Pre-production; sounds like a pretty broad step in the whole video production process, right? The word itself tells you that it is what happens before you actually start production and filming. But what exactly do you need to do before filming that is so important it requires this whole step? Here are the five stages of pre-production that need to be completed before filming.
The Script
This step may seem obvious. You can’t really film if you don’t have a script and a plan of what you are going to say and do. Creating a script can be a pretty long process, especially if you are including all of the drafts and re-writes you are going to do. Video production teams are there to help you write the script too. It is important to solidify and perfect your script before you move into the production phase as it will save you time and money to do so.
The Crew
Choosing your crew is a big part of pre-production too. You’ll have to make sure you choose a video-production team that have desirable traits, reviews, and that you are comfortable around. Choosing your cast is important as well. You want to select people that represent your brand and products the right way. You will also want a cast that you get along with to make the production phase a lot smoother for all of you.
The Location
Where you decide to shoot your film is a huge decision. Inside or outside? Studio or house? Morning or evening? There are endless options of where and when to film, which can be overwhelming. Your video production team should be willing to help you make the right decision. Once you decide where you want to film, you will have to figure out what kind of equipment you will need in that specific place. For example, if you are shooting inside you may need lights, and if you are shooting outside you may need camera covers to in case the weather changes.
Though this may be one of the least exciting steps of video production, it is easily one of the most important. Budgeting sets the tone for both the production and post-production stages of filming. Doing so ahead of time will make sure you don’t accidentally spend more than you have, which is very easy when it comes to film production.
The last stage is video production is rehearsing. This step also can take a long time, it depends on the length of your video. Scheduled rehearsals along with individual ones are some of the best ways for everyone on the team to learn their lines. Having everyone be confident and prepared when it comes to the production phase makes it a lot easier for everyone.