never ever use your work computer to browse websites of questionable integrity — that’s just stupid.